Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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- There are at least 100 type of magics in the game
- Orwell is a 17 year old kid who lives in the village. He lost his memory when he's 12 years old
- Charlotte is a 17 year old girl who is raised as a sibling with Orwell
- Samuel is the leader of a tribe. He's renown for his bow skill
- Wilco is a rebel or some sort
- Sorty is a girl who handles big sword
- Robert (Mr. Robert) is a magic user
- The enemy 1: Glenn, a frequent winner of the battle field
- The enemy 2: Neville is a cunning monster who kiss the ass of the strong and bully the weak
- Igor is a high ranking official (?)
- You will get a map overview before the battle. Then, you will choose up to 4 characters to fight
- The status of the partners will be indicated by the facial expression icon above them
- You will have to clear off barricades/obstacles in your path to advance
- The magics are seperated into 4 main elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Wind. You mix and match the simple magics for more than 100 types of magics
- The magazine gives an example of a simple command from each of the 4 main elements
・Using the wiimote to draw a circle execute a wind element attack that blows forward in a straight line
・Zigzag movement with the wiimote execute an earth element technique which creates a wall from the soil for protection purpose
・swing the wiimote / then \ to execute a fire element type, fireball attack
・a smaller circle with an interception (kinda a knot) to make a water technique for healing purpose
- May 21st Release
- 5800 yen
- you execute spells by drawing the symbols with the remote
Logisch. Ist ja auch die selbe Reihe.Mich erinnert das Game sehr an Lost Magic.
Och ja, klingt ja alles ziemlich nice. Und Online Kämpfe, sollte es denn so sein, wären natürlich echt fett.
Wie war denn eigentlich Lost Magic?
Nachdem ich keinen Bock mehr auf Spiele hatte, bin ich jetzt total gehyped. Weiß auch nicht warum, aber alle angekündigten Spiele würde ich mir am liebsten sofort kaufen.Hat Kugelblitz eine Wette verloren oder wieso lobt er Wii-Spiele zurzeit so?![]()