XSeries/PC Starfield

Die Concept Arts sehen einfach fantastisch aus, und haben sehr starke Star Wars Vibes.
Ich finde auch die Concept Arts aus The Mandalorian einfach nur grandios. :goodwork:
Im Tweet gings ja nicht nur um Starfield. Es wird halt sowas gemeint sein wie Quake, das man ja auch auf PS5 sowie Switch spielen kann
Wenn ich den tweet lese von ihm da oben, sind andere Plattformen immernoch nicht ausgeschlossen :coolface:
Ja, sie drücken sich sehr wage aus - kein Plan warum. Auf den tweet hatten einige reagiert und geschrieben dass er sich nur auf den Launch im November bezieht, damit aber nicht ausschließt dass es später doch noch kommt. Darauf hatte er geantwortet dass er NICHT von einer zeitexlusivität redet sondern dass die genannten Plattformen die sind auf denen es erscheint
4chan Leaks via Resetera:

- Game starts with you "choosing" your location. aka you do not start at the same planet or station everytime you start a new game. it dependz on various things

-Flyable space ships with space combat (missiles, lazers, gatling guns)

- Ship cuztomization

- Choose from a base model of a ship and from there on out you can swap things like engines, weapons, cargo, whatever. you can also make cosmetic changes, pretty much change the whole ship. Think of it like power armour in Fallout 4

- Nova Galactic is one of the manufacturer. They offer 3 different base models (exploration, cargo,
gunboat). Axion Energy offers 2 (mining, cargo), Argos has 1 (science and exploration).

- Full weapon and armour customization like in Fallout 4

- Armour is layered again like in Fallout
- Gravitiy changes depending on where you are (Planet, Moon, Space, Station). Wildlife looks more bulkier on planets/moons with higher gravity and sleeker on planets/moons with lower gravity. It is very science based so that all of it "makes sense". Still some wacky stuff but thats to be expected.

- Gravity is a new "mechanic" in Starfield, since havok is now gone and has been replaced in-house. For example you can turn off gravity in a ship or a station and everything that isnt attached to a surface starts floating around (Prey?).

- Anti-gravity exists and no its not by centrifugal force. bitch we in the 2320's

- Intelligent life exists alltough it will be part of the main story's mystery. consider every sort of "alien" to be 99% primitive lifeforms (like Ashta or non-violent species)

- Planets, yes there will be multiple, dozens even. Planets, moons, asteroids and other stations.
- Each planet is bigger than skyrim's map with negative space inbetween every handcrafted location. would be fuckn stupid to let the player fly around in your ship when theres no actual distance between each place.

- Procedual tech used between locations, now works and looks much better than in any of the previous games. you sometimes wont even notice it. theres radiant AI stuff now built into this aswell as other stuff. its no longer just a "brush tool" to paint areas, it can do much more. Sadly wont be part of CK

-Settlement building returns. this time much improved. early on in the game you'll get a quest to build a colony on a planet, you can decide to head there straight from the beginning of the game or just leave it on the side and do it later (like usual its completely optional stuff). The quest basically acts as a tutorial to explain the player how settlement building works. its its own questline with multiple tutorials showing you different things...and some lore attached to it so it actually makes sense why you're building a colony there. The dude giving you this quest is named Branson Garvey...

- Throughout the systems you can offer refugees and other people to start a new life in your colony. once they're there they will start setting up shops and if you build a landing pad traders aswell as new colonists will come visit your colony. Theres much more to talk about that stuff since itll be one of the biggest marketing selling points for this game. If you have more questions feel free to ask. Once you completed the first tutorial quest you can start building a colony pretty much on every planet/moon.

Lore/story stuff:

- Ships use warp tech to go from one place to another and helium 3 fuel for regular combustion engines when you want to manually fly your ship

- Graviton field loop array is the warp drive, yeah...thats the name, sounds like shit imo

- Earth is a shithole (even more so than now), you cannot land there but you can go to all the other places in our star system.

- Theres a City on Mars called Cydonia. One of the bigger urban locations in the game since it was the first place in Starfields universe that got colonized. All other colonies/cities are pretty young still.

- 2 major pirate organizations: Black Fleet and
Crimson Fleet. They are in war with each other, you can join either of them or destroy both by joining Vanguard, a security force within the United Colonies, kinda like FBI/CIA who deal only with the heavy shiet. There's also a few other pirate groups but mostly non-organized pirates without a special name or something

-In Kryx System there's an asteroid belt around a brown dwarf with a pirate city built into one of the asteroids. It is a neutral place for all the pirate organizations and groups where the player can go and join one of the 2. There's also another ship manufacturer which you can unlock later on should you choose to become a real pirate.

-There is a cult faction who believe that Jesus/God came from the stars and are looking for his real birthplace. You can join them.

- Main story revolves around that alien structure thing you saw in the trailer. You are on a mission to find clues which are hidden across various star systems and planets in order to understand how to activate it. Each clue leads to a bigger clue which then gives you a piece of the "puzzle". Until you have all and can activate the machine. (spoiler: its a wormhole to another galaxy where "The Builders" come from.)

„Each Planet ist bigger than Skyrims Map“ :angst:
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