Sony TGS Sammelthread

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Oh man hat sich noch jemand dieses 3 min gamplay Video von Ridge Racer runtergeladen?^^

OH man sieht das geil aus.

60FPS und 1080p at his best^^
Der Nitro sichteffekt ist auch sehr geil^^

edit: By the way report von der SE Pk^^

Final Fantasy XIII
The core game in the compilation was shown first, followed by Agito and Versus.

The trailer for FFXIII was essentially a remixed version of the E3 trailer, with added scenes to show off more gameplay. The trailer started off in a speeding train much like the E3 trailer, but quickly shifted to other locations, such as a populated city. The trailer also showed how the heroine is able to move with such accuracy and speed; she uses a special device that allows her to literally levitate when she's not moving, and it also lets her move faster than normal. This might make sense in battles; the game still uses menu-driven combat, and it's possible that while making decisions on what to do, the game will go into slow motion a la The Matrix while it waits for your commands. The trailer ended in the same fashion as the E3 original, with our heroine squaring off against a giant monster. Overall it was a cool trailer, but there wasn't a lot of footage that suggested how the game is going to be played.

The mobile game Agito seems to be a card-based game, judging from the trailer that we saw. The trailer started off by scanning a ruined landscape, and then quickly focusing on one solitary island. The scene shifted towards a building that looked like a school, with dozens of students converging on the building. The students suddenly disappeared, leaving one blond-haired boy in the building. By cutting his finger and then dipping it into a small console, the whole building came alive, and then the boy took out his deck of cards to examine them. Unfortunately for him, the building around him collapsed, leaving him unconscious with his cards fluttering away. His cellphone rang as the trailer faded to black.

Finally, the Versus trailer started with a view of a modern looking city during the evening. Shifting to a view inside one of the buildings with a man sitting on a throne, the trailer went on to explain how one isolated city housing the last crystal, protected by its king, stands alone, resisting the 'heretic order' of the outside world. Then, the man on the throne stands and leaves the building, as the battle for the last crystal begins. Outside the building, the man is met by several dozens of armed soldiers who notice his appearance. As he walks down the stairs, the soldiers start firing on him, but it's futile. Apparently, the power of the 'king' is too much for them, as he seems nearly invulnerable to their attacks. Soon, the force surrounding the man materializes into several swords. The 'king' grabs one as the trailer ends. From the looks of things, Versus is going to be very action-based, but it'll be more about ancient technology (swords, crystals) going up against modern tech (guns). This seems to be the recurring theme in all of the FFXIII games.

den Rest gibt es hier:

oh und Ninja gaiden in 1080p :P
RWA schrieb:
Sry das ich es noch mal poste, aber irgendwie untergegangen.

Text from the Invite: PLAYSTATION 3 PREVIEW EVENT (Hands-on access to various first party PS3 games only, as well as select SCE executives and respective game producers)*

SCEA also told me that there were more announcements coming tonight. But nothing about how big or small they are. So don't freak out. Seriously.

Passend dazu:

The Tokyo Game Show keynote address is over, but more official announcments are potentially on the way. It has been reported that an unknown number of journalists have been invited to a "Playstation 3 Preview Event" at Sony's official headquarters. If this announcment of a second Playstation Event turns out to be accurate the invitation suggests the following journalistic opportunities will be avialble, "Hands-on access to various first party PS3 games only, as well as select SCE executives and respective game producers." Very little is known about this potential event except that one journalist has reported being told the event will begin at 6PM in Japan and end at 9PM. Also, this individual was reportedly told to expect additional announcments. However, please do not accept this information as absolute fact until additional sources confirm this meeting.
Nur frage ich mich, wieso Sony da so eine Geheimniskrämerei draus macht? Wieso bekommen es nur ausgewählte Fachpresse und Entwickler zu Gesicht? Was ist mit uns Spielern??? :cry:
Ok... langsam gefällt mir 1080p doch nicht mehr... ich meine, bisher hab ich nicht wirklich gedacht, dass damit so hochwertige Grafiken auf PS3 wirklich so möglich sind... scheinbar ein Irrtum... aber jetzt wär´s mir doch lieber, wenn die Power in bessere Grafik und 720p gesteckt würde... bewiesen das es geht hat Sony ja nun, aber des reicht au... ;)
laut 1up ist das eh nur ne art Privat TGS wo sie alle Spiele ohne schlange spielen können^^
Weil Sony einfach keine Ahnung hat. Die könnten abr das PS Meeting Material zeigen. Wie auch immer, warum die Ladies da oben immer so ne Sache machen müssen. Hey der Käifer muss das Zeugs sehen, nicht die Fachpresse.
Weil Sony einfach keine Ahnung hat. Die könnten abr das PS Meeting Material zeigen. Wie auch immer, warum die Ladies da oben immer so ne Sache machen müssen. Hey der Käifer muss das Zeugs sehen, nicht die Fachpresse.
Naja aber die Fachpresse verbreitet es und erreicht so weitaus mehr potenzielle Käufer. Also ist es ganz normal^^
Naja, im Zusammenhang mit dieser "privaten Vorstellung" werden ja auch neue Bekanntmachungen erwähnt. Wenn es denn stimmt, bekommen diese Herrschaften wohl neue Sachen zu sehen, wovon wir nur aus zweiter Hand erfahren werden. Besser als nix, aber am besten wären immer noch HD-Videos zur eigenen Meinungsbildung. :neutral: Ok, ich bin (wie die meisten) nur ungeduldig und will immer alles und zwar sofort! :blushed:
Very little is known about this potential event except that one journalist has reported being told the event will begin at 6PM in Japan and end at 9PM. Also, this individual was reportedly told to expect additional announcments. However, please do not accept this information as absolute fact until additional sources confirm this meeting.

Wann wäre denn das bei uns ?
CoMuS schrieb:
Very little is known about this potential event except that one journalist has reported being told the event will begin at 6PM in Japan and end at 9PM. Also, this individual was reportedly told to expect additional announcments. However, please do not accept this information as absolute fact until additional sources confirm this meeting.

Wann wäre denn das bei uns ?
Ich glaube die läuft schon oder ist sogar schon vorbei...


There was indeed an event and it ended. It was at Sony's headquarters and was only for select journalists. Basically, not too much was revealed from what I can find so far, and I am trying to find more information. But the second event is done with.
Ok, anscheinend doch nichts weltbewegendes dabei gewesen.

Naja den ganzen Journalisten wurden die Spiele erklärt und sie konnten den Enwicklern Fragen stellen. Wie z.B. beim neuen 8 minütigen Resistence Interview mit sehr geilen szenen^^
B@¥ek schrieb:

Für mich überzeugt die Grafik mehr nicht von ihrer Schönheit, sondern von der Technik, insbesondere von den Bewegungen. Die Grafik ansich, die man sieht, finde ich sehr gut, aber nach den vielen anderen Gametrailern nicht mehr spektakulär. Auch der Unterschied zwischen Ingame und Ingamesequenz ist doch deutlich wie bei Lost Odyssey auch. :)

@Emotion: Bayek meinte glaube nicht den Grund, sondern die Tatsache. ;) Darüberhinaus ist es Direct-Feed.
Emotion schrieb:
Vielleicht mal richtig fotografiert, mit guter Quali?

Den Trailer gibts ja auch noch nicht in HD od?

Ja das mag sein, aber diese Bilder sehen erheblich besser aus als die letzten, oder seh ich das nur so? :oops:
Trailer gibts noch nicht in HD.
Mog schrieb:
B@¥ek schrieb:
Ja das mag sein, aber diese Bilder sehen erheblich besser aus als die letzten, oder seh ich das nur so? :oops:

Das Gesicht und die Haare sind auf den alten Bildern deutlich besser... GEAR SOLID 4.jpg

MOG, ich meine nicht die ersten Bilder sonder dieses hier:
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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