Publisher: Sega
Entwickler: Image Epoch
Release: Sommer 08 [Japan]
Paar Infos von rpgfan zu World Destruction
Wird bestimmt grandios
Entwickler: Image Epoch
Release: Sommer 08 [Japan]

Paar Infos von rpgfan zu World Destruction
Kimihiko Fujisaka, Shin Nagasawa, and Masatoshi Azumi are involved
- team of almost 50 members.
- pushing the DS hardware hard in terms of visuals
- main character - Kirie
- Kirie has the ability to destroy the world, and is forced to join a committee that is hell-bent on doing so
- female lead - Morte
- Morte is in the committee as well due to a tragic past. She is a skilled fighter, but not a skilled in the ways of love
- Other characters: Naja (half-man half-wolf) Agan (friend of Morte) Lia (appears young, but is over 300 years old)
- turn-based
- build Battle Points (BP) which can be used for techniques, special techniques and combination attacks
- well-timed button presses add more damage
Das Szenario stammt von Masato Kato (Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Cross) und der Sound von Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenogears, Chrono Cross).
Wird bestimmt grandios