Wii Sadness

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Our friends over at Nibris have been rather busy of late. The company is currently working on a number of DS projects and also the highly anticipated Sadness for Wii. Today, they have announced signing on industry leader FOG Studios as its exclusive representative for interactive development and intellectual property placements.

Nibris CEO Piotr Babieno had this to say:

“We have closely watched how FOG Studios has helped other developers from our region, and from around the world for that matter, achieve a level of success that many teams aspire to, but often don’t reach...Also the fact that they do not shield their clients from their customers, the publishers, as a way of maintaining their power base, but instead help to facilitate direct and lasting relationships between their clients and customers to create ongoing, self sustaining partnerships. This is the mark of a great partner, and we are proud to be working with them.”

FOG Chairman and CEO Ed Dille adds:

“Although the games market always has been and likely always will be driven to a large degree by franchise titles, many publishers are realizing that they cannot simply recycle the classic franchises over and over indefinitely in new packaging, and are aggressively looking for titles that can become new franchises. At the same time, the public is crying out for less replication and more innovation in game play, which has been one of the driving factors behind the success of Nintendo’s Wii console recently. When we evaluated Nibris and their highly anticipated Wii title Sadness, we saw a level of creativity, passion and devotion to innovation that we have seen with past clients like Westwood Studios, when they were launching Command & Conquer, and we know those qualities will be rewarded in the marketplace.”

FOG and Nibris are currently showcasing their projects at the Game Convention in Leipzig. FOG will also be representing their clients at the upcoming Austin Game Developer’s Conference and the Tokyo Game Show. More on Nibris oh so very soon, so stay tuned.

Quelle: Cubed3
Das klingt sehr vielversprechend!


Moment, ich habe das nicht vergessen. xD
1. Ist das nur dummes Pressegelaber
2. Hat sich Nirbis in den letzten 2 Jahren bestimmt schon mit 5 verschiedenen anderen Studios etc. zusammen geschlossen und es ist nie was draus geworden.

Wenn, dann hat man davon scheinbar nichts mitbekommen.
Das eine mal wars ja nur, dass der Publisher (wie hieß der nochma? oO) abgesprungen ist.
Aber es wurde dann nichtmal gesagt, dass Nibris einen hat, von daher...
Wenn, dann hat man davon scheinbar nichts mitbekommen.
Das eine mal wars ja nur, dass der Publisher (wie hieß der nochma? oO) abgesprungen ist.
Aber es wurde dann nichtmal gesagt, dass Nibris einen hat, von daher...
Das war aber damals ein Entwickler, der dann abgesprungen ist. Das wurde bekannt gegeben und, dass sie auch einen Publisher gefunden hatten, der aber nicht genannt werden wollte.
Frontline Studios had previously signed a deal to co-produce Sadness. However, as of March 17th 2007, the companies parted ways due to "artistic differences". [1] Nibris is now in talks with Digital Amigos to publish the game.

lol, Nibris macht doch grad sowieso viel mehr DS games als an Sadness zu arbeiten. Ich gehe sogar so weit zu sagen das Sadness nie Existiert hat :)
such a sadness :lol:

wenn sadness noch für wii kommt dann kauf ich mir auch ne ps3
in dem jahr wo es erscheint....hmm also doch 2020 mist wollte schon vorher
ne ps3 kaufen :lol:

ich hab echt keine hoffnung mehr .
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