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entschuldigt die frage aber wo steht, dass nintendo mit emagin zusammenarbeitet?
ich mein jetzt außer in diesen blogs...
hab ich da was verpasst?
wurde das von einer gamesite veröffentlicht?
CoolPCman schrieb:mhm, emagin is oled display hersteller... lässt imo die wahrscheinlichkeit dieses displaybutton(also diese buttons mit dem kleinen display drin) controllers steigen...
Tonight SeriousGamer007 will take on the M-Game.
I will go over their mistakes and ultimately why they will fail.
We will go over everything from the pricing of their new system to why they are going to become the latest version of the Dreamcast.
A Revolution is coming!
Are you ready to Revolt?
Auf die er nicht geantwortet hat... dabei hätt ich sogern gewusst, ober wirklich ins Gästebuch geschrieben hat... und Miyamoto!Crushburn schrieb:oh man! Wenn ich mir die letzten drei seiten angucke kommt mir das kalte kotzen! da geht sogar unter das der serious echte mails veröffentlicht! z.B meine!!!
glaskopf schrieb:Auf die er nicht geantwortet hat... dabei hätt ich sogern gewusst, ober wirklich ins Gästebuch geschrieben hat... und Miyamoto!Crushburn schrieb:oh man! Wenn ich mir die letzten drei seiten angucke kommt mir das kalte kotzen! da geht sogar unter das der serious echte mails veröffentlicht! z.B meine!!!![]()
Mr. Anderson schrieb:CoolPCman schrieb:mhm, emagin is oled display hersteller... lässt imo die wahrscheinlichkeit dieses displaybutton(also diese buttons mit dem kleinen display drin) controllers steigen...
Wie willst du spielen ohne DRUCKPUNKT, ich kann so nicht spielen, wenn du das kannst, dann viel spaß!
Microsoft its OVER!
You see Microsoft brought its M-GAME.
It was a joke really.
Microsoft has sealed its fate. Much like the Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast. Both were underpowered, overhyped systems that were released first.
Furthermore Microsoft is offering the Xbox-360 at an extremely expensive price tag of $399 for the real Xbox 360. You can get the barebones version for a mere $299 (being sarcastic with the mere).
This is absolutely ludicrous to think that this system is going to sell. Microsoft no marketing team can save you.
Its over.
For one you have not sold gamers on why your console is the future of gaming. Many dont believe that the future of gaming is a mere graphical improvement. Gamers today want something more. They want something to tell them that the future of gaming has arrived and it is worth the money.
Many of your games at E3 looked very comparable to the Xbox. Gears of War was an exception. However you can not bet the success of your console on one or two games. It doesnt work that way. Furthermore your controller is almost identical to that of the original Xbox.
The Xbox 360 will offer nothing new to gaming. Nothing!
Why would you want to spend $400 dollars on this? Moreover when you add one game to the equation with tax you are spending $500!
What is the point if the only thing you are going to get is a graphical improvement?
All the consoles are going to have graphical improvements over their predecessors. Gamers need something more.
Gamers want innovation.
Gamers around the world I dont care if you are Nintendo Fanboys, Xbox Gamers, or Sony Diehards, ask yourself this question.
Is graphics enough? Is that all its gonna take for you to be happy?
I think the answer is NO.
I think you want more.
Something new and exciting.
Something to BELIEVE in.
That is where the Revolution comes into play. The Nintendo Revolution will run $249.00 for a base system that does not include Visor. It will be more powerful that both the Xbox 360 and the PS3.
This is a fact! Whether you believe in SeriousGamer007 or not, does not matter these are facts.
Furthermore the Xbox 360 uses the same controller as the Xbox. Almost identical. The Sony PS3's controller looks like a damn batarang. Do you really want to play with this garbage?
You want something new. Something state of the art.
Doesnt a Controller that is gyroscopic with the ease of use that anyone can pick up and play sound better? Something that the nongamer can pick up and play with ease as well as the hardcore gamer use to master the most complex games.
Isnt that more appealing. Something NEW!
What about a Stereoscopic 3D Visor? What happens if this is brought into the mix? What about that. Many of you may seem unsure but trust me when you strap on a Stereoscopic 3D Visor with full stereo sound suddenly first person shooters seem a little bit more than first person.
It feels REAL.
Now would you spend $349 on a system that was more powerful than the competition, had a new innovative controller that the beginner gamer as well as the gaming elite can use as well as VISOR that immerses you into a game, all in one package?
Would that seem like it is worth your money?
I think you would agree.
You know my wife and I walk our dogs every morning. We take them on a 3 mile walk. During our morning walk my wife said "Honey you know what I wish Nintendo would do?I wish they would have fewer buttons on their controllers. So it is not so complex."
I looked at her and said "What about the games that are complex like Zelda and so forth that may need the extra buttons?"
"Well maybe a controller could do both, that would be Revolutionary."
I looked at her and said "I agree".
To all the Gamers out there hold on to your money. Dont give in to Microsofts hype. They are desperate. They need to succeed this generation or they are done. They have lost so much money on the Xbox that if this console doesnt make a profit they are done. Let them rest in peace.
Gamers this holiday season realize that Nintendo has heard your voice.
They understand what you want and are going to deliver. Nintendo will deliver online in new unprecedented ways.
Nintendo will have graphics that make you say "WOW" and fall out of your chair. They are breathtaking.
Nintendo's Visor will make games jump out at you.
Why stay on the sidelines doing nothing but playing the old way when you can hop onboard this REVOLUTION?
14 days before the Ides of March a Revolution will begin!
Are you ready to Revolt?
Still seem Kiddie?
Crushburn schrieb:oh man! Wenn ich mir die letzten drei seiten angucke kommt mir das kalte kotzen! da geht sogar unter das der serious echte mails veröffentlicht! z.B meine!!!
desweiteren herr weiser sahraslasdingsbums oder wie du auch immer heisst:
Wenn du versuchen willst mit allen mitteln uns klar zu machen das der ein faker ist und nur scheisse labert usw. dann geh woanders hin sowas brauchen wir in diesem thread nicht! wir haben unsere eigene meinung und die behalten wir auch egal was du fürn bullshit schreibst! we Believe! und wenn du dich in diesem thread aufhältst was ich begrüße dann bitte trage zum thema bei und versuche uns nicht deine meinung aufzudrücken. denn wir lassen andere meinungen zu aber du mit deiner intolleranten art und weise bist hier wirklich fehl am platz!
ich hoffe du postest weiter so fleissig! ich hab spaß daran!
ein wenig glauben ein wenig misstrauen einfach nur spaß haben mit gerüchten und der art und weise wie der serious schreibt!
ich weiss nicht warum du noch versuchst den beiden herren swisslink und sahraslasdingsbums zu erklären wieso weshalb warum serious was geschrieben hat. ich wäre dafür das wir dumme kommentare ignorieren und geniale posts aufarbeiten!
i believe!
und wenn mr. sarhasalsdingsbums meint ich dürfte seinen namen nicht so schreiben dann möchte ich mich in aller form ausserordentlich bei ihm entschuldigen. nur dein name ist auch kacke zu merken! sry
Crushburn schrieb:desweiteren wo werde ich beleidigend?
ich wäre dafür das wir dumme kommentare ignorieren und geniale posts aufarbeiten!
Power: 4 Teraflop peak performance is more than both the PS3 and Xbox 360 combined. That is Revolutionary power.
It will be more powerful that both the Xbox 360 and the PS3. This is a fact! Whether you believe in SeriousGamer007 or not, does not matter these are facts.
"Remember this site is designed for speculation and hype."
"Nintendo has made a sound decision. The upcoming Zelda: Twilight Princess has been moved to the Revolution."
"Either I am right and know the truth. Or I am completely wrong."
"Hyping is often the only way for some people to believe in something they can't understand."
Fakesch said, "In the console market, beginning in 2006 our wi-fi capable flagship Revolution will set new landmarks. By 'expanding the definition of gaming' we don't only mean an advance towards new limits of gaming, but also to new potential players. We want to win over new people and inspire them, those who have never thought about taking a controller into their hands -- more girls, young women, adults, and also elderly players. Certainly in the process we won't neglect the fan community. Germany needs new kinds of games and Nintendo is certainly the company that is best-suited to supply them. We hold a unique position in the market. We are among the worldwide leading hardware manufacturers and at the same time we are among the leading software developers. And that's both for handhelds and home consoles. Additionally, we have decades of experience where we have focused our entire know-how on the content of games and gaming fun."
He finally added, "What are the new games of the future really going to look like? The titles of our innovative Nintendo DS give an idea of this."
What we discerned from this is that, indeed, the company wants to continue to offer fresh gaming experiences, much of which will involve wi-fi play but, additionally, gaming for really old people. This, admittedly, perplexes us. The elderly can, at times, barely feed themselves and this isn't the kind of gaming most, let's say, Smash Bros. or Zelda fans would really want. So, we are certainly very interested to see what Revolution has in store to provide such a wide range of gaming.
Later during the conference Nintendo brought up Revolution again, noting that it will be the next big thing and, again, very much wi-fi enabled. It seems the company can't not talk about wi-fi now that it's got the ball rolling. Interestingly, Fakesch said Revolution will have "a large number of novelties." The "novelties" translation, we speculate, may have actually referred to add-on services or peripherals. When asked for more information, he said, "The only thing I can tell you is that very soon there will be important news about Revolution."
Ending the Revolution topics he finished by saying, "We're all wondering what the Revolution controller will look like, but I think right now we should focus on discussing our current products."
Assuming Nintendo holds true to its promises, we'll be hearing more in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for that. In the meantime, you can spend your time daydreaming about Revolution's mystery, the controller, and fragging little girls and old people over wi-fi.