PS3 Versus the Revolution ! ! ! Lets Get it ON!
Fighting out of the Red Corner the reiging Undefeated Heavyweight Champion of the Videogame world the Sony PS3(Crowd does a mild roar). And in this corner the Former Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World, The Peoples Champion, the Nintendo REVOLUTIONNNNN(Crowd goes crazy)!
These two titans of the Videogame world are about to do battle. One is the current champion the other the former champion. This is going to be one of the bloodiest battles in Video Game history. On one side you have Sony trying to gain an utter and total dominace of the living room with a console that can do everything but cook you breakfast.
On the other side you have Nintendo who knows one thing. Gaming. They are the best. No one has ever doubted that they make great games. Furthemore they have always delivered though the Gamecube for some was not quite what they were hoping for. Some Fanboys wanted Online and others wanted a defining moment over the Xbox and the PS2. Unfortunately that never came. Until Now. Everything is going to change. Lets take a look.
Round 1.) Graphics-Lets get this out of the way right now. Back and forth you here how better specs mean better graphics. This is a half truth. You see Sony for one is very misleading when it comes to the capability of their system. They did this with the Playstation 2 and overhyped it so much that gamers thought the systems capabilities were unlimited. Obviously this was not the case and developers could not even reach half the expectations that Sony created visually.
Basically I understand that Sony claims their system will reach 2 teraflop performance. Sony throws this around as though this will be the norm in the games. This is far from the truth. This is peak performance of the system. What you have to look at is sustained rate. This is the actual performace visually that you will see. This is the reason why the Xbox 360 which specs list it at 1 teraflop is very comparable to the PS3. Microsoft is not overhyping their system(as much) as Sony is. The PS3 will be capable of splended graphics however. Beautiful graphics that until now werent even feasible realtime on Supercomputers 6 years ago. It will be spectacular. However it will ultimately be on a TV. So whether you have HD TV,Standard, LCD, Computer Monitor etc. the Resolution will vary for these games and so will the experience for the viewer. The main thing you can expect with the PS3 is an extended version of the PS2. More features now but the same way of playing with a major bump in visual performance. This will be fun and exciting for the traditional gamer. However this will offer nothing new in innovation.
PS3 delivers the first punch a Jab to the Nose of the Revolution. Lets see how the Revolution responds!
The Nintendo Revolution is going down a completely different path then the competition. Looking rather to innovate not in so much the graphical potential of the console but in the actual user experience. Never before in the history of gaming has a console been developed where a company stated tht it is not the graphics that matter but the end experience. Does the Gamer say "MAN WHAT A RUSH" after his adrenaline is flowing from playing a game. Does he feel that the experience was amazing, unique, state of the art. Nintendo's Graphics will be a different type of graphics then what you will see on the PS3. This system is designed for Immersion. Therefore the graphics will be designed solely for this purpose. To convince a gamer that he is in fact in the game. It is a night and day comparison. One one you have the PS3 a console that can deliver beautiful graphics on a TV. The Revolution will also be able to hook up to a television(After all where are you going to play the 20 years of downloads) however the main innovation will be in something brand new. Cutting Edge. Does that mean that the PS3's design will enable it to outperform the Revolution on a TV? No. Not at all. As a matter of fact the Revolution and the PS3 will be very comparable graphically on a TV. However this is not Nintendo's main focus. The main difference between the two consoles will be in another paradigm. Something that has never been attempted before. This is where the PS3 is out of its league. Because a system needs to be designed for this new paradigm.
Let me explain this. The Nintendo Revolution is a FUSION of the Future as well as the past. In what we will consider the traditional or old style of gaming the Revolution will deliver. You can still play games on your TV. Their will be the 20 years of game downloads and so forth. You will still be able to play multiplayer games on your TV such as Sports titles (football,baseball, etc.) as well as Fighting games such as Soul Calibur on your TV. There are few things as fun as sitting next to your best friend,brother or in my case Wife and kicking their butt. Yes my Wife loves games. That was one of my prerequisites for picking her.
The main difference though graphically will be in the paradigm that all of you see soon. It is a different type of graphic. It is one where you are in the game. Think of a First Person Adventure such as Metroid where you actually feel like you are in the game.
"We also have big plans for Metroid in our Revolution, a franchise that has evolved constantly with each appearance. And with Revolution, Samus will take you places you've never gone before."
Satoru Iwata
The Nintendo Revolution is designed for one thing. To bring you into the dawn of a new era of gaming but also to not leave the old era. The old era was great however it is time for something new.
The Revolution will add gameplay experiences not take them away.
Many ask me if the Specs I have posted are real? Others ask who I am? To me these are the wrong questions? The only question I would ask is will the system really bring us into a new era of gaming? Will it be Revolutionary?
I am going to take a line from the President of Nintendo on this one.
You will say "WOW".
I guarantee it.
A Haymaker from the Revolution hits the PS3 dead on the noggin. The Ref is countin. 8' 9' 10'. Its OVER.