Revolution - Fakes und Träumereien

Ist Aries ein Faker

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Keine Ahnung, ob's schon genannt wurde...

Hello Gamers.

Unfortunately I was not able to get the interview I wanted before this weekend. So therefore I thought I would at least right you an article and answer some questions you may have about the Revolution as best as I can.

Furthermore I will answer questions you may have about me as well.

I know it not what you wanted but hopefully I will have some more solid concrete news for you next week.

1.) Will the Revolution be on par with Sony and the Xbox 360 graphically?

This is a big question on everyone's minds. The answer is an astounding yes. Do you really think Nintendo would release a console that is subpar in anyway graphically to its competition? Of course not.

2.) Is Nintendo going into a different direction with gaming?

Yes Nintendo is moving away from traditional gaming. It is looking to move gaming in a new direction. I believe that Nintendo will ultimately expand gaming to reach out to everyone.

3.) Who will have the most marketshare this generation?

This is a tough question to answer. Personally I believe that it will be either Nintendo or Microsoft. Fanboys I know you dont want to hear this however Microsoft is really coming into their own. They have the advantage of an early release as well as solid titles to back it up. Microsoft is Nintendo's biggest competition. Furthermore Halo is a very powerful title. It really is a tossup between these two. Everyone knows Nintendo will come on strong however it will be interesting to see if it can in fact overcome the lead that Microsoft will have. This is why it is extremely important that Nintendo realize that its biggest competition is Microsoft not Sony and that the Revolution must be released no later than March 01 2006.

Any later and you will have the same effect that the Playstation 2 had with the Gamecube and Xbox. To little to late. Though the Gamecube and Xbox had superior hardware the momentum of the PS2 was too much. The same will happen this go around if the Revolution is not released in March. Sony's PS3 will be by no means ready for a launch in Spring. At the earliest August of 2006. Their is no way Sony will be able to keep up this go around.

There will be a new leader in the Videogame industry.

Honestly all eyes are on Nintendo. It is do or die.

4.) SeriousGamer007 you are a huge fan of Nintendo. Why?

Why not is the real question. Great games. Up until the Gamecube Nintendo really didnt let me down. I owned a 3Do and remember thinking man I spent $600 for a console that really doesnt have great games. Nintendo has always delivered up until the Gamecube. Some would say the N64 didnt because of lack of a CD-Rom. This is true and ultimately did drive third parties away. However their biggest blunder was the lack of a DVD drive and online play in the cube.

These are what put Nintendo where they are at right now.

5.) SeriousGamer007 would you ever consider playing another console or are you just some crazed nut?

Well Gamers I will say this. I am always a Nintendo Fan. I have always bought a Nintendo console even when it was disappointing(Cube). Sure I own a suped up PC and I have had other systems in the past. As a matter of fact I even owned an Xbox for online play.

I am being honest with you. I wanted online play so I went out and bought one after 2 years of waiting for the Gamecube to come out with it. Unfortunately Nintendo never did. Big disappointment.

You see I can relate to you Gamers who went elsewhere to get your gaming needs met. I am also here to tell you that this go around their will be no mistakes.

You will not have to go any further to get all your gaming needs met.

Nintendo has heard you.

Who better to tell you this than a person who has been in your shoes.

Nintendo will have an extremely powerful console.

It will be backwards compatible and play the last 20 years of gaming.

It will have state of the art features not seen in other consoles.

Gamers that left I know what if feels like to not be satisfied. I also know that Nintendo has woken up and that there will be no need to own another console.

Sure some of you will buy an Xbox 360 because of Halo.

Of course I am not blind and neither is Nintendo.

However I am also telling you that if you want to play Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Xenias, and other new IP's then you can only play them on the Revolution.

Furthermore Nintendo will not only hold its own this time but will actually be perfect in every way. I believe Nintendo will either split the marketshare with Microsoft or Dominate.

For you gamers that can afford every console sure go out and buy them if you want.

For you gamers that can only choose one then you can feel comfortable that if you wait for the Revolution it will be all that you desire and more.

That it will bring you to new worlds and experience gaming in new ways.

Gamers I am just one of you.

And I am here to tell you that the Company you love is back.

Nintendo is back.

Long live the King.

The King of Gaming is Nintendo.


A Revolution is Coming!

Lestrange schrieb:
nintendo666 schrieb:
so gehts wohl allen... ich mein es is doch so: wir hoffen einfach alle darauf, dass das passiert, was die ganzen blogger schreiben.
wenn dann big n den rev enthüllt und es ganz anders sein wird, werden wir wohl alle enttäuscht zur ps3 greifen... :lol: :lol: :lol:

wetten nicht??? :)
ich mein die ps3 wird auch bei mir rumstehen, aber nintendo "im stich lassen"??? NEVER!!!

so gehts mir auch! im endeffekt is es auch egal ob der revo von der leistung her (daten) nur halb so stark wird, bei der ps2 und xbox ist es doch dasselbe, trotzdem sieht man keine riesen unterschiede! und im endeffekt kommts eh nur auf die games an!
und im endeffekt kommts eh nur auf die games an!

Wenn das doch mal endlich einige Leute kapieren würden-dieses Technikgehetze ist ja schon wahnhaft -aber leider sind es mitlerweile schon so viele Verblendete-da ist Hopfen und Malz verloren-ich finde die Entwicklung ätzend und ich hoffe Nintendo beschreitet wirklich einen anderen,neuen Weg! Wenn ich mir schon bestimmte LineUps anschaue-nur Grafikupdates-einfach nur gääähhhnnn!
Darkeagle schrieb:
Lestrange schrieb:
nintendo666 schrieb:
so gehts wohl allen... ich mein es is doch so: wir hoffen einfach alle darauf, dass das passiert, was die ganzen blogger schreiben.
wenn dann big n den rev enthüllt und es ganz anders sein wird, werden wir wohl alle enttäuscht zur ps3 greifen... :lol: :lol: :lol:

wetten nicht??? :)
ich mein die ps3 wird auch bei mir rumstehen, aber nintendo "im stich lassen"??? NEVER!!!

so gehts mir auch! im endeffekt is es auch egal ob der revo von der leistung her (daten) nur halb so stark wird, bei der ps2 und xbox ist es doch dasselbe, trotzdem sieht man keine riesen unterschiede! und im endeffekt kommts eh nur auf die games an!
also, ICH KAUF MIR DEN NREV SOWIESO! ;) gar keine frage!
Bananarama schrieb:
Pfanne schrieb:
nasagoal schrieb:
Link's adventure schrieb:
amilo64 schrieb:
Nickless schrieb:
Ich kauf ihn mir auch zu 100%

DITO und ich weiß ich werde nicht enttäuscht! :)
Ich schließ mich an :D
ME 2 :happy3:
da mach ich doch gald mit ;)
ich natürliuch auch :lol:

Me too :>
Schon 6 ^^

Falsch 7! :D
Me too
Wenns so weiter geht, haben wir bald mehr Leute die jetzt schon fix Revs kaufen als Boxen die in Japan verkauft werden. ;)
werde mich auch auf den Revo und die Ps3 "beschränken".
Aber das Topic ist "Fakes und Träumerein" und nicht "kauft ihr euch einen Revo" ;)
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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