Interview : RevoGaming Exclusive: Osoko Tanaka Revolution Interview
Posted by TCM on 2005/6/21 13:55:10 (4050 reads)
Osoko Tanaka has caused quite a stir in the Nintendo community; he claims to be a former Nintendo, Co. Ltd. employee who has had access to classified Nintendo Revolution information. His weblog, Only Nintendo Revolution, has hundreds of followers. Webmaster Ramsey Kobeissi conducts an exclusive interview with this extraordinary proponent of the Revolution hype machine.
RevoGaming: You claim to have worked at Nintendo in the past. What position did you hold, and what was the reason for your departure from the company so many wish to work at?
Osoko Tanaka: I worked on the backwards-compatibility aspect of the Revolution with a great team, all good friends. I also worked on the Nintendo Revolution interface which allows great interaction with the player and other applications.
My involvement with the Revolution's development meant that I was allowed access to confidential information such as the Revolution's controller.
I can't comment on why I don't work at Nintendo now. It is a clause of the work contract.
RevoGaming: To what extent were you involved in the development of the Nintendo Revolution?
Osoko Tanaka: I know all that was needed to work on the system; you can't work on the development of a console without knowing anything about it. We discussed ideas with important developers, and their suggestions were noted. Miyamoto was also involved; he has many awesome ideas. I look up to him.
RevoGaming: Have you actually played a Nintendo Revolution [prototype]? Please explain the new experience Nintendo claims it can offer.
Osoko Tanaka: I have been present in all discussions, and therefore have heard all ideas regarding the Revolution at Nintendo. I have been witness to Revolution demonstrations. It is hard to describe the experience the Revolution will offer; it has to be seen or felt rather than described. It is another gaming experience. I know that when you see a demonstration of the system, you will be impressed.
RevoGaming: Rumours are thick across forums that Nintendo's current Revolution information is a 'trojan horse' of sorts; that a proper unveiling will be held later this year that will reveal a completely different console. Is there any substance to this rumour?
Osoko Tanaka: Nintendo has always impressed, and will not fail to do so with the Revolution. Nintendo have no problems with changing the hardware. However, I do not know if the Revolution will be changed for sure as that work belonged with an another department. What I can tell you is that Nintendo is working very hard at increasing the Revolution's power. A similar process was executed in the development of the GameCube. Nintendo are also considering implementing more ideas into the Revolution. Miyamoto has been a prime source of ideas, having many of them on all aspects of the console.
RevoGaming: How is the controller revolutionary? What ideas were discussed before alighting on a final concept?
Osoko Tanaka: Nintendo want to change the concept of the standard console controller; to transmit different experiences. With Nintendo 64, a great step was seen in the development of controllers. Consider the Nintendo Revolution as a radical step for the better.
You'll feel inside the game. When these feelings are transmitted through the controller, you'll feel you right there, in the game. You'll be impressed.
RevoGaming: RevoGaming recently showed a controller in the news section. Is this the controller, or is the real controller similar in any way?
Osoko Tanaka: A fake; but a beautiful one at that.
RevoGaming: People have linked the Revolution's controller to the Novint Falcon. Novint claims that they will be launching a console-compatible version of their Falcon in 2006, the year that the Revolution will supposedly be released in. Is there any substance to this rumour?
Osoko Tanaka: It certainly is an interesting concept. However, it is not for the Revolution. There is no likening.
RevoGaming: We'll discuss the Revolution specifications now. Are there any conrete specs so far?
Osoko Tanaka: The Nintendo Revolution will have next-generation graphics. A system that can appeak to all gamers in specs and visuals. Many casual gamers want to see great graphics in a console. Nintendo has taken this into account.
RevoGaming: How is third-party support for the Revolution? Are there games coming from small developers, exclusive contracts and major developers? Any good second- or third-party exclusives lined up?
Osoko Tanaka: On the Revolution, we'll see exclusives from all manner of developers: first-, second- and third-party. A major factor is that the experience offered by the Revolution is unlike anything that can be offered on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. This means that developers can transmit their ideas in innovative and new ways on the Revolution. And they will do so.
Konami, Sega, Capcom and Square-Enix are amongst those developing for the Revolution. There are many more. Smaller developers can receive developing and financial help from Nintendo [Yamauchi's Q Fund]. The Revolution allows for all games to be developed at low costs yet with amazing results.
RevoGaming: The Nintendo Revolution has two USB ports, a first for a Nintendo console. Are there any as-yet-unannounced add-ons that will utilise this? A hard drive, perhaps, for MMORPGs and the like?
Osoko Tanaka: It is important to have a hard drive, and this will become evident in the next generation. Nintendo plans to release a hard drive for the Revolution, as well as many other peripherals. The Revolution's interface is ready and optimised for integration of these peripherals.
RevoGaming: A recent Ubisoft press release noted the release of the Revolution to be Q4 2006, at least for European territories (no other dates were given). Many fans are worried about this prospect. Is there any substance to the date, or is it just a safe guess by Ubisoft?
Osoko Tanaka: I do not know exact dates for the Revolution's release. However, I do know that all gamers will see the Revolution in 2006. 2006 is the year of the Revolution, although perhaps for the Japanese at first. Nintendo will not fall behind in the next-generation race.
RevoGaming: What is the estimated date for the release of more Revolution information? This ranges from the unveiling of 'Hollywood' and 'Broadway' to the controller and the release of development kits.
Osoko Tanaka: Details will be revealed when they are finalised. Hollywood and Broadway, as with the rest of the Revolution, are still in development (albeit mostly complete). Nintendo also wants to make sure that its competitors will not copy its ideas.
RevoGaming: Can you spill the beans on or at at least name some titles in development for Revolution that have not already been announced?
Osoko Tanaka: Capcom is working on an exclusive game for the Revolution. It is not part of the Resident Evil series. Nintendo wants to expand its range of games and create new games. For the exclusive game, Capcom is following Nintendo's development philosophy.
RevoGaming: Finally, what is planned for the release of the system? Any specific games etc.?
Osoko Tanaka: We'll see many Nintendo games at launch; some new franchises, some established.
The information provided by Osoko Tanaka is extremely interesting and should certainly be wood on the fire for Revolution speculation. RevoGaming must remind readers that the above information is unconfirmed; there are many fans, though, who believe Osoko and his statements. Osoko stands by his statements as truth.
Osoko Tanaka posts regularly at his Nintendo Revolution-related weblog, Only Nintendo Revolution.
Ramsey Kobeissi assumes the role of webmaster and Editor-in-Chief at RevoGaming.
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