I was able to inteview SeriousGamer007:
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
Nice to talk to you
Serious says:
Serious says:
You have 10 minutes
Phalanx says:
I would like to ask you a couple questions?
Phalanx says:
very well
Phalanx says:
What information do you believe to be true?
Serious says:
Serious says:
As in the picture are prototypes
Phalanx says:
When you say Visor, what do you mean?
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Everyone thinks the visor will be virtual reality
Phalanx says:
Where have you recieved your information from?
Serious says:
think more like an increase in immersion
Serious says:
I am on the inside
Serious says:
will not say anymore
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
in regards to that question
Phalanx says:
Is NintendON a conspiracy created by Nintendo?
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
but with an interview with Pablo BelMonte on Nintendo-Revolution there was proof that it was a fan made video
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
and that Pablo created it and not anyone else
Serious says:
In a week?
Serious says:
This was purely a marketing strategy.
Phalanx says:
I believe he stated that he created the video and then his hard drive was destroyed and then he recreated in a short amount of time because he had already created it once before
Serious says:
I am going to have to take a quick break
Serious says:
be back on in a few minutes.
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
I do apologize for this inconvenience I am very busy. I will be on in a few minutes
Serious says:
I am back
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Advertising is fun
Serious says:
go ahead
Phalanx says:
Can you tell me more about the visors?
Serious says:
What would you like to know
Phalanx says:
Will it be like the NintendON helmet?
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
What will it be like?
Serious says:
More like an Emagin concept
Serious says:
It is designed more for immersion
Serious says:
it will immerse you in a game. It wil also have gyroscopes in it to aid in leaning left to right.
Serious says:
This is one of the most difficult things to master. What is to much and what is to little.
Phalanx says:
Earlier on, on the Nintendo Forums, you stated that the controller will be dual-handed and then you contradicted yourself saying that the touch-controller is the real thing. How do you explain this?
Serious says:
The two handed controller is one thing that was being looked at however ultimately has been decided that it wasnt quite feasible
Serious says:
The single controller is much more familiar to the everyday gamer the gyroscopes add a new sense of innovation to this technology that is unique and fun
Phalanx says:
Will the revolution feature 3d images?
Serious says:
3D how
Serious says:
like steroscopic 3d?
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
It has been discussed
Phalanx says:
one moment
Phalanx says:
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Phalanx says:
anything you want to reveal?
Serious says:
Serious says:
Have you noticed Aug 2005 ads as well as Mar 2006 ads
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Truth lies in both.
Serious says:
Know this
Phalanx says:
Let me guess
Serious says:
The Revolution will be the most innovative powerful game console system in the hystory of gaming
Phalanx says:
August is when it will be revealed
Phalanx says:
March is when it will launch
Phalanx says:
What do you have to say about this thread you created? It more of a speculation thread than a thread that reveals inside info
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
There is a fine line between a person that gives speculation and one who is in marketing to create hype
Phalanx says:
I see
Phalanx says:
are you part of what people call the "N-Game"?
Serious says:
I am part of the Revolution Game
Serious says:
I am designed to do one thing
Phalanx says:
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
Can you reveal anyone else that is part of the N-Game?
Serious says:
Know this Nintendo will take back its marketshare
Serious says:
Phalanx says:
What other N-Siders do you believe to be real?
Phalanx says:
Revdeveloper for instance?
Phalanx says:
Osoko Tanaka?
Serious says:
When the Revolution is released Sony, and Microsoft will not be able to match Revolution in terms of Power and innovation in time for their scheduled launch
Serious says:
Serious says:
You can judge who is real or not
Serious says:
I ask that you and all the Nintendo Fans do one thing
Phalanx says:
What is that?
Serious says:
Believe in Nintendo again. Believe that Nintendo has heard you after all these years. Believe in the Revolution. Nintendo will again rise to the top and dominate. Sony be warned. Your days are over. The industry belongs to Nintendo.
After that last post, he logged off without saying another thing. Believe what you will.