L08: Intermediate
- Seit
- 21 Jul 2005
- Beiträge
- 892 schrieb:Q: Apple is taking the music industry a new direction with IPod and ITunes. When is the videogame industry going to take that direct download approach onto a handheld?
A: I don't know about a handheld device, but talk to me in May when we talk about details on the Revolution and the Virtual Console.
Q: Can we talk now?
A: We can talk, I don't think you will get all the answers you want! (laughter). From what we talked about in Revolution to download and have the game playable right there, we're doing it.
Q: Is it just 1st party or will it be third party as well?
A: Yes we will.
Hmmm... ob wirklich noch was großartiges dieses Jahr kommt.^^ Wenn ja, dann wird's wohl wieder was komplett unerwartetes sein... :o
Ich freu mich auf jeden Fall, dass man auch 3rd-Party-Games runterladen kann. Mal sehen wer Nintendo da unterstützt. So lange man dabei ohne viel Arbeit Geld verdienen kann, drüfte man doch schnell ein paar Unterstützer finden.
![TjaP :P :P](/styles/sanleiassets/cwsmilies/m-razz.gif)