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/ajk schrieb:oki genug off topic.![]()
19Brubi88 schrieb:Glaubt ihr an Gott ja nein?!!es gibt keine Hinweise das es ihn gibt und die meisten von euch glauben das der Revo schwach wird Ness usw...,gibt es OFFIZIELES davon das es stimmt nein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Also langsam reichts ich gebe euch nur diese E-Mails weiter die nicht von mir stammen!!!!und ihr sagt ICH sei ein Faker!!!Dan seid ihr alle auch vieleicht Faker weil ihr behauptet das der Revo schwach wird auf welche die das behaupten IGN?aber ihr macht mich fertig nur weil ich euch noch hoffnung geben will was ist wen es stimmt na!!manche Verlangen für solche vieleicht wahren News noch Geld.....,versteht ihr es sind E-Mails die vieleicht nicht stimmen aber niemand kann es beweisen auch nicht mit solchen behauptungen niemand schreibt so das ist eine Vermutung oder würdet ihr noch genau schreiben wenn ihr nicht mehr das müsst??nach einem haten Tag..,und das was viele ja schon sagten das er das obwohl er VIELEICHT ein Faker ist besser macht als alle anderen (oder zumindest besser als Jack..)
OK ich werde solche E-Mails weiter reinstellen und hört endlich auf mit diesem Sche%& er ist Faker blablabla..,ihr könnt es nicht beweisen...
Matt, there has been a huge debate going in the IGN message boards. There are people who believe that the Revolution graphics will pale in comparison to 360/ps3 titles and then there are people like me who believe the graphics will be just as good as the competition in standard resolution. What are your thoughts on this? Oh.. and thanks for updating the mailbag some of was were starting to think you died.
Matt responds: You know, I think that some of the games hitting now for both PlayStation 2 and Xbox are visually very impressive. Black from Criterion, for instance, is a technical marvel that also runs really well. Resident Evil 4 is gorgeous and it's running on a console at least half as powerful as the Big N's next. Revolution is more powerful than either PlayStation 2 or Xbox. So I'm not really worried too much where the issue of graphics is concerned. I think that we're going to see some beautiful titles on Nintendo's next-generation system.
The visuals on Revolution may go a little farther in some cases, too. Take a title like Grand Theft Auto. You've got this massive, interactive world. You've got so much to do. And yet, the experience is completely lacking polish - it does a little of everything, but it perfects nothing. In contrast to this approach, some Revolution titles have the potential to be completely polished due in part to the nature of their design. No advance AI routines, physics, scripting - you name it. So in a free-hand-style compatible cooking game, for example, developers may not need to waste time or resources on anything but the presentation of the limited environment and the way in which the controller works. If software houses choose to take advantage of Revolution's full power in these types of games, the visuals could be nothing short of outstanding.
The other thing to consider is that, yes, Revolution software won't be running in HD, which means that the hardware will go a long way, even if it is comparatively less powerful.
Let's be honest, though - games on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are by and large going to look better. Not just because they are running in HD, either, although that certainly will help. The fact of the matter is that these consoles have been designed primarily as a means to deliver better quality visuals. Revolution has not been designed with this emphasis in mind. We all know that Nintendo's console is about mixing up the input mechanic. I think that what's going to happen is that that during the first year of 360 and PS3's relative life cycles, games are going to look pretty good, but not truly awesome. However, as we enter the second and third years of these systems, you're going to see a larger graphical divide between 360 / PS3 games and Revolution. I don't think it's going to matter. I personally believe that by the time this happens Nintendo's console will have a clear, sizeable and dedicated fan base of users who can appreciate the unique style of games on the platform. But don't kid yourself - it will eventually happen.
360 and Revolution
The impression I'm getting from various polls and message boards is the 360 seems to be unpopular while Revolution is starting to seem like competition for PS3. I'm wondering what you think is to become of the 360? Will it be the last console Microsoft makes or will it pull in enough profit with a few big titles (Halo ect.) to stay alive for the next generation or will it even outsell Revolution after a slow start? I personaly don't see very many unique things 360 has going for it except for a few big titles.
Matt responds: I wouldn't call 360 a failure. Microsoft ran into serious problems during the launch of the system not because the software was poor, but because it couldn't get the hardware out to consumers. The biggest selling Xbox 360 title for 2005, Call of Duty 2, sold nearly as much as the biggest selling GameCube title of the year, Resident Evil 4. The difference is that Xbox 360 and Call of Duty 2 released in November 2005 - a full 10 months after Capcom's survival horror sequel. By that measure, if 360 is a failure, GameCube is a catastrophe.
Microsoft is off to a solid start, I'd say. Xbox 360 has sold more than 1.5 million units so far and now that more units are finally becoming readily available, the user base is likely to grow at a rapid rate. This March, a number of big-name releases are planned for the system, which should help sell consoles.
Still, Microsoft has some hurdles. First, publishers like EA can't be happy that their multi-million dollar efforts - Madden and Need for Speed come to mind - didn't perform much better on Xbox 360. In talking with publishers in recent weeks, one common response is that they are thinking about moving their games to 2007 on Xbox 360 in order to wait for the install base to rise. Second, in releasing first, Microsoft has perhaps unwittingly helped perpetuate the conception that 360 is less powerful than PS3, and Sony is likely to be pushing that throughout the industry as it markets its next generation console at E3 and beyond.
Even so, 360 is in a much better state than Revolution - at least currently. Nintendo's new machine has a ton of potential, but few publishers seem to care at this point. I've just finished the first round of a public relations tour where I met with various studios and chatted about the future. Most of the people I talked with seemed to be thinking about 360 and PS3 going forward, but had to be reminded that Revolution was also coming later this year. I expect that's going to change come E3, when Nintendo will finally pull back the curtain and in turn publishers will take notice, but that doesn't change the fact that the Big N will be playing some catch up.
Freigeist schrieb:Brubi is net bös gemeint aber die Art wie Du oder dieser ominöse Faker schreiben ist mehr als unseriös.
Natürlich können wir hier anderer Meinung sein und darüber diskutieren ob er ein Faker ist oder nicht, vor allem dann wenn es so dermaßen offensichtlich ist. Ich glaube ein Nintendo PR Mitarbeiter weiß, dass !!!!!!!!!!!! eine Nachricht nicht wirklich glaubhafter machen... im Gegenteil.
Viel schlimmer find ich es, dass die oftmals guten Fakes gar nicht so lange diskutiert werden wie so ein Schmarrn hier. Verschone uns bitte
kenshiro schrieb:demnächst video on demand mit dem revo?
Spike schrieb:kenshiro schrieb:demnächst video on demand mit dem revo?
Das wiederspricht allem, was Nintendo bisher gesagt und getan hat.
Sony wäre da eher ein Kandidat für so einen Service, da sie ja eine erweiterte Entertainment Sparte haben (Film und Musik).
Im Sinne von Filem MACHEN, nicht Filme VERBREITEN.Goodplayer schrieb:Spike™ schrieb:kenshiro schrieb:demnächst video on demand mit dem revo?
Das wiederspricht allem, was Nintendo bisher gesagt und getan hat.
Sony wäre da eher ein Kandidat für so einen Service, da sie ja eine erweiterte Entertainment Sparte haben (Film und Musik).
Yamauchi sagte 2004, dass Nintendo in die Filmbranche einsteigen will - frühestens Mitte 2006.
V-King schrieb:Im Sinne von Filem MACHEN, nicht Filme VERBREITEN.Goodplayer schrieb:Spike schrieb:kenshiro schrieb:demnächst video on demand mit dem revo?
Das wiederspricht allem, was Nintendo bisher gesagt und getan hat.
Sony wäre da eher ein Kandidat für so einen Service, da sie ja eine erweiterte Entertainment Sparte haben (Film und Musik).
Yamauchi sagte 2004, dass Nintendo in die Filmbranche einsteigen will - frühestens Mitte 2006.
Reggie sagte mal, dass maximal Spiele-Trailer angeboten werden sollen und dann naürlich als fester Download.
Aber ganze Filme wohl eher nicht.
Goodplayer schrieb:Filme machen und sie dann nicht verbreiten wollen :-? ?