NGC Magazine says Twlight Princess will be a Revolution title?
February 15th, 2006
ngSliver has sent me an interesting story that is up over on The Hylia. They have posted a letter that was sent into NGC magazine concerning Revolution functionality with Twilight Princess, and in NGCs response they make it sound as if Twilight Princess will be heading to Revolution instead of Cube. Have a look at the reader question with NGC response below.
Quoted directly from the publication:
I have been a huge fan of yours since issue 13 of N64 Magazine [NGCs old name], but it saddens me to think that my first published letter to you could be one of complaint. When I received issue 115, I was overjoyed to find the front cover boasting new details on Zelda: Twilight Princess and, of course, the title Revolution launch date revealed. I skipped quickly to the section entitled Twilight Revolution and learned that the game would be getting a revolutionary twist in that it would be able to use the Revolution controller when played through that console.
I rushed to the Zelda Universe forums to discuss this info with my contemporaries. I was surprised to find that few others believed me, and when asked to prove your magazines trustworthiness, I told people of your long-standing history as a source of truth and that you would never print unproven rumors as truths. So I argued, and other NGC fans came to back me up. We all vouched for your honesty.
A couple of weeks later, after it all had died down, the Zelda Universe team reported that Nintendo had dismissed these claims as speculation. Needless to say, NGC is no longer a trusted name among non-readers on the site.
I was wondering how you came about the info in the first place. I dont want to believer that your writers would print their own guesswork and sell it as the truth, and although I agree that the possibility of that information being true is still quite likely as I myself had guessed it was possible a few months ago, Id rather not have to defend your honor based on non-factual info ever again. Keep it real, homies!
The response:
Weve received loads of similar letter and it hasnt escaped our attention many internet sites have debunked our story based on Nintendos carefully worded statement (which, if you decode the PR-speak, actually boils down to them saying no comment). So wed like to set the record straight. The story about Zelda appearing on Revolution isnt speculation; it is fact. We were told this by a trusted source at Nintendo, and we have no reason to doubt it. We understand why Nintendo issued its statement - after all, this news wasnt supposed to break until E3 show in May - but were 100% accurate when we assure you that Twilight Princess will be a Revolution title.
The Hylia also makes a comment about something Jim Merrick back in 2005, which if all this is true, might explain why he has been let go.
Back sometime in 2005, NGC or some person heard from Jim Merrick that Twilight Princess was not delayed for making it a better GCN game, but rather, a revamped Revolution game. Now, Jim Merrick probably shouldnt have said this, and thus was disciplined and forced to resign rather than being fired outright because he did a fabulous job with Perrin Kaplan in the US and with his work in Europe. NGC, seeing this as its big break, reported what they had heard from Mr. Merrick. Perhaps their report lead to him being fired. Either way, Nintendo issued a statement saying it was purely speculation. They also said that about DS Lite weeks ago ; look what happened.