L12: Crazy
kann mir jemand bitte gründlich erklären wie ich spiele als Homebrew Spiele ????
Habe Firmwire 1.5
kann mir jemand bitte gründlich erklären wie ich spiele als Homebrew Spiele ????
Habe Firmwire 1.5
Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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*hust*markcallaway schrieb:hallo,
kann mir jemand bitte gründlich erklären wie ich spiele als Homebrew Spiele ????
Habe Firmwire 1.5
Enemy Navy schrieb:Hab gehört es gibt eine PSP Core Preissenkung, wird es auch eine Für den Gigapack geben :-?
Saufi schrieb:Fragen:![]()
Ist eine SD-Card zwingend notwendig, um Spielstände zu speichern oder hat es einen internen Speicher und wenn ja, wieviel Spielstände passen da ungefähr drauf?
Kann ich damit Japan und US-Games spielen?
Gibts den Titel "Popolocrois" mit deutschen Untertiteln?
Leon schrieb:Wie kann man Screenshots machen während man spielt? Ist das überhaupt möglich?
Emanuel of NGine Software has a very detailed How-To on controlling your PSP using your computer keyboard, and simultaneously view the screen from your PC in real-time. Yep, all those lol-kitteh image macros should come to mind: "your in your PSPz, and yur nowhere nearz it."
Now before you head to the How To, there are a few prerequisites: First you need an PC , a PSP running Firmware 3.40 OE, although they do note that other versions may work; and a few software packages, the SVN versions of PSPLINK and RemoteJoy.
this is for playing GAMES only. not the xmb.
put these four prx's
psplink.prx (Located in the seplugins folder of the download)
psplink_user.prx (Located in the psplink folder of the download)
remotejoy.prx(Located in the Seplugin folder of the download)
usbhostfs.prx(Located in the psplink folder of the download)
in ms0:seplugins
2. have a game.txt in ms0:seplugins which containes the following two lines
3. Enable both psplink.prx and remotejoy.prx from the recovery menu.
4. Run Start-USBHostFS_PC.bat
5. Run Start-RemoteJoy.bat
6. Start the game/homebrew you want to try. You will hear the usb connecting sound from the computer right after the sony intro screen. then the image should show up on the remotejoy screen.
a few notes.
1) some games dont work. the psp will freeze. just start the process over again.
2) some games have a slow frame rate. thats life
3) if you want to make comptability better, start the game. uplug the usb. let the save data load. then plug the usb in again.
abakusx schrieb:Ist nur möglich mit gewissen Homebrew Programmen
Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis goes to the PSP
14. Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis -- originally released on Japanese mobile phones, this cute little action-RPG set in the popular FFVII world will finally find its true audience when it's released on PSP, and with luxurious networking abilities. I played it for a few minutes on a friend's phone and didn't understand what was going on, though maybe the mileage will vary on the PSP.
Sony was sending out Emails to its Commercial Retailers that all new PSPs to be sent out will have Downgradable Prevention built right into them. All new PSPs to be shipped out as of next week Friday, May 18th, will be a higher firmware, 4.xx (specifics were not released), but they were promised to include new security features to prevent hacks and downgrades. Apparently this is one of their first steps to start focusing on the PSP again, instead of diverting all attention to the PS3.
The new firmware will be available for download off Official, and most likely Unofficial, sites 2 days after the shipment is sent out.
This also happens to be the shipment of PSPs to be sold for the price of $169.99CAD with a Game. As of now, you can still purchase the downgradable PSPs for anywhere between $190.00-$220.00 depending on the Commercial retailer.