PS4/PS5 PlayStation VR/VR2

naja du könntest ja im virtuellen cinema einen 3D film ansehen bei dem auf einmal die dinge wirklich aus der leinwand herauskommen... also nicht so wie im echten kino bei 3D filmen wo man eher das gefühl hat durch ein fenster hindurch zu sehen...

Ich finde ihr denkt da nicht weit genug. Wenn wir schon beim Thema Film bleiben wollen, sind andere Erfahrungen m.M.n möglich. Dass man für einen Film praktisch "in den Körper der Hauptperson" schlüpfen kann, und praktisch alles durch dessen/deren Augen sieht.
Das macht es natürlich (wie bei Spielen auch) nötig, ganz neue Konzepte zu erarbeiten... bei den derzeitigen Filmformaten würde das nicht funktionieren denke ich.
Was mir gerade einfällt...:

Morpheus stellt derzeit pro Auge eine Auflösung von 960*1080 Bildpunkte dar, um im Endeffekte auf ein 1080p Bild in 3D zu kommen. Killzone Shadowfall nutzt im Multiplayer ja eine Technik, die ebenfalls 960*1080 Bildpunkte berechnet und dann wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe den nächsten Frame lediglich "antizipiert" um auf die 60fps zu kommen.

Könnte das darauf hindeuten, dass zukünftige PS4 Titel ggf. vermehrt diese Technik nutzen, um die Spiele quasi "in halber Auflösung" (da ja 3D berechnet werden muss, also doppelter Aufwand) auf das OR-Headset zu übertragen. Und spricht das dafür, dass in KZ-SF vielleicht sogar eine Kompatibilität zu Morpheus einprogrammiert ist? (Stichwort: Launch-Game für Morpheus)

Was sagen die Technik-Experten?

EDIT: Zusammen mit dem Sharpshooter-Gadget bestimmt eine coole VR-Erfahrung! Das würde für mich aus einem durchschnittlichen Shooter ein Top Game machen
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Der Einsatz eines OLED-Screens mit 2560 x 1440-Auflösung würde für jedes Auge getrennt 1280 x 1440 darstellen können, womit wohl auch der Blickwinkel erweitert werden könnte.
Die aktuelle Version von Project Morpheus nutzt einen 1080p-LCD-Screen, der pro Auge eine Auflösung von von 960 x 1080 Pixeln und einen Blickwinkel von 90 Grad bieten kann.

Damit wäre Oculus wohl endgültig am Ende...frag mich nur wie die PS4 so ne Leistung raushauen soll? Vergesst nicht, dass das Bild doppelt berechnet werden muss mit 120fps in 1440p...das kann man doch total vergessen auf der Playstation oder?

Sowas schafft heute quasi kein PC (nichtmal mit nem three way sli 780ti Oc gespann)
Sorry fürs Crossposting, aber ich denke es passt auch hier gut rein:

Folgendes wurde in den Büros von Hello Games gefunden :D


Ist natürlich noch keine Bestätigung dafür, dass No Man's Sky Project Morpheus unterstützt, die Chancen stehen aber wohl nicht schlecht. :) Das Foto entstammt einem Behind the Scenes Bericht zum Spiel von


As 2014 draws to a close consumer virtual reality (VR) feels closer than ever thanks to the launch of Samsung’s Gear VR smartphone-based head-mounted display (HMD) and teases of a release for the Oculus Rift. Despite this, the industry doesn’t feel much closer to solving the issue of input for VR experiences, creating a definitive standard for control that won’t break immersion. Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) has its PlayStation Move motion controllers for its Project Morpheus, although the company has recently revealed that it is looking into other areas as well.

The company’s Richard Marks revealed as much in a recent panel at the 2014 PlayStation experience. “If you stop with just the motion, that’s still VR but you don’t have any way to change the world around you,” Marks said. “Maybe you can do something with you head but other than that you feel somewhat limited and especially gamers want to do more than that usually.

“And that’s where I think a lot of the next technologies come in is how you interact with the world. We have some ability to do that now through the DualShock or through the PlayStation Move for example but we want to do even more than we can now. And some of that kinda of force feedback related technology is a really good enhance interaction capability.”

At this point SCE London Studio’s David Ranyard noted that his studio had been looking at interaction just through looking alone. “You can do that with head-tracking and then there are other more sophisticated things with actually eye-tracking. Like I talked about, having an interaction with a character, I mean, if they’re saying to you “Look at me when I’m talking to you,” that’s never happened in a game before.

“I’m not a can of too much gear,” Marks continued. “I want to have an easy in, easy out experience. So our focus has always been on the least amount of wearing of things. Like, controllers are great because you can just set them down when you’re done, right? And that’s a really good thing that we like to try to keep is that easy ability to– low encumbrance is I guess the goal. So we’re looking at force-feedback technologies that are either built into controllers for example or built into very simple to wear things that can come off quickly, not too much like Lawnmower Man.

“There’s also some great research into hand-tracking through camera so you don’t have to wear anything and you can see your hand in VR and that’s very compelling actually,” he concluded.

Will we see any of these concepts come to fruition before the release of Project Morpheus? It’s currently not known when the device itself will launch. VRFocus will continue to follow the device in 2015, reporting back with any further updates on it.
Sony: "Project Morpheus wird Auswirkungen wie die Erfindung des Tonfilms haben"

17.12.14 - Sony geht davon aus, dass sein VR Headset Project Morpheus Auswirkungen auf die Videospiele-Branche haben wird, die vergleichbar mit der Erfindung des Tonfilms sein werden. Das meint Dave Ranyard, Director der Sony CE London Studios, in der neuesten gamesTM.

"Ich glaube, dass Project Morpheus eine revolutionäre Technologie sein wird, deren Auswirkungen etwa vergleichbar mit der Erfindung des Tonfilms sein werden", meint Ranyard. "Unsere Studio beschäftigt rund 110 Mitarbeiter, von denen etwa die Hälfte mit dem Project Morpheus Prototypen arbeiten."

wenn die technik ausgereif ist (hohe auflösung, viele frames, geringe latenz) muss das ganze nur noch weniger klobig werden (weniger freakig/nerdig aussehen) und der akku muss ein paar wochen durchhalten xD

denke mit morpheus 2 könnte es sich durchsetzen... im aktuellem zustand wird es imo eher ein nischenprodukt bleiben!
Projekt Morpheus

Specs [Not Finalized]

120Hz (RGB) OLED display at 1920 x RGB x 1080

<18ms latency

5.7" screen gives about 100 degrees field of view

9 Tracking LEDs






120 FPS Game + auf der GDC hand on

Using the PlayStation 4's new version of Project Morpheus

It's hard to say it's a dramatic improvement over the first version of Morpheus, as the first iteration was already pretty solid. Are the visuals sharper? Yes. Is positional tracking very accurate? Yes! Does it still feel like your head is being squeezed into a vice? Sadly, yes. While the specs have improved, the comfort level is still in the "leaves something to be desired" category.

We'll put the new prototype through more paces as GDC 2015 goes on, and we expect the model we're using now will see many more improvements before the "first half of 2016" launch window.

Tried it yesterday at an infernal conference. It was my first experience with Morpheus, so I can't compare it to the previous version, but - based on the 2 two demos that were available - I will say this:

- I'm absolutely blown away by the experience I had.
- I'm wearing glasses and didn't have any issues at all, which was a great surprise.
- One of the demos was running at 120hz and it was amazing, but the other demo that was running at 30hz didn't really take anything away from the experience.
- There are no noticeable delay.
- I genuinely felt like I was in a different world. There were some very exciting and surprising moments in one of the demos that actually got my heart racing and got me sweating a bit.

Overall, great first impression.


One of the demos has you sitting on a chair with a Move controller in both hands.
At some point, the scene changes and you will have to stand up and take a step forward to interact with objects on a desk (open up drawers, pick up a key and open a cabinet, pick up a gun with your right hand and load it with a fresh clip using your left hand, pick up a flashlight). You basically press the triggers to pick up and hold on to them, release the trigger to let go. This worked great and felt really intuitive.

Anyway, I ended up triggering an alarm and as I was standing behind a desk, I got up to peak over it so I could see what was going on at the end of the room (security guards entering). All of a sudden, I was being shot at. Naturally, I crouched down behind the desk and everything behaved exactly as you would expect it to. The 3D was great, too, with wood splinters flying around everywhere.

praise yoshida

Digital Foundry: Hands-on with Sony's near-final Project Morpheus

We can safely say that it's a significant improvement over the already impressive developer HMD we've already tested. Looking beyond the raw spec, at the more practical level, Sony's designers have created a significant milestone in crafting a lightweight headset, the redesigned strap not placing any significant pressure on your face, distributing and balancing weight between the forehead and the back of your skull. It feels comfortable to wear, and we're curious to see how it holds up for extended periods.

The visor slots into place nicely - there's a button on the right of the underside that you hold down in order to move the display towards or away from your face. On a practical level, it works in setting yourself up for the best possible immersion offered by the kit, and it doubles up as means by which you can temporarily move the display away to orientate yourself in the environment. We're also happy to report that Sony has solved the troublesome 'glasses issue' - as a wearer of spectacles myself, there were no problems whatsoever with the HMD clashing with my eyewear. Also worthy of note is that no form of calibration is required - once the visor is comfortably in place, everything just works.
Secondly, the Heist demo emphasises the importance of PlayStation Move as an intuitive way to interact with the game world. While we didn't have access to the other three demos Sony has brought to GDC (we'll be looking at those later in the week), our prior experience of Morpheus demos using a standard Dual Shock 4 pad just isn't in the same league. What's really impressive about the London Heist demo is that interaction with the game world is intuitive - and obvious. There are no visual cues about where to find the gun, or how to load it - doing so is simply second nature. In the process, it feels fresh and exciting.

As a taste of what is to come when Morpheus arrives as a retail product in the first half of 2016, the London Heist demo is mouthwatering. What we have here is a carefully crafted experience with full console-level production values, working in combination with highly impressive hardware. Sony has brought three more demos to GDC that we'll be sampling later in the week - including a full 120fps experience - and we can't wait to try them out.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jetzt mit Morpheus ist die Entscheidung keinen Analog-Stick auf dem Move Controller zu haben, noch viel dämlicher. Damit hätte man nen guten VR-Controller für beide Hände gehabt, aber so ist "Dual-Move" nur für sehr spezielle Games zu gebrauchen.
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Ich habe VR noch nie ausprobiert oder die Möglichkeit gehabt dies auszuprobieren. Ich hoffe, wenn ich es denn schaffen sollte, Sony bringt es auf die GamesCom mit und man kann es da mal testen.

Was ich von Sony's Seite hoffe, ist, dass man eine Art Move 2.0 bringen wird. Eine verbesserte Version, die dann auch Analogsticks hat und vielleicht noch ein Stück genauer ist und natürlich ein passendes Design zur PS4 und Morpheus.

Move könnte am Ende das Argument für Morpheus sein, da es, im Gegensatz zur Konurrenz, ja quasi konkurrenzlos ist. Morpheus und Move 2.0 = Epic Win.
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