warum die meinung von dem artikelschreiber gepostet wird versteh ich nicht ?
interessiert doch kein schwein was der denkt
interessiert doch kein schwein was der denkt
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Sony Japan arbeitet mit den Originalmachern von Silent Hill an einem Reboot der Reihe exklusiv für PlayStation 5. So viel zumindest verifizierte Informationen vom Era.
A silent Hill reboot by the original creators is confirmed? (developed by Sony Japan), will be announced in the next few months
An insider here posted this and then we had confirmation by a mod that they verified the information The only thing I can 100% confirm is the SH reboot with Toyama, Ito and Yamaoka. It'll be announced in the next few months. Stepping in now before it gets derailed: Staff has verified the...www.resetera.com
KatharsisT (Verifiziert) schrieb:I absolutely don't know when Sony will make the full reveal of the PS5 with games. I just know it's a little bit delayed cause of Covid-19. I know which games they have in mind for the launch but I don't think it's my job to reveal them. If you're paying attention, you already know which games it could be. But due to Covid-19, plans could change. PS5 isn't delayed yet and they're not planning to delay it. I assume that the PS5 event will be digital if we don't find a solution for this virus soon and that Silent Hill could be announced during this event. If not, it'll be before the PS5 launch if Sony don't change plans. Maximum in October. Silent Hill reboot has been in development for more than a year so far. A build is already playable and they're ready to make a teaser for it. Toyama, Ito and Yamaoka are involved and can't wait to show what they've in store.
Godfall sieht ganz in Ordnung aus. Die neue Generation braucht neue Games und bisschen Vielfalt tut dem Launch glaube ich ganz gut.
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Neue infos
Sony rebooting Silent Hill series - Update: Maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I absolutely don't know when Sony will make the full reveal of the PS5 with games. I just know it's a little bit delayed cause of Covid-19. I know which games they have in mind for the launch but I don't think it's my job to reveal them. If you're paying attention, you already know which games...www.resetera.com
Man hört es von mehreren Leuten die alle die selbe Quelle haben. ;-)Sind die SH gerüchte eigentlich jedesmal die selbe quelle oder hört man das von mehreren leuten?
Na tollMan hört es von mehreren Leuten die alle die selbe Quelle haben. ;-)
aber aber noch PS4 games am start es wird nix gezeigt aber aberNächste Woche das Gehäuse und dann im Mai die ganzen Games.??