PS4/PS5/XOne/XSeries/Switch/PC Persona 5

Dengeki Hashino Katsura Interview

- Persona 5 started development after Catherine’s ended in August 2011.

- At that time they wanted to develop it for the mobile. (I think here he means portables (Vita/PSP) than mobile phone.)

- However, they realised that majority of the fans/players wanted HD, so they decided on developing it for HD machines (aka PS3) instead.

- There is a hint hidden in the 5 chairs and chains. (god knows what they are.)

- They are aware that a lot of people are hoping that Persona 5 can be released on the next generation machines (AKA PS4), however they have very limited development resources and are unable to do it. (Understandable, considering they were almost on the brink of disappearing because of Index. DAMN YOU INDEX.)

- The specs for PS4 are wonderful.

- There will be more information for P5, at the start of next year.
Schade das Atlus so wenige Ressourcen hat :hmm: Kann sein das Sega einspringt wird aber wohl auch damit zusammen abhängen wie PS4 Performed auch wenn die Entwickler es cool finden würden.

Frag mich eher was eher wo in dem Bild ein versteckter Hinweis sein soll? Adachi for MC confirmed? :v:
Persona 5 Aimed At People That Are Discontent With Their Lives

In an interview in a recently-published issue of the Persona magazine, Persona series director Katsura Hashino discusses Atlus’ thematic approach to Persona 5. Tumblr blog PepsimanGB has translated the interview, and you can find it here.

The interview begins with Hashino being asked what the teaser image for Persona 5 (above) is supposed to signify.

“It’s going to be a while yet before we’re ready to put out the game proper, but I think that image at least reassures people that there is something definitely coming along,” Hashino replies.

He continued: “To answer your question more directly, I feel that in today’s world, there’s no shortage of people that are bored and discontent with their lives. They’re at a dead end, chained down to a world of which they resent being a part. Persona 5, in that sense, is a game about freedom, the kind that those sorts of people haven’t had living in the real world.”

“I want them to be able to attain that sensation by playing through the game. Looking at it from that angle, I’d say that the image depicts the wait that must be endured for that moment of freedom to arrive.”

Regarding what kind of game Persona 5 will be when it is released, Hashino says that people that have played Persona 3 and Persona 4 should “feel right at home” with Persona 5. That having been said, Hashino wishes for the new game to be more “thematically approachable” than its predecessors.

“The characters in this game, through sheer force of will, are out to destroy that which suffocates people in today’s society and, again, keeps them chained down in place,” he shares. “I want players to come away from the game feeling like they have that power to take on the world around them and keep going in life.”

You can read more of Hashino’s thoughts here. Persona 5 is slated for release in winter 2014 on PlayStation 3.

Das ist zwar schon älter (:v:), aber ich denke, dass er nicht so Unrecht, weil Videospielen schon zum Teil eine "Flucht in ein zweites Leben sein können :blushed:.
Ich hoffe nur, dass Persona 5 wieder ein wenig anspruchsvoller wird.

Persona 3 und 4 waren an sich okay, aber Persona 3 Portable und Golden wurden leider furzeinfach gemacht.
Wer will auch 39048203985 x den selben Dungeon grinden hier im westen? Ein bisschen für west-gamer anpassen muss man die Reihe halt auch... :D
Ja eben nix. Das war es doch was in der Vita Version geändert wurde, oder?
Oder wurden auch Gegner generft?

es wurden einfach spielmechaniken eingeführt die das spiel deutlich vereinfachten.

Bei P3 und P4 bin ich öfter mal abgenippelt und Game Over gegangen. In den Handheldversionen nicht einmal. Hab irgendwie den Anspruch vermisst.
Ein paar neue Infos:

Persona 5 is a game about freedom

“In today’s world there’s no shortage of people that are bored or discontent with their lives. They’re at a dead end, chained down to a world which they resent being a part. Persona 5, in that sense, is a game about freedom.”

The shackles are a motif for the game

“They naturally represent the idea of a person’s immobility, of being unable to move ahead from their current position in life… the also simultaneously represent our intent to make a game where the players can actually take the next step and move forward”

Persona 5 is thematically red

“For Persona 3 we went with blue, with Persona 4 we opted for yellow so this time we’re painting the world red. That said, red can be a pretty hard colour on the eyes… so we’re making the interface visually palatable.”

Persona 5 will be more approachable than previous games

“The characters…are out to destroy that which suffocates people in today’s society… I want players to come away from this game feeling they have the power to take on the world around them.”

Keeping the core idea simple

“With Persona 3 and 4, the basic idea was that by banding together… you can get a sort of freedom that you couldn’t by being completely on your own. As you grow up [your beliefs] shift and change under the influence of what other people have to say. The freedom from those dynamics…was what Persona 3 and 4 depicted.”

“Persona 5… operates under its own set of thematic principles… We live in a time in Japan when teenagers and adults can’t just be idling their way through their lives. People have to be on their toes, thinking about and engaging with what is happening around them.”

Don’t sweat the philosophical stuff

“Persona 5 is first and foremost a work of entertainment and we want it to just simply be enjoyable on its own terms. It’s my hope that people will not get too anxious and worked up about how all of these things are going to pan out in the end.”

Persona 5 is a Playstation 3 exclusive that will be available around winter 2014.

Ich werd mir glaub ich keine weiteren Bilder oder Trailer zum Spiel geben.
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