Dear Sir or Madam,
it was brought to our attention that the upcoming European release of the game No More Heroes is a censored one that equals the Japanese version. We, the adult gamers, would like to kindly encourage you to release an uncensored version of the game that equals the US release and the version envisioned by Grasshopper/Suda51.
We feel it is our right as grown human beings to decide for ourselves which version we like to play. Given the region locked nature of the Wii console all potential customers would have no choice but to play the watered down version or illegally upgrade their consoles and import the game, which would results in financial loss for your company.
We know very well that you as publisher are in a difficult position after the Manhunt 2 incident, but please consider that this game was banned for other reasons than gore and violence (i.e. "Manhunt 2 is distinguishable from recent high-end videogames by its unremitting bleakness and callousness of tone in an overall game context which constantly encourages visceral killing with exceptionally little alleviation or distancing. There is sustained and cumulative casual sadism in the way in which these killings are committed, and encouraged, in the game."). No More Heroes surely is a violent game, but it is neither sadistic nor unremittingly bleak. As a consequence, the chances for the game to not get certified are considerably lower, one might say, they are almost minute.
Also, when you think about it, doesn't it strike you as unfair that other media can get away with a lot more violence than games? For example, movies such as Kill Bill and Saw are extremely gory and violent, yet they are certified in all European countries. Note that "No More Heroes" also has a more cartoonish approach and over the top violence, which isn't as bad as violence in ultra realistic games.
To sum up, we think that you should consider the arguments presented above and then hopefully release an uncut version of the game in Europe. Chances are good that all parts involved will benefit from the move. You will probably earn more money, the game will be as envisioned by its creator and we, the customers, will have a good choice whether we want to play with or without violence.
The undersigned
Hab das hier mal geschrieben. Hab aber kein bock mehr, wenn da jemand ne petition oder ähnliches draus machen will bitte sehr.