PlatformWAR Nintendo vs. Sony vs. Microsoft

Bitte verzichtet auf die übermäßige Nutzung sämtlicher Verunglimpfungen von Namen aller Art, sowie Begriffen wie "REKT" im WAR.
Dass Sony gerade 3rd geht und die Playstation komplett fallen lässt, blendest Du einfach aus? Naja, wenn es Dich glücklich macht :kruemel:

… komplett fallen gelassen auf die box & switch, die dadurch weggefetzt werden wie durch ne fliegerbombe. nur dass das pfeifende gehäule diesmal vom boden der tatsachen kommt.

die nicht gekauft werden, muss wohl ne hohe dunkelziffer sein
zum konsolen verkaufen reicht es scheinbar ; weiß ja nicht was die nicht-sonies so konsomieren, games sind es offenbar nicht. ms-spiele werden offensichtlich auch nur von playstationeros gekauft, weil box hat ja keiner.

werden ms-games dann eigentlich zu sony gezählt wenn sie für die playstation gekauft werden (quasi sonyfiziert) ? weil alle von ms gekauften ips ja auch ms angerechnet werden.

sony: software sells hardware
ms: soft- & hardware sells nothing
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zum konsolen verkaufen reicht es scheinbar ; weiß ja nicht was die nicht-sonies so konsomieren, games sind es offenbar nicht. ms-spiele werden offensichtlich auch nur von playstationeros gekauft, weil box hat ja keiner.
Tja, nur zum Konsolenverkaufen. Dass die Sonies lieber MS Spiele spielen wollen, sah man ja zuletzt an Sea of Thieves.
Spiele waren für Sony bzw deren Fans doch noch nie wichtig, hatten ja auch nie wirklich herausragende Exklusivtitel, alles nennenswerte waren Multiports

falsch: Sony hat ausschließlich herausragende Exklusivtitel und Tripple A Multiports

Tja, nur zum Konsolenverkaufen. Dass die Sonies lieber MS Spiele spielen wollen, sah man ja zuletzt an Sea of Thieves.

der Titel passt so 1000% ig zu ms
Rare kaputtgeklaut
Nach dem ganzen Gelaber über Bizepsbox vs. Throttlestation sind wir also wieder bei der Opferrolle angekommen? Tja, so schließt sich der ewige Kreislauf. Dieses mal halt früher als von den Fröschen erwartet, aber das Unvermeindbare musste geschehen. Sony deklassiert erneut MS. :nix:

Die "bezde Xbox ever in histori" ist jetzt sogar hinter der XBone und der X360 ... meine Fresse, so eine Klatsche und das bei all den starken Sprüchen die sie 2020 noch rausgehaut haben. :rofl3:

Der Rückzug in die Opferrolle ist jetzt mehr als verständlich. :kruemel:

Trotzdem keine Gnade, wer sich seit über 20 Jahren freiwillig veraschen lässt der verdient kein Mitleid. :nyafight:

Aber Bald(c), ihr werdet schon sehen, "wait for next-gen" ... :alt: :isaac:
Xbox Game Pass is getting major changes (new ‘Standard’ tier option for new members with no day one games, price increases)
Three things in life are certain, death, taxes, and price increases. Today, Microsoft confirmed to us that details on the long-expected Xbox Game Pass price increase is well and truly here — but it comes with some major changes to the basic Xbox console tier as well.
  • Soon, Xbox Game Pass for Console will be shuttered for new users only.
  • Users currently on Xbox Game Pass for Console will be allowed to maintain their subscription, as well as day one games, and the hundreds of titles in the back catalogue.
  • New users on Xbox Game Pass in the near future will be greeted by a new Xbox Game Pass "Standard." This is more like EA Access, which includes Xbox's back catalogue, and doesn't include day one games. This will be priced at $14.99 per month, and will also include Xbox Live Gold for multiplayer (now known as Game Pass Core, confusingly). It doesn't include Xbox Cloud gaming. Game Pass Standard is supposedly launching in September.
  • From September 12, 2024, Microsoft will only allow users to stack Xbox Game Pass for Console users for up to 13 months, using pre-paid cards and the like, which will continue to function. If you have more than 13 months stacked already, you won't be impacted.
  • Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will not be changed, but it will get a price increase. It will still include PC Game Pass, day one games, and hundreds of back catalogue titles, as well as cloud gaming. But, it is getting a price increase. The new price will be $19.99 per month.
  • PC Game Pass is also getting a price increase, from $9.99 per month to $11.99.
  • PC Game Pass will also continue to get day one games.
  • Xbox Game Pass Core (Xbox Live Gold multiplayer) gets an annual price increase to $74.99 from $59.99, but it will remain $9.99 per month.
  • The price increases are global.
  • For users with recurring billing, the new prices will take effect on September 12, 2024, giving you time to cancel if you don't fancy it.
  • UPDATE: Microsoft now has a support page up dedicated to these changes over here.
According to Microsoft, the vast majority of users today are already on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, which is their flagship plan for the service. Game Pass Ultimate incorporates all games on Xbox consoles, as well as in the cloud, and on PC too, often with cross-save and cross-progression. Microsoft joins a long list of subscription services like Netflix, Spotify, and others increasing their prices over recent years. For users who play tons of games, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate more than pays for itself, but for those who don't, Xbox Game Pass increasingly might look like a subscription service worth cutting from their monthly bills to save cash.

wir haben alles phil zu verdanken

Xbox Game Pass is getting major changes (new ‘Standard’ tier option for new members with no day one games, price increases)

  • Soon, Xbox Game Pass for Console will be shuttered for new users only.
  • Users currently on Xbox Game Pass for Console will be allowed to maintain their subscription, as well as day one games, and the hundreds of titles in the back catalogue.
  • New users on Xbox Game Pass in the near future will be greeted by a new Xbox Game Pass "Standard." This is more like EA Access, which includes Xbox's back catalogue, and doesn't include day one games. This will be priced at $14.99 per month, and will also include Xbox Live Gold for multiplayer (now known as Game Pass Core, confusingly). It doesn't include Xbox Cloud gaming. Game Pass Standard is supposedly launching in September.
  • From September 12, 2024, Microsoft will only allow users to stack Xbox Game Pass for Console users for up to 13 months, using pre-paid cards and the like, which will continue to function. If you have more than 13 months stacked already, you won't be impacted.
  • Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will not be changed, but it will get a price increase. It will still include PC Game Pass, day one games, and hundreds of back catalogue titles, as well as cloud gaming. But, it is getting a price increase. The new price will be $19.99 per month.
  • PC Game Pass is also getting a price increase, from $9.99 per month to $11.99.
  • PC Game Pass will also continue to get day one games.
  • Xbox Game Pass Core (Xbox Live Gold multiplayer) gets an annual price increase to $74.99 from $59.99, but it will remain $9.99 per month.
  • The price increases are global.
  • For users with recurring billing, the new prices will take effect on September 12, 2024, giving you time to cancel if you don't fancy it.
  • UPDATE: Microsoft now has a support page up dedicated to these changes over here.


es beginnt :banderas::rrod: :rrod:
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Respekt. Ihr seid hier noch so spät auf, um die Xbox zu dissen! :tinglewine:
Xbox Game Pass is getting major changes (new ‘Standard’ tier option for new members with no day one games, price increases)

  • Soon, Xbox Game Pass for Console will be shuttered for new users only.
  • Users currently on Xbox Game Pass for Console will be allowed to maintain their subscription, as well as day one games, and the hundreds of titles in the back catalogue.
  • New users on Xbox Game Pass in the near future will be greeted by a new Xbox Game Pass "Standard." This is more like EA Access, which includes Xbox's back catalogue, and doesn't include day one games. This will be priced at $14.99 per month, and will also include Xbox Live Gold for multiplayer (now known as Game Pass Core, confusingly). It doesn't include Xbox Cloud gaming. Game Pass Standard is supposedly launching in September.
  • From September 12, 2024, Microsoft will only allow users to stack Xbox Game Pass for Console users for up to 13 months, using pre-paid cards and the like, which will continue to function. If you have more than 13 months stacked already, you won't be impacted.
  • Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will not be changed, but it will get a price increase. It will still include PC Game Pass, day one games, and hundreds of back catalogue titles, as well as cloud gaming. But, it is getting a price increase. The new price will be $19.99 per month.
  • PC Game Pass is also getting a price increase, from $9.99 per month to $11.99.
  • PC Game Pass will also continue to get day one games.
  • Xbox Game Pass Core (Xbox Live Gold multiplayer) gets an annual price increase to $74.99 from $59.99, but it will remain $9.99 per month.
  • The price increases are global.
  • For users with recurring billing, the new prices will take effect on September 12, 2024, giving you time to cancel if you don't fancy it.
  • UPDATE: Microsoft now has a support page up dedicated to these changes over here.


wie krass schlimm, da lag mein prognose mit Abwärtsspiralkompatibiltot ja xbox-goldrichtig. 1 pixel- pong incomming

das ist ja schon kein sargnagel mehr den ms da durch das herz der xbox schlägt (viel zum audbluten ist ja da auch nicht mehr) , sondern eher ne tonnenschwere marmorplatte die die beerdigung von xbox und gamepass luftdicht abschließen wird.

ms lügt ohne grün zu werden
chartiysoft-kill till the end
spencer bzw. nadella sind echt die herrscher des gaming-zerstörer-imperiums… Auftritt Playstation:

sony schlägt einen entgegengesetzten kurs ein: statt wie ms den spielspaß als return of (fehl)investment den shareholdern zukommen zu lassen, zaubert Sony aus ihrem Kapital wahre PrachtGames mit purer Strahlkraft um das dunkle imperium mit der kraft der Tripple A Soft- und Hardware (auch gut messbar an den übermenschlich großen & hellen LUXuriösen überZOLL-gaming-tempeln der jedi-artigen sony-Ritter) bis in die hintersten Ecken (r)auszuleuchten bis auch die letzten Fehl-Manager bei ms wie ein paar aufgeschreckte Käfer das weite suchen.

ms go home und lass die armen unschuldigen ip‘s, die nur noch auf die vollstreckung ihres todesurteil warten (gamepassed away), frei
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