- Seit
- 26 Jan 2018
- Beiträge
- 10.508
Die strategische Ausrichtung seitens ‚Microsoft‘. Schau Dir das Statement zu den Schließungen an. Sieh Dich um, welche der großen Publisher (auch ‚Sony‘) ebenfalls Studios geschlossen und Mitarbeiter entlassen haben. Es wird Dir auffallen, finanziell sind die Kandidaten nicht in der Schieflage.Sondern?
Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda - IGN
Microsoft has closed a number of Bethesda studios, including Redfall maker Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks, and more in devastating cuts at Bethesda, IGN can confirm.
Take-Two reportedly shuts down Roll7 and Intercept Games, Private Division suffers layoffs
More details have emerged about the ongoing layoffs at Take-Two Interactive, with reports suggesting the publisher has …
EA to Lay Off Around 670 Workers, Sunsetting Games, 'Moving Away From Future Licensed IP' - IGN
Electronic Arts has announced that it, too, is undergoing mass layoffs, with plans to let go 5% of its total global staff, or roughly 670 individuals.
EA Shuttering Marcus Lehto's Ridgeline Games With Some Moving to Ripple Effect to Continue Work on Battlefield - IGN
In the wake of studio head Marcus Lehto's departure, EA announced that it is shuttering Ridgeline Games, with some of its developers moving to Ripple Effect to continue to work on its unannounced Battlefield game.
Dazu passt auch die Situation rund um ‚SquareEnix‘:
Square Enix wants to ‘upgrade some existing IPs to AAA status’ | VGC
“Rather than solely attempting to create brand-new IPs” to bolster its HD games portfolio…
“I want to improve our profitability,”
“I see ample room for improvement in our operating profit margin and would like to start by working primarily on our HD games.
Der Grundstein dafür wurde zuletzt gelegt:
Square Enix erwartet einen Verlust von 22.1 Milliarden Yen
Aufgrund von „content abandonment losses“