Switch Nintendo Switch - Games

Thema sind hier die Spiele der Switch, für Vergleiche mit anderen Konsolen gibt es andere Threads.
Dass Nintendo bereits erschienende Zugtitel bewirbt, ist nichts neues, aber das nimmt dann doch eine neue Form ein

FF7 Shadow Drop in der bald erscheinenden Direct? Termine für 10 und 12 haben wir, 7 und 9 stehen noch offen.
Das sieht für mich eher wieder wie ein Flugzeug aus :D

Die ganzen schwarzen Ränder um Final Fantasy VII nerven mich extrem.
Aus dem Q&A

Game Line-up?
T: we are preparing other titles, not able to say too much here, continue to release titles that are fun
M: have a lot of ideas, important that contents are unique to Nintendo, we are not denying approval for internal development ideas.

Takahashi : For game development teams are more integrated now, working better together, not taking more time to make games, other software doing cannot talk about yet, not have delay in titles that market is concerned about

bayo 3 also doch immernoch TBA.

warum schreibt dann jeder hier 2019 in den news usw ? :ugly:

Ende Februar Release


Kann jetzt bei Amazon vorbestellt werden.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Moero Chronicle Hyper coming west this spring

Moero Chronicle Hyper is coming to Switch via the Nintendo eShop in North America and Europe this spring for $29.99 with a 30 percent launch discount, publisher Idea Factory International announced.

The dungeon RPG first launched in Japan on January 31. It is an enhanced port of the PC version released in August 2017.

Here is an overview of the game, via Idea Factory International:

Io is a simple young man with only one problem – he can’t talk to women! Any attempts at conversation are destroyed by his perverted mind, except when he talks to Lilia, his best friend and a Monster Girl.
However, that becomes the least of his problems when he’s tasked with going to the dangerous region of Monstopia. There, Monster Girls have begun rampaging, causing wanton pain and destruction. Have the Monster Girls simply gone mad, or is there an even greater evil afoot…? Find out in this moe-filled dungeon RPG!
Key Features
  • Moe Monsters Moe Problems! – Recruit 50 Monster Girls, each with unique skills and traits, to fight for you! You’ll have to wear them out in battle first though!
  • Can I Kick It? – Build your relationship with each Monster Girl through special events, gift-giving, and even home improvement to increase their powers and abilities!
  • Trait Flexin’ – Strategize your 5-person party by keeping their Moe Traits in mind – when combined together, you can recover after battle, increase your party’s attack, and more!
  • Nothin’ Wrong with a Little Bumping Scratch! – Purify your Monster Girls and return them to their senses with “Bumping Scratch”! Find their points of weakness on their body and touch, rub, poke, or pick until they’re purified!
Switch Version Features
  • Vibration function for the “Bumping Scratch” session.
  • New items to increase stats.
  • Autopilot Mode, which allows players to point on a map and automatically brings you to the player’s destination.
  • ALL original art and event CGs released in the PlayStation Vita and Steam version!






Im Quote sind weitere Bilder
Releases for first 26 months, given that's what we have dated pretty well for Switch atm.

Interessanter Vergleich zwischen Switch und PS4 und der Anzahl der erschienenen Games verschiedener japanischer Publisher.
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