April 20, 2005 - GameCube owners are no strangers to Budget Monks Productions' Broken Saints. The online anime comic turn successful DVD was born to life around the same time that Nintendo launched its home console and many believed the story of Broken Saints would eventually land on GameCube. While the videogame adaptation didn't come to fruition during GameCube's life cycle, that didn't stop regular IGNcube readers from closely following the online comic, which years later continues to gain recognition.
Now, as Broken Saints catches the eye of Hollywood and is shopped around to various videogame publishers, franchise creator Brooke Burgess has begun to drop hints about Nintendo's next-generation console, codenamed Revolution. Why should Nintendo fans care? Well, Brooke is in a position to know. Not only is he a videogame industry veteran who worked for Electronic Arts, but he has in recent months dealt closely with console publishers.
Brooke plans to reveal what he's heard about Revolution on the Broken Saints website in the near future -- possibly, he says, later this week.
IGNcube directs readers to check out the Broken Saints blog for more on the subject.
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http://brokensaints.com/b... steht:
Since last years E3 (Electronics Entertainment Expo, for the uninitiated), hardcore gamers everywhere have been desperate to divine the next-gen console strategies of the three remaining players: Sony, Microsoft, and - to a sadly diminutive degree - Nintendo.
As far as the two heavyweights in this rumble are concerned, the Big N is no longer relevant; beating war drums for quirky handhelds and pastel grade-school franchises wont exactly strike fear into the hearts of Bill and Kaz. No sirreee, Bob
not when theyve got the mass-storage, photo-realism, and online tribe building locked down for the forseeable future. Cause thats what gamers are told that they want. Easy breezy market peazy.
So is the house that Mario built fixing to pull an engineered collapse and implode come Xmas 2006
or do those crafty Kyoto-ans really have one more Revolution up their puffy samurai sleeves? And does anyone even care at this point in the game? Im willing to make some wagers on this one. In fact, Im ready to put my mouth where my limited funds may be and reveal the big secret behind the Big Ns next gen console. Dead serious. No shit included. But not today. Not yet. Youll just have to check back regularly until months end for clues to the lingering mystery. And Im betting youll have even more phosphorousy burning questions come E3 2005 - whichll be our cue to proceed stirring a little more poo into the daily pot