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jaru schrieb:Das Patent sagt recht wenig. Für sowas in der Art von Nintendo On gibt es auch eins, nur wird trotzdem bis heute von N gesagt, Nintendo On ist ein Fake, wenn auch ein guter.
Anyone Remember Nintendo claiming that they've found a new way to render polygons in a way that the framerate wouldn't suffer?
Anyone remember the interview with one of the PR's at nintendo, in where Perrin Kaplin says they've been experimenting and improving a new technique that involved graphics since RE4's release?
They achieved the best graphics on a console that wasn't as strong as X-box, now think of this concept as a theoretical comparison for the Revolutions capabilities, except Cube Mapping being used to its full extent with all its intricate ramifications exploited. They would use cube mapping on everything, the environment, environmental objects, the ground skies walls even all the characters...
What's more, if Cube mapping isn't such a big deal, why would Nintendo patent it to prevent other companies from using the technique without their permission?
Revolution will be the first console to attain EXACT Full Motion Video fluidity and detail in real-time, all without needing a powerful juggernaut of a processor, ala Cell Technology.
Remember Nintendo stating recently, "When Microsoft and Sony see what we've done, they'll be screaming..." i bet that's because sony and microsoft will have invested so much money into costly machines, only to have Nintendo OWN a graphic technique that achieves the same, if not exceedingly more graphic level than their own consoles, and at a much cheaper price.
Goodplayer schrieb:ace916 hat mir erzählt, dass Cube Mapping benutzt werden wird. Er sagte, dass man damit VIEL schneller Spiele machen kann, die auch SEHR gut aussehen. Cube Mapping wurde z.B. auch ein bisschen in RE4 als Hintergründe benutzt, Nintendo hat aber die Technik weiterentwickelt. Und das war auch erst der Anfang. Hier noch etwas schönes von Gamespot:
Anyone Remember Nintendo claiming that they've found a new way to render polygons in a way that the framerate wouldn't suffer?
Anyone remember the interview with one of the PR's at nintendo, in where Perrin Kaplin says they've been experimenting and improving a new technique that involved graphics since RE4's release?
They achieved the best graphics on a console that wasn't as strong as X-box, now think of this concept as a theoretical comparison for the Revolutions capabilities, except Cube Mapping being used to its full extent with all its intricate ramifications exploited. They would use cube mapping on everything, the environment, environmental objects, the ground skies walls even all the characters...
What's more, if Cube mapping isn't such a big deal, why would Nintendo patent it to prevent other companies from using the technique without their permission?
Revolution will be the first console to attain EXACT Full Motion Video fluidity and detail in real-time, all without needing a powerful juggernaut of a processor, ala Cell Technology.
Remember Nintendo stating recently, "When Microsoft and Sony see what we've done, they'll be screaming..." i bet that's because sony and microsoft will have invested so much money into costly machines, only to have Nintendo OWN a graphic technique that achieves the same, if not exceedingly more graphic level than their own consoles, and at a much cheaper price.
nightelve schrieb:glaub kaum dass sie dazu zahlen müssen, weil es von Nvidia(??) entwickelt wurde, liegt das Lizensrecht bei ihnen...und nicht bei Nintendo.
Die haben vielleicht eine Lizens auf eine bestimmte Routine die sie entwickelt haben, aber Lizens dürfte Nintendo dann trotzdem an Nvidia abdrücken da sie Cube mapping benutzen.
jaru schrieb:Hm, Nintendo hat auffällig viele Patente in den Letzten Tagen
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Game system with tilt sensor and game program including viewpoint direction changing feature