Ok folks, here is some information you may or may not have already known:
-Revolution is just a codename, and will not be called Nintendo Revolution at release.
-The still secret controllers are wireless.
-Nintendo's Next-Gen console WILL be the most powerful console of all time.
-Revolution(as we will call it for now), will ship after the Xbox 360, and the PS3.
-A release date has not been confirmed, but will most likely be sometime in November 2006.
-WiFi will be enabled and ready out of the box.
-You WILL need a wireless adapter or located by a hot spot to use the online service.
-The online service IS free.
-Downloadable 1st party games are FREE.
-The controllers will have an optional gyroscopic feature to them.
-The console will ship in the price range of $150-200 USD.
-There will be 50 games available at the launch of the Revolution.
-Super Smash Bros: Fire will ship with the Revolution as a BONUS.