Es gibt mal wieder neue Specs zum Revolution. Die sollen angeblich recht glaubhaft sein da dieser Typ auch die XBOX360 Specs sehr genau vorausgesagt hat.
This is from Han_Solo from the G4 forums. he works for factor 5 if no one knows who he is.
Alright, i think im gonna do that "Clear up some more black smoke" for you mate
Im pretty sure the info im gonna release is already out in the japanese news and chinese, maby western also. But this info i have right now got to me in Feburary this year. So i dont know if you guys have seen it already, i hope not though . Also this info wasnt released by nintendo themselves , so i might be taking a
You ask about 2-3 times more powerful, what if its 20-30 times more powerful .
Alright, here are some specs from my sources about Revolution. Its still not the complete or "Satisfied" specs, but they are the numbers that would rival xbox 360 and PS3, like i have been saying all this while.....
Revolution Specs
CPU: IBM Custom PowerPC 3.5 GHz + 4 internal Power PC G5 cores running at 2.5 GHz each. Each core will have 128 KB or 256 Kb L1 cache. The whole CPU
will share 512 KB - 1 MB of L2 cache. As you can see they are deciding wether to go up one notch. But never the less, its a very powerful CPU with 4 custom G5 cores.
There will also be two hardware threads per core, 8 hardware threads total.
12 billion dot product operations per second
Theoritical of 10 GHz total + 3 GHz CPU speed
Revolution GPU
ATI Custom based RN520 core. the "N" stands for nintendo, and is because the ArtX team is with them, thats why its an "N". There will be 2 GPU cores (just like the nVidia SLI motherboard with two Graphics Chips), this will use ATI's alternative, and will be the first in any console.
Both GPU's will have 256 MB's of GDDR4 memory, with an addional 16 MB of eDRAM total. eDRAM is an onboard flash memory, just like the 3 MB on
the gamecubes flipper.
The cores will run at 600 MHz each, (rumours are that its possible 500 MHz each), but i doubt that.
24-to-48 way parallel floating-point dynamically scheduled shader pipelines for each core with unified shader architecture.
Polygon Performance: 500 million triangles per second theoritical, average ingame would be around <100 Million/sec
Shader Performance: 48 billion shader operations per second
Revolution memory
512 MB of 700 MHz Updated 1T-SRAM (its a totally redone design of something new, remember the nitrous i talked about)
Also, as I said Im going to add more info, the Revolution will support a PPU chip (Physical Processing Chip). This chip is very new to computer architecture, and it will mainly help in the physics area. There will be 32 MBs of its own RAM, which will link to the CPU and GPU. To compare to the usage of physics used in current games, Half Life 2 only used 5 MBs, Rebel strike used around 1.3 MBs, and RE4 used 3 MBs, but this is off main memory, which made performance issues.
There will also be a separate sound card that will support only DD 5.1 DTS 7.1, rumours has it will have 16 MBs, like the Cube DSP.