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Die Mutand Mudds Macher haben heute nen eigenes Metrovania für den 3DS angekündigt, das Ding heißt Xeodrifter:


Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 Announced For 3DS And Vita

Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 is in development for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita, this week’s issue of Famitsu magazine reveals. (Thanks, Re:Zaregoto)

Famitsu says the game will feature several new scenarios and systems, and will include over 50 commanders from Samurai Warriors 4. The game will also feature an increased number number of character edit slots.

Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 will be released in 2014.


Limitierte Version zu Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle

Bandai Namco kündigte neulich eine limitierte Edition zu Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle an. So wird der exklusiv über Einzelhändler Target (USA) vertriebenen, limitierten Version eine rote, metallene Bravenwolf-Figur beigelegt. Leider gibt es noch kein Bildmaterial zu der limitierten Edition, dafür seht ihr unten das US-Cover.

In dem 2D-Roboter-Kampfspiel übernehmen junge Spieler die Rolle von einen von vier Tenkai-Rittern, um den bösartigen Vilius und seine Armee von Roboter-Formwandlern davon abzuhalten, die Planeten Erde und Quarton zu zerstören. Neben dem auf Missionen basierenden Story-Modus besteht die Möglichkeit sich im Versus-Modus mit drei weiteren Spielern zu messen.

Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle erscheint am 7. Oktober exklusiv für Nintendo 3DS auch in Europa, die limitierte Edition wurde bisher nicht für den europäischen Markt bestätigt.

Take A Look At the Opening Cinematic For Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2

Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2, the 3DS port for the popular card arcade game in Japan was recently released both digitally via the Nintendo 3Shop and physically. ShonenGameZ was able to get their hands on the game to provide gameplay footage for the fans to see. But first enjoy the opening cinematic of the game.


Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3 Loads Up On “What If” Stories

Koei Tecmo games has a new portable Samurai Warriors game in the works.

Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3 has gameplay mechanics like the Secret Musou and Godspeed Action technique that lets players clear out waves of enemies quickly.

Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3 also has a number of what if scenarios to play through. Players will see a story where Yoshimoto Imagawa survived The Battle of Okehazama and what happened if Shingen Takeda’s march to the capital was a success.

The game also lets players swap through four characters to quickly move around the battlefield without having to actually run to different spots.

Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3 is slated for release later this year in Japan. The game is in development for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita.


Sind das jetzt Vita Scans? Sehen auf den ersten Blick VIEL besser aus, als die von Chronicles 1 auf 3DS...
Even Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3rd Has A Friendship System

Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3rd isn’t just about slicing and dicing through an entire army. You can befriend other samurai too. During event scenes, you can pick conversation options and your choices will improve your relationship with different characters. When your friendship gets stronger you’ll see different event scenes.

Of course, Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3rd has plenty of hack and slash action. Omega Force used Samurai Warriors 4 as a base for combat. Moves in like the Godspeed Action and Secret Musou are in the game along with character swapping.

Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3rd is slated for release on Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita sometime in 2014.

Warum schlecht für AC? Der erste Teil war schon ein Long-Time-Seller.
Und du hast immer noch nicht verstanden, dass es nicht nur um VKZ geht. :ugly:
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