8.5 Presentation
The amount of cinematic moments, well produced FMV, and easy to manage interface makes this one a seriously impressive package. More variation in levels is needed, but it’s a great offering.
9.5 Graphics
Beautiful model work, lots of abstract geometry, and impressive animation, specifically in the astronauts and bosses. Each level feels very similar, but apart from that it’s an amazing offering.
8.0 Sound
The techno “noise” fusion of music will be a plus and minus for different people. The sound effects are well done, though very compressed, and the voiceover work is well implemented where found.
8.5 Gameplay
The control and weapon balancing is very slick, and mobility feels great. Puzzles work well, the game always seems to drop the right ammo, though it does get repetitive at times.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Pace yourself, and you’ll enjoy it. There are a few serious déjà vu moments, but it’s a fun game with serious legs, and a nice level of exploration mixed with combat.
(out of 10 / not an average)