3DS Monster Hunter Generations (X)

Monster Hunter X Star Fox, Zelda, and Metroid collaborations begin distribution on January 5 in Japan

Monster Hunter X‘s previously announced collaborations with Star Fox, The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid will begin advanced distribution in Japan via 7-Eleven’s 7-Spot service on January 5, Capcom announced.

Here are the details.

Star Fox Collaboration

Begins distribution via 7-Eleven on January 5 at 9:00 a.m. JST and runs through February 9 at 8:59 a.m. JST.


Event Quest: “Star Fox: Snowy Mountain Battle!” Clear this quest and you’ll receive the “Bnyaster” (a cat-ification of the word “Blaster”) weapon and “Fox Cat Series” armor for your Felyne Palico.

Download Bonuses:

- “Star Fox” background for your guild card
- “Arwing,” “Landmaster,” and “Hired Mercenaries” titles
- “Fox” Felyne Palico with the special “Landmaster Technique” skill

The Legend of Zelda Collaboration

Begins distribution via 7-Eleven on January 5 at 9:00 a.m. JST and runs through February 9 at 8:59 a.m. JST.


Event Quest: “The Legend of Zelda: Power, Wisdom, and Courage”

Download Bonuses:

- “The Legend of Zelda” background and “Item Get” pose for your guild card
- “Tri-Force,” “Zelda,” “Heart Container,” “Legend,” and “Rupee” titles
- “Zelda” Felyne Palico

Metroid Collaboration

Begins distribution via 7-Eleven on January 5 at 9:00 a.m. JST and runs through February 9 at 8:59 a.m. JST.


Event Quest: “Metroid: Special Mission”

Download Bonuses:

- “Metroid” background and “Beam Shooting” pose for your guild card
- “Metro,” “Roid,” “Life-Form,” “Powered,” and “Planet” titles
- “Samus” Felyne Palico

Monster Hunter X is now available for 3DS in Japan. A western release has not been announced.

View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.

Monster Hunter X Mega Man and Square Enix collaborations announced

Capcom announced a Mega Man collaboration for Monster Hunter X during Monster Hunter Festa 2016 in Chiba today.

The collaboration comes in the form of a Mega Man costume for the game’s playable Felyne Palicoes, which has the abilities to use several Special Weapons, including Guts Man’s “Super Arm,” Wood Man’s “Leaf Shield,” Top Man’s “Top Spin,” Dust Man’s “Dust Cleaner,” Gravity Man’s “Gravity Hold,” and Flame Man’s “Flame Blast.”

Capcom also announced a Square Enix collaboration event quest, which will begin distribution on January 15, where you can battle Kushala Daora and produce the legendary Felyne Palico “Knyaight Sword” weapon and “Knyaight Series” armor.


Watch the trailer for the Mega Man collaboration below.


Marth Gear ist zwar ...brech... dafür ist das Game umso besser. Nach Aussetzen von MH4 steig ich hier definitiv wieder ein. Geht richtig flott zur Sache und verbessert das imo gelegentlich träge Gameplay mal um ne ganze Menge :awesome:
Es ist schon anders aber weniger "träge" (finde nich, dass MH4U träge ist) ist es nicht wirklich.
Endlich! Dieses Mal muss man nicht 2 Jahre warten bis man auf einem Stand mit den Japanern ist. Im Sommer komme ich dann in den Genuss des besten Monster Hunter aller Zeiten. :banderas:

Nun machen die Kostüme auch endlich mal Sinn. Gebt mir das Megaman und Dante Outfit :aargh:
Monster Hunter Generations Almost Had Two New Weapons

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate introduced two incredibly versatile and technical weapons – the Insect Glaive and the Charge Blade – to the series’ mostly traditional weapon roster. Monster Hunter Generations had plans to introduce its own unique weapons.

A quick glance through the Monster Hunter Generations Concept Art Book distributed at this year’s Monster Hunter Festa revealed two unused weapon concepts: the Hunting Hound and Wyvern Boomerang.


The Hunting Hound was a gunner class whose primary weapon was, well, a dog. The dog could have armor made for it (the book shows a design for Kirin’s armor) that would give it unique attacks and behavior. It was also designed to be able to find Monsters based on scent, or climbing to high places.

The player would issue commands in the form of button combos to coordinate different attacks – for example, the book shows you being able to target body parts, like the tail, or focus on breaking horns, and so on. Issuing a “follow the tail!” order would even have the pooch follow the Wyvern into the air! The player could ride it to move about the map faster, and it could be fed to recover health or stamina.


The Wyvern Boomerang looks like an even more developed weapon concept, with combos already designed. The heavy weapon had an overhead attack not unlike the Great Sword, but the diversity is in its throwing attacks and how the player interacts with it in midair. X would throw it straight forward, X+A would throw it upward into the air, and A would be a round-house throw.

Now, for the interesting part – before catching the boomerang after a throw, it looks like there was a mechanic built into it where the player could literally punch it back out into the air towards a Monster. It could even break into two for more advanced combos. This is a nice reflection of The Great Macao, whose motif was boxing – both with its hands and its feet.

Speaking of, the art book also includes original designs for all of the flagship monsters – which I’ll go over another time. For now, you can daydream about having your own dog companion in Monster Hunter Generations.

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