Oho, "HW-VKZ" wieder wichtig
Na gut aber der Reihe nach...
Wie er Angst hat den Link zum Artikel zu posten, kein Problem ich mache es gerne.
The PS5 Is Now Selling Slower Than The PS4
"The PS5 has been one of the most in-demand consoles ever since it launched in November 2020, so much so in fact that Sony has struggled to meet this strong demand.
However, the
latest figures show that PS5 sales have reached a total of 17.3 million units as of December 31, 2021."
"The PS5 has been the fastest-selling PlayStation of all time, with it reaching 10 million units sold faster than any previous Sony console, which shows the significance of the demand, but this pace is now slowing. The latest figures show that the PS5 is now falling behind its predecessor, with the PS4 having reached 20.2 million units sold by the same timeframe."
Also "aligned lifetime" sales:
PS4: 20.2 Mio.
PS5: 17.3 Mio.
Omg, Sony doomed ... Halbleiter-Krise is Fake-News und wir werden alle sterben
A ja, wie sind die HW VKZ der Series Familie?
Etwa 1 Trilliarde "X- Button pressed"?
Wenn eine neue Xbox den HW-VKZ Rekord der alten Xbox bricht ist das zwar schön für MS, ist aber trotzdem weit entfernt von dem was Sony bzw. Nintendo an HW-VKZ vorzuweisen hat.
Was für ein selbsownage mal wieder von den grünen Fangirls.