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Microsoft's biggest Gamescom 2021 announcement is something nobody is talking about, but could change the console wars forever.
"While the Xbox Series X is a great video game console,
what makes Microsoft’s system special isn’t the box—it’s Xbox Game Pass."
"During this year’s all-virtual Gamescom, Microsoft announced that Xbox Cloud Gaming is coming to Xbox Series X and Xbox One."
Better yet, if you only have an Xbox One, you’ll be able to play some Xbox Series X titles via the cloud in the future. Games like
The Medium and
Microsoft Flight Simulator will be playable on Xbox One via the cloud for Game Pass Ultimate subscribers
making it a lot less crucial to even pick up an Xbox Series X."
"All of this throws a pretty major twist into the console wars and, in some ways, really does leave the PlayStation 5 in the Xbox’s dust, clinging to a strategy that may produce a few great games, but makes those games less accessible to the majority of gamers."
GamePass ... ja, das Abo-Service ist das einzige was MS jetzt wirklich ernsthaft interessiert.
Xbox Cloud Gaming im GamePass, ja natürlich ist das fein für XBO Besitzer, deswegen Sony doomed, confirmed !
Was bloss nur wenn das GamePass Service auf der PS5 verfügbar sein würde, so wie es MS gerne wollen würde?
Neben "PS only" Perlen auch noch die Xbox Games? ... ja, Sony doomed
Wenn der GamePass wirklich zu dem wird was sich MS erhoft d.h. "Netflix für games", dann ist die Xbox HW nur eine Nebenerscheinung ...