PS2 Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater*spoiler*

C.T. schrieb:
Dito...........einerseits glaub ich das sie siene arbeit ehrenvoll weiter führen...aber ohne kojima ist es nich das selbe........warten wirs ab.
alles was jetzt zählt is Snake Eater!

is es schon 22 uhr?? :D

Ja ich weiß. Wahrscheinlich wirds so wie San Andreas da kam das review auch erst um 1 Uhr unserer zeit. Aber s kommt bald.
Leute, ich habe ein neues Most Wanted Spiel.

Wenn MGS 3 wirklich der beste Teil der Serie ist und wieder so tolle Innovative Ideen bietet dann wird es mit ganz ganz grossem Abstand das beste Spiel dieser Generation und vielleicht sogar des beste aller Zeiten.
Ich erwarte auch einen Überkracher. Allerdings bin ich mir ziemlich sicher, dass er vom nächsten Zelda geschlagen wird :)
Jack hat folgendes geschrieben:

Ja ich weiß. Wahrscheinlich wirds so wie San Andreas da kam das review auch erst um 1 Uhr unserer zeit. Aber s kommt bald. was mach ich jetzt??

Option 1.: Pennen gehen dann ist es schon morgen und ich kann (hoffentlich) zocken.
Option 2.: Nich pennen weil ich viel zu aufgeregt bin......wach bleiben bis 1uhr im internet cruisen und an dem preview aufgeilen.......oder
Option 3.: alles auf einmal!?!?!?!? :dizzy1:

C.T. schrieb:
Option 2.: Nich pennen weil ich viel zu aufgeregt bin......wach bleiben bis 1uhr im internet cruisen und an dem preview aufgeilen.......oder

du meinst wohl am review ;)
ich bin auch gespannt wie es bewertet wird, aber um 23 is tucke.. bin heute
morgen kaum rausgekommen weil ich gestern erst um 1 ins bett bin :(
ja kloar das REview natürlich...........ich glaub ich bleib auch wach......s*****egal! ;)
AllGamer schrieb:
also ich muss morgen erst um 8 aufstehen, da werd ich wohl bis 1 uhr wach bleiben und hoffen, das ign dann endlich das review online hat

Scheint als ob Konami was dagegen hat das das Review heut noch online geht. MetalgearSolid the unofficial Site musste ihr review das vor einer stunde online ging zurücknehemen. Damit verzögert sich das Review wohl auf Mittwoch. (Us Zeit)
naja um die zeit zu verkürzen, hier das Interview der PSM US mit Hideo Kojima:

Q: When MGS2 was released, it was not long after the events of 9/11. Snake Eater is being released during similair time of terrorism, this time in the Middle East. Have you thought about this during production? -Chris West, CA

Kojima: I do have mixed feelings about it. Games like my games should be enjoyed when its a peaceful world. In the game, we're talking about the Cold War, which was many years agim abd back then it was the United States versus the Soviet Union. And thats not how it is right now. Whats going on in Iraq right now is totally different, and how it will be different in twenty to thirty years from now. I hope people can can appreciate peace and also not like whats going on right now.

Q: Do you ever want to make something different? Does making Metal Gear keep you from another dream project?
- Mark Deersman, FL (what a gay last name)

Kojima: I dont really get sick or tired of Metal Gear Solid. Each time, we try to make it a very new and different game. Like with this one, we changed the time setting, the enviorment, the time setting, and the gameplay. I would like to work on something thats totally new, and not MGS, and if i continue to work on MGS, im deprived of physical time to do so. So, there is that dilemma.

On PS3, how oculd you change or improvethe MGS series outside of better graphics and sound?
- Mike Elburg

Kojima: Obviously, like you said with the improvements in the graphics and sound, ill be able to create more of a realtistic virtual expereience. But im a game designer, and im not going to depend totally on those things. Ill try to come up with new and innovative ideads that will surpass and leap of the hardware, and try to introduce gameplay that people can not imagine.

Q: Nintendo often argues for "pure" games as opposed to more cinematic experience and such. do you agree with them?
-Billy Mann, Boise, IH

Kojima: For me, a videogame is something that provides the gamer with a virtual experience. Maybe a place you cannot go to in a normal life, or a time that you can not live in normally; or becoming the opposite sex, or becoming someone from a different country. These thing you cannot normally do in your own life. And by experiencing the virtual places or times, you get these virtual experiences, and then obtain something benneficial from this experience. In order to proved that, we have to assign a role to the player, and thats the kind of game i want to provide for people. im not interested in creating simple, level completing games.

Q: How do you decide when to skew a game like Metal Gear towards a younger audience or older audience?
-Jihno Hwang, CA

Kojima: Would i gear Metal Gear towards a younger group? Absolutely not. When i was a kid, i went to see movies like 007 with my parents. And obviously, many kids do that, but they only get half the movie. I guess the fact that a kid can watch these more adult-oriented, mature materials that makes them feel good. They enjoy getting to share the viewpoint of an adult. I think MGS serves as an entranceway, a doorway to the adult world. Thats something that kids like so i would never change it. There are alot of Hollywood movies that take out the blood to lower the rating. Like the Mummy - you dont see any blood. But if i see an alien film, and theres no blood, its just no fun. It has to be how it should be. There is blood and violence in MGS, but if a child sees the game through to the end with his parents, he can see why theres violence. theres a logical reason why theres violence, and theres a logical reason why violence is not good. So i would never change that.

Q: How do you feel about a game like GTA, where the violence is not morally justified?
Ron Parks, WA

Kojima: If i were a player of sucj a game, id think its a great game. I really enjoy it. But as a game creator, id never make a game like that. In MGS, the limiting rule is the role of an agent. For example, if i made a cop game, i would never allow the player to kill a civilian. This role of being a cop, serves as a set of rules that limits your freedom. In my games, freedom is bound by certain limitations. In GTA, you can kill anyone you want to and the game does not end. Thats total freedom.

Q: Do you think games can have a detrimental effect on society, especially when it comes to younger players? - Antwon Smith, CA

Kojima: Ive grown up watching films and reading books, and watching anime, and ive learned so mch from them but what ive absorbed from them is both good and bad. And the stuff that i got from them is both good and bad. And the bad stuff that i got from them, i think the people who provided the bad stuff are responsible. So yes, i beieve we do have a social obligation. Can violence have a detrimental effect on kids? I dont think so, as long as the parent is with the kid and tells them that whats going on in the game is different from the real world. I think games like my games are necessary. And i think games like GTA are necessary, too. I think its up to what kind of life the user has lived up to that point. As i said before, in my games, i give people an oppurtunity to enjoy a virtual experience. With MGS, its the virtual experience of Snake, who is an agent. So if you try to do things that an agent wouldnt, or shouldnt be doing, we dont give you that freedom. But with GTA, you do get all of that freedom. These games are different, but they can coexist, and they both have meaning.

Q: What are your general thoughts on the PSP? Will it have a significant impact on Sony's future? - Stan Michaels, CO

Kojima: Yeah, i think it is a very important product for Sony. My young guys are working on Metal Gear Ac!d in the office right now, and since weve been working on that game, ive been watchin the hardware for a long time. I think its a very attractive piece of machine. There have always been hand-held systems like the GBA, and many more in the past, but there has never been one that could play movies, music, and games. Thats what the ps2 offered - movies, music, and games - and now its protable. And thats very attractive.

Q: Most of the games i see for the PSP look just like the console games. Will we see games made for it that take full advantage of its accessories and portability? - Paul Bride, TX

Kojima: Thats exactly why i made Boktai for the GBA - to take advantage of its portability. With the PSP, i think it will go in that direction eventually, but since the system hasnt come out yet, companies have to bring what they have on the consoles to that machine. Later on, when people buy the PSP and everyone has one, I think that there will be games that will take full advantage of its portability. The thing is, when new hardware comes out, the games have to emphasize how powerful it is- that PSP can show as many polygons as the ps2 can. If a game does not focus on the great graphics or polygon count of the system people who dont have the system really dont care about it. thats what they look for. but once they have it, the games do no t have to focus on such strenghts.

Q: Theres been a lot of concern expressed about the PSPs price and battery life. Do you think this could hurt its sucess?

Kojima: We do not think that the hardware will fail because of such problems. We do not create games for a system that we think will fail. We'll be working closely together with Sony, and any other companies that release hardware, like Nintendo, believing that the hardware will be sucessful.

Q: Sonys going to be using Blu-Ray discs for the PS3, which can hold a lot more date than DVDs. Most games dont use that much space on a normal DVD, so what is the potential of this new medium? Joseph Ingles, GA

Kojima: The thing is, with MGS3, we're filling up the DVD - we're actually having to take things out to fit the game onto one disc. Its going to be tough working with blue ray discs.
Also ich wünsche schonmal allen hier die die US-Version bestellt haben, dass das Game pünktlich ankommt. Viel Spass beim zocken des genialsten Games der Welt! :)
Sind das persönliche Kontakte oder findet man diesen Großhändler im Internet?
Noah schrieb:
Also ich wünsche schonmal allen hier die die US-Version bestellt haben, dass das Game pünktlich ankommt. Viel Spass beim zocken des genialsten Games der Welt! :)

Thx Noah

ich hab meins bei Lik-Sang bestellt.......per U.P.S müsste es morgen eigentlich auch da sein :-?
so, hab bis jetzt extra gewartet aber eben gelesen das sich das Review wohl
bis Mittwoch verschiebt, ich geh dann mal ins bett, ich hoffe für alle die es
bestellt haben das es "heute" eintrifft und wünsche euch viel spass und glück beim zocken :)
sMuggY schrieb:
so, hab bis jetzt extra gewartet aber eben gelesen das sich das Review wohl
bis Mittwoch verschiebt, ich geh dann mal ins bett, ich hoffe für alle die es
bestellt haben das es "heute" eintrifft und wünsche euch viel spass und glück beim zocken :)

jo, thx.
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