The Legend of Zelda X Mario Kart 8 - AOC Pack - Digital Download :win:
Each Add On Content pack will contain two new cups, each with four courses, which, in total, increases the number of available courses by 50 percent. The Add On Content packs include classics like Wario’s Gold Mine from Mario Kart Wii, as well as new courses, some taking place in the worlds of The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing. New vehicles will also arrive with each pack, including the Blue Falcon kart representing the F-Zero franchise in the first AOC pack.
Mario Kart 8 Pack 1 - Released: November 2014
Pack 1 includes:
•3 Characters: Tanooki Mario, Cat Peach, Link
• 4 Vehicles
• 8 Courses
Mario Kart 8 Pack 2 - Released: May 2015
Pack 2 includes:
• 3 Characters: Villager, Isabelle, Dry Bowser
• 4 Vehicles
• 8 Courses
As a bonus for purchasing both packs - as a bundle or separately - you can get eight different-coloured Yoshis and eight different-coloured Shy Guys that can be used right away.
Schade das Nintendo nicht wirklich mitdenkt! Meine mit der F-Zero Strecke,
hätte -sollte man -eine schnellere Rennklasse mit raushauen.
Das wäre doch richtig mal was? Skill für jeden und Allen, erst mal wieder
anlernen müssen etc. .
Stimmt schon! Könnte man glatt in, Nintendo Kart World umbenennen. Aber
der Marken Name Mario Kart, ist einfach zu groß und nicht mehr wegzudenken.