Manga Manga in Perfektion: One Piece

Oda lässt nur hintergründe von seinen assisten zeichnen,die charaktäre macht er immer selbst.



Just sayin' :nix:
Also von mir aus könnte Oda seine Skizzen auch kopfüber in künstlichen Schnee pinkeln, solange
daMatt schrieb:
Und trozdem sieht bei OP das Endergebnis besser aus.
das hier stimmt, ist mir das ziemlich egal.

Ich sage doch nur, dass Odas Schreibtisch so aussieht wie seine Skizzen und das es irgendwie passt :lol:
Es gab überhaupt kein negatives Urteil von mir, oder? :ugly:

Aber ja, mir tun die Leute leid bzw. bewundere ich die Leute, die mit der ersten Skizze da oben arbeiten müssen/können :lol:

Ich sage doch nur, dass Odas Schreibtisch so aussieht wie seine Skizzen und das es irgendwie passt :lol:
Es gab überhaupt kein negatives Urteil von mir, oder? :ugly:

Kam das jetzt so rüber, als ob dir das unterstellen wollte? Ist jedenfalls nicht der Fall.
Finde die Skizzen selber ziemlich merkwürdig; wollte nur betonen, dass es letztlich auf das Resultat ankommt.
naja, wenn wirklich alle Panels so aussehen ist das schon schwach von Oda, aber cool zu sehen, wie solche Rohfassungen aussehen können, wie wohl die Skizzen von Togashi aussehen?:ugly:
Du kennst schon den Unterschied zwischen ersten Entwürfen zum Chapteraufbau und fast fertigen Skizzen? btw hat doch bisher nur Kishi einige Chapter nicht rechtzeitig fertig bekommen. ;)
Databook 3 sagt, es sind die ersten entwurf-skizzen. :nix:
Bei Kishimoto sind sioe dann halt einfach schon zu 50% fertig. Isso, isso!

Oda hat ja auch viel mehr zeit, so oft wie der pause macht :v:
naja, wenn wirklich alle Panels so aussehen ist das schon schwach von Oda, aber cool zu sehen, wie solche Rohfassungen aussehen können, wie wohl die Skizzen von Togashi aussehen?:ugly:

okay musste wiki fragen was der besagte zeichnet XD. Seine Frau ist cooler.. Zeichnerin von SailorMoon höhö.

Und argh.. OP Entzug.
Danke an Loti für die Skizzen. Denke auch es zeigt unterschiedliche Stufen der Chapterentwicklung. Hoffe ich für Odas Mitarbeiter ^^
offtopic zum letzten... oda mit frau und jüngstem Kind

People starting from top left:

Cho (Brook), Hiroaki Hirata (Sanji), God (Eiichiro Oda), God's wife (Chiaki Inaba), Baby Girl Oda (Baby she's holding), Kazuki Yao (Franky)
Ikue Ohtani (Chopper), Akemi Okamura (Nami), Kazuya Nakai (Zoro)
Kappei Yamaguchi (Usopp), Mayumi Tanaka (Luffy), Yuriko Yamaguchi (Robin)
And an unknown child in the very front. Maybe one of the seiyuu's kids. Or even the picture taker's kid.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Databook 3 sagt, es sind die ersten entwurf-skizzen. :nix:
Bei Kishimoto sind sioe dann halt einfach schon zu 50% fertig. Isso, isso!

Oda hat ja auch viel mehr zeit, so oft wie der pause macht :v:

Wenn das wirklich seine allerersten Skizzen sind, macht Kishi das eindeutig falsch. Isso.
NO, NO, NOOOOOO!!!! :Fuuu: :aargh:

Wieso befleckst du den OP Thread mit solchem Schund? Why? :x

Da anscheined keiner von selber drauf kommt mal nach OP Spoilern zu gucken (während ich froh und munter welche im naruto Thread poste), mache ich es dann mal selbst

first half

Chapter 623: Fisher Tiger, the Pirate
Coverstory: Kaya has grown up to be a beautiful woman. Many handsome men flock to try and hit on her, but Merry stops them.

On the Pirate of Sun ship....
They obtained the eternal pose for Koala's homeland
Koala cut her hair, got a different set of clothes, and now she looks a lot cuter.
But she still has the habit to clean the floors lol

The ship's doctor Aladdin (former slave, former Neptune Army soldier, fishman of Bearded rockling) says Koala's trauma can be healed over time,
but Arlong asks him if he really wanted to kill her instead. He says if boss wasn't there, he doesn't know what he would have done.
Jinbe says the ones who look down on them are just handful of humans, and the rest look simply fearful.
Jinbe asks Koala why she's so scared of them.
Koala: Because I don't know anything (about you)....
Jinbe remembers what Queen Otohime said

They go through various adventures, and finally arrive at Koala's homeland, Foolshout island.
As they part with Koala, Macro gang cries for her. The other fishmen express how they'll miss her.
Koala leaves with a smile on her face, and tells them she'll tell her people how nice many fishmen really are.
Tiger takes Koala to her village alone, and give her the final farewell. But the people of her village look suspicious...
As Tiger returns to his ship alone, Vide Admiral Strawberry and marines show up.
The villagers alerted them, and made a deal with the marines. To overlook Koala for running away from the Tenryuubito, in return for Tiger's whereabouts.
The pirate ship is attacked, and Tiger is near death.
Koala asks her mother what's going on with all the noise, but her mother looks away and pretends she doesn't hear anything.

Bleeding near death, Tiger and co takes the marine ship, and set out to sail.
Tiger's blood is a rare type, and no one in his crew has the same blood.
Aladdin says if they use the blood stocked in the pirate ship, he'll live, but Tiger adamantly refuses the proposal!

next half

Tiger: I don't want that in me!! I don't want to stay alive with filthy blood like that!!
Those are tainted blood... those are the blood that has discriminated us fishmen for years...!! I do not wish to owe them anything!! I do not wish their pity!
I will not bow to humans!! I didn't want to tell you guys this... but in my last adventure, I was captured in Mariejois for several years... I was a slave!
What I saw there was... the insanity of humans..!! I ran for my life, but after what I saw there, I couldn't just let the slaves be..!
Listen to me.... I lived the life as I please... and as a result, got in Queen Otohime's way... but she's right!! Peace is a better solution for anyone in the world.
But... the only people who can change the island are next generation of people like Koala, who knows nothing and innocent..!!
That why I beg you!! Don't tell anything to the island!! The tragedy that happened to us! The wrath of the humans!!
There are still many kind hearted humans in this world...!!! I realize that...!!
But... It is foolish for those of us dying and passing from this world leave just their hate upon this world...
I understand it all with my head... but the demon in my heart rejects it! My bod rejects that blood!
I just cannot.... love humans anymore...!!

As the fishmen tell him he's a hero, and they owe their lives to him, and pleas for him to stay alive, Tiger simply tells them "thank you" and passes away....

Meanwhile, Arlong who cannot forgive the humans for what they did, heads to the Foolshout island alone to slaughter them all.
But he is caught by Kizaru, and taken away by the marines.

End of chapter

(T wonders if Kizaru allowed Jinbe into Shichibukai so the fishmen would behave
Perhaps he took Arlong to use him to make that decision> Aladdin looks like the Genie from Aladdin. Cool looking older fishman)

T's notes

Strawberry didn't actually fight, he just let his men fire on them
Borsalino vs Arlong isn't shown either, just Arlong drenched in blood

And sorry, Strawberry wasn't a Vice Admiral yet, he's a Rear Admiral in the flashback

Also I think Tiger is very strong. It showed a little bit of action, and he sent many marines flying
Es gibt mehrere Bilder LoT^^ und viele der OP fans hier,verzichten mittlerweile auf Spoiler,da die chapter zu gut sind ;)
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