Manga Manga in Perfektion: One Piece

Zitat von Hacky
mainly this. aber immerhin wurde "poop" zu delicious food gemacht.

Irgendwie schlimm, das ich jetzt zwei Sachen kenne, wo soetwas angeschnitten wurde.

oh you.. :awesome:
mainly this. aber immerhin wurde "poop" zu delicious food gemacht.. Muss gestehen ich kannte den Crossover Manga gar nicht. Und auch null Interesse, aber war netter Fanservice ^^.
Mir würde es auf jedenfall mal gut gefallen, wenn die beiden manga hauptchara kämpfen würden. Kann ja auch ein offenes Ende haben, damit sich die Fans den gewinner aussuchen können, aber ich finde das hier echt nicht so prinkelnd. Die Ideen hinter diesen Crossover ist echt toll, aber dann doch auch wenigstens kämpfen (Wenn Oda schon darauf besteht einen Manga für Jungs zu machen, die auf Kämpfe stehen.)
ich kenn den kampfstil des anderen mangas nicht. Aber wäre Ruffy gegen einen "Martial Artist" /Faust Kämpfer nicht himmelhoch überlegen von der Grundausstattung eines Gummikörpers? Denke das wurde bewusst weggelassen. Und Gin was ist der zweite Manga lol.. oder nein will es doch nicht wissen. Musste aber irgendwie an die Mythbusters Folge denken, wo sie ne Kugel S***** auf Hochglanz poliert haben.
es ist wieder soweit.. spoiler zeit ^^

status: confirmed

Chapter 620: The Theme Park we dreamed of (yarned for)
Cover Story: Island of Rare Animals
Gaimon got a girlfriend! Sarfunkel, a woman in a barrel
(Probably a joke on Simon & Garfunkel)

Ryuguu Palace, in the corridors
The soldiers in the castle all got out safely, except for the King
They are going to reinforce their forces and return
In Gyoverly Hills, that NFP lieutenant that laughs "Muhhihhi" is seen
In front of the Fishman Cultural Hall, Hyouzo
At the Marine Shopping Mall, that striped NFP lieutenant is forcing people for "fumie"
(In feudal Japan, fumie was a picture of Jesus that they made people step on, to find out the christians as Christianity was banned)
He tells them they either step on the picture or leave the island
At the Town of Watermill, Prince Fukaboshi is seen enraged.
The picture of the fumie was that of Queen Otohime, his deceased mother.

At the Coral Hill, people are talking after Luffy & Co left the area
Cariboo was in the shadows, and saw Princess Shirahoshi
He is scheming how she is 7-8 times the size of a normal mermaid, so she'll fetch a heafty price at auction

Scene changes to the Forest of Sea
Jinbe tells Shirahoshi that he will save the king
Sanji brings tea, but Nami cuts him off (?)
Nami wants to hear Jinbe. Sanji heard fro Yosaku, so he knows already
Two years ago when Sanji saw Luffy and Jinbe on the newspaper, he was confused
He was thinking Jinbe was a scheming one like Arlong
Sanji: Hey Jinbe... If you want to give excuses, we'll hear it. But you better watch your tongue...
To tell you the truth, Nami-san's home town was the one under Arlong's rule.
She herself is one of those who had to endure unending pain and misery...
I may not forgive you, depending on your tale...!!
Hachi also admits they scarred her beyond redemption
Small flashback of Nami, Nami's face is saddened
When she saw Shabaody Park two years ago, she coudln't believe her eyes.
It was very identical to Arlong Park

Hachi starts telling the story (long story short, the fishmen longed for the world humans lived in)
Jinbe starts telling his tale.
"Two people rose to do something about racism of humanity, and the predicament of fishmen. Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger.
But the fact the Pirates of the Sun who stood against the world government was out free in the sea worked against Otohime's work to try and bring peace and friendship between human and their kind.
Queen Otohime tried to endure the painfull times, and change the future.
Fisher Tiger gave up on the future, and instead took action to free the slaves right now.
I cannot judge who was right and who was wrong... But I.... "

Flashback starts. 15 years ago, Grand Line
Fisher Tiger stands, in between Jinbe and Arlong.


have fun with it.. bin um 18 uhr hoffentlich zum fertigen scan wieder da XD
Nur weil ihr es alle wollt wird Jinbei auch jetzt nicht automatisch SH. WB hatte auch spoilerische Dinge... :sorry:
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