Beat the game, 62 hours. Pretty solid game, too bad about the story.
Story: C- (main story), A+ (A Thousand Years of Dreams)
Gameplay: A
Design/Direction: A+
Entertainment Value: B+
Comments on the story: It's pretty funny if you expect an epic fantasy RPG type story, filled with plot twists and many side characters like a FF game, since the game is nothing like that. Instead the main story is like a high budget live-action Disney movie, toned down for the whole family, with no shades of grey and only black and white characters, tons of focus on themes of LOVE and HOPE and the HUMAN SPIRIT, and lots of random comedy and slapstick characterization and events. It probably has the worst villain I've seen in any RPG in the past 5 years, period. He's so bad, he's GREAT. The ultimate cheesed up B-actor villain that hams it up with his trusty LOOKING EVIL 101 manual. The cutscenes are mostly funny, with some being pretty cringe-worthy, but overall really entertaining... just not in the usual JRPG way.
Comments on the gameplay and design: LO is probably the best looking next-gen JRPG out at the moment. Everything from the environments to the characters and monsters look really detailed and awesome. The designs rock, and they animate really well too. It's pretty awesome to actually see so much effort put into the design and concept of the entire world and the various beasts and machines. The dungeon design is fantastic as well, with great ideas and lots of fun puzzles and gimmicks in each dungeon. The battle system is well thought out, with really useful equipment, spells and skills. The game balance is pretty spot on and the game is never too hard, but always kinda challenging until you reach endgame and choose to totally abuse the hell out of the the skill system.
Overall: I had lots of fun and the game was packed with content. The gameplay was really good, and even the slowdowns and loadings didn't really get in the way of the fun. It's just rather disappointing that the main story ended up being such a LULZ instead of something truly memoriable and well written. If only the main story was a fraction of the Thousand Years of Dreams in quality, it would have blown most JRPGs out of the water, unfortunately they're as different as night from day. I'll recommend anyone getting the game to check out ALL the short stories, because they're really solid stuff. Great writing and plotting, and a far cry from the Disney family movie that the main story is.