L14: Freak
- Seit
- 13 Mai 2006
- Beiträge
- 6.906
Ein paar Impressionen aus dem Teamxbox forum:
Klingt für mich doch sehr gut, sofern es stimmt, hoffe, mich wird es genauso packen wie diese leute. Ich bin aber fest davon überzeugt
Anyway i played for a fair while last night and i must say i'm still very impressed. The cutscenes themselves are very "Shadow Hearts" in their direction and i've enjoyed the character interaction, the story does have a very....sobre/bitter feel to it so far (characters with long forgotten pain and all that) yet you're not weighed down by it and there is some great humour in it (i've actually been laughing out loud at some parts).
Tecnhically speaking the game still holds up, frame rate dips during the in-game cut scenes aside.
I've managed to hit more of the battle system and i'm really liking it so far, it's not overly complicated but the linking system is a good idea and i'm looking forward to seeing how it develops as the game goes on and i have more skills to play with.
The text-based memories of Kaim are very nicely done, even though you're essentially just reading they make it feel like more like a memory by adding backgrounds, and haunting, music to accompany it (kinda hard to explain!).
The game isn't reinventing the wheel as far as JRPG's go, so i doubt anti-JRPG people will be won over by the game. Enemies so far have been of your standard "weird mutated plant/animal/bird" variety, you kick pots to discover items etc etc
But the game does provide an great story and polished gameplay, it's a JRPG through and through but there are enough nice touches to make it feel exciting rather than "been there done that".
I like JRPG's and normally i'm bored senseless by the first few hours since they have to go through the typical "this is how you play the game" sections that are mostly tutorials and easy battles. Those elements exist here, but the upside of the (now infamous) 20-hours of cutscenes in this game is that those few hours are spent enjoying great intereactive story so you feel less like you're going nowhere (which is how most beginning sections in JRPG's feel to me).
I'm not trying to fight for any side here, i'm just trying to give honest impressions from a guy who is a fan (but not a blind devotee) of JRPG's. When it comes down to it i can only summarise by saying i've enjoyed every minute i've been playing LO so far, the production quality is sky high, the score is superb, the dialogue is great (for the most part!) and the pace of the game is faster than your average JRPG.
Sure the framerate dips during cutscenes, loading is short-but-frequent and the graphics, whilst the best of any JRPG to date, will not cause your eyes to melt in the light of their glory BUT the flaws that do exist in the game are ones that can be easily lived with (at least for this gamer).
Right well it's saturday morning here and i've finally got a day off work, time to get playing!
I'm sorry and I might get crap for this, but whatever its my damn opinion so take it for what it is. This is one of the best jrpgs I've ever played and I'm quite sure I haven't been this impressed with any game's story.
The thousand years of dreams concept alone runs circles around many other rpg's attempts I've seen to introduce or bring true depth to a character. I'm impressed is all I can say and to be honest if people don't support this game when it comes stateside you have no business claiming you're a fan of japanese rpgs and surely shouldn't complain should we never get anymore like this on the 360.
They really put it all into this game. Dare I say within the deceivingly traditional look of the game's turn based gameplay there are innovative improvements that also help to really make Lost Odyssey feel significantly improved over other turn based jrpgs? I dare indeed.
People will know me as one of Blue Dragon's biggest supporters here because I really enjoyed the game, but Lost Odyssey is unmistakably in another league altogether. I'm pretty far into disc 2 and I'm probably speaking really soon, but if this game manages to sustain what I am seeing thus far this could end up being as legendary and as celebrated as the likes of final fantasy VII or chrono trigger. There I said it.
And for some of the comments I've seen here. How little innovation you bring to the table has nothing to do with it being or not being a quality game. It does help, but it certainly isn't a must. Even so, Lost Odyssey took what was seen by many as a dated system and showed clearly that it still has a few surprises up its sleeve.
And that IGN article is total bollocks find out for your damn self don't let them turn you off from a great game.
Totally understandable there is nothing wrong with being skeptical, and to be honest I'd be lying if I said I didn't have concerns that the gaming media over here might not have the same glaring opinions of the game as I do, but what I do recommend is that everyone do themselves a favor and find out for themselves. I personally thought there would be no way any gaming site could say bad things about this game and then here comes the IGN preview. I'm still surprised they said those things and I'm actually VERY VERY interested in seeing what they have to say about the game as they play further into it. If they still have that aggressive negative tone towards the game then I'll simply cross IGN off my list of sites that I look to for honest opinion, because I think its impossible for someone to have such negative opinions about a game this good.
I remember final fantasy VII like it was the back of my hand and Lost Odyssey has gotten a whole lot more hardcore sooner and has a story that is, in my opinion, easily more superior so far thanks in no small part to the 1000 years of dreams and just how well this game touches on the emotional aspects of the characters. It isn't kicking the door down with a whole host of innovative features the likes of which no rpg has ever seen, but to in any shape or form suggest this game isn't as impressive on an overall level as final fantasy VII is completely bogus in my opinion. If Lost Odyssey was a ps1 rpg from Squaresoft people today wouldn't be screaming at the top of their lungs for an ff7 remake they'd be asking for a Lost Odyssey remake.
To be honest I actually prefer people not believe what I have to say about the game. When it comes to the USA just rent it and give it some serious playtime and you'll see why I'm so impressed by this game. I don't for a second think Lost Odyssey will fail to live up to the bold claims I've made about it. The game's most pronounced problem is the long loading times and that aspect is something I can see people the gaming media getting pissed off about and take off points, but there is no denying the total package here folks. This will probably be my last comment until I beat this thing because I want to be able to properly speak from my experience of the entire game from here on out, but I'm loving it so far.
Again I understand people being skeptical which is why I say wait for the USA release and rent it find out for yourself. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain so give it a go.
Klingt für mich doch sehr gut, sofern es stimmt, hoffe, mich wird es genauso packen wie diese leute. Ich bin aber fest davon überzeugt