Musik Linkin Park

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Habe nun auch das Album (werde es mir aber natürlich noch kaufen 8-) ). Kleiner Fazit zu den Songs:

Ist ja nur das Intro, aber trotzdem ganz ok. Es fängt ziemlich ruhig an und wird langsam lauter bis es sozusagen musikalisch "explodiert". Hört sich sehr nett an :)

Given Up
Müssten ja die meisten von euch mehr oder weniger kennen. Mit No More Sorrow die einzigen "harten" Songs des Albums. Metal Riffs + Chesters Geschreie wie man es liebt.

Leave out all the Rest
Dieser Song ist echt eine Überraschung! Insgesamt ein sehr ruhiger Song mit einer Ohrwurm-Melodie.

Bleed It Out
Der einzige Song auf dem Album, welches wenigstens etwas an die alten Songs erinnert. Mike rappt und Chester singt den Chorus. Ein cooler Song.

Shadow of the Day
Ein so... ich kanns nicht beschreiben... der Song ist so fett. Wieder ein ruhiger Song, aber sooo schön.

What I've Done
Naja kennt ihr sowieso alle. Find den ganz gut, aber gibt bessere Songs auf dem Album ;)

Hands Held High
Auf diesem Track ist nur Mike's Rap zu hören. Die Melodie hat etwas militärisches an sich, wie ein Marsch. Gefällt mir jetzt nicht so. Imo der schlechteste Song auf dem Album.

No more Sorrow
Der Song ist echt geil. Von der Härte her wie Given Up. Muss man selber hören :P

Valentine's Day
Ein sehr ruhiger Song mit Chester's nachdenklichem Gesang wird später sogar schön rockig. Gefällt mir auch sehr gut.

In Between
Wohl die größte Überraschung auf dem Album! Mike singt! Und wie er singt! OMG! So geil! Da fragt man sich wieso der nicht öfter mal singt?!

In Pieces
Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich auf sowas stehen könnte. Wieder Chesters Gesang, aber diesmal etwas klarer und teilweise aggressiver + eine seltsame Melodie die sich aber echt gut anhört.

The Little Things Give You Away
Ohne Scheiss... der Song erinnert mich irgendwie immer wieder an Vermilion Pt2 von Slipknot xD (zumindest der Anfang des Songs)
Gefällt mir auch sehr gut.

Es ist das eingetreten was viele LP Fans (insbesondere ich) befürchtet haben: Es ist kein einziger Song auf dem Album enthalten, welches Faint, Lying from You, One Step Closer ähnelt. Auch wenn man die alten Songs vermissen mag, zeigt Linkin Park mit MTM wie vielseitig sie sind. Auf die volle Heavy Metal Dröhnung (ok natürlich was übertrieben ^^) folgen die schönsten Balladen die man sich denken kann. Ich habe schon selber bemerkt, dass ich Given Up und No More Sorrow sehr selten abspiele und dafür In Between, In Pieces, Shadow of the Day umso mehr.

Ein so geiles Album. Zwar wird ein Teil von mir den alten Nu Metal Stil vermissen, aber das werde ich locker verkraften. Linkin Park hat sich selbst übertroffen!

Mein Bewertungsschema: 1 (weg mit dem Dreck), 2 (wems gefällt...), 3 (guter Song), 4 (geiler Song), 5 (OMG PWNAGE LECK MICH WIE GEIL AHHH :aargh: )
War heute bei den Kumpel der das Album hatte, und konnte natürlich nicht widerstehen mir das anzuhören.

Da es als Soundtrack zu ner Runde Smash Brothers lief, hab ich mich zwar nicht voll auf die einzelnen Songs konzentriert, aber was ich gehört hab, hat mir eigentlich durchwegs gefallen.
Von dem Stil von Hybrid Theory und Meteora ist wirklich nichts mehr übrig geblieben, was natürlich schade ist.
Der "neue" Stil erinnert mich sehr an Linkin Parks allererstes Album (Splitting the DNA) bei dem sie sich noch Xero nannten.
Eine Lösung mit 2 Alben wäre wohl das Optimalste gewesen. aber nun ja was solls, dann gibts halt vorläufig keinen Nu-Metal Nachschub.

Fazit: Auch wenn es kein Nu Metal mehr ist. Das Album ist gut, und wird gekauft :)
Ich konnte heute das Album nun auch mein Eigen nennen. Ich finde es persönlich schon ein bisschen enttäuschend, das der Stil, den sie vorher hatten, nun vom Winde verweht ist.... Aber alles im Allem. Das Album gefällt mir. Vorallem nach dem 2. und 3. Anhören wird es immer besser.


Irgendwie erinnert mich Valentine's Day sehr stark an My December... vom Gesang und der Melodie her.
Ich habe es von 'nem Freund. Der hats wahrscheinlich iwo bei bearshare oder so gedownloadet. Ist mir egal, ich habe es zwar nun, kaufe es mir trotzdem!!!
Kenn zwar außer der Single nichts vom neuen Album, aber mir gefällt, dass sie anscheinend ihren Sound umgekrempelt und nicht wieder so gleich klingen wie auf den ersten beiden Alben.

Wie würde Reggie sagen: " Change is good"

Eine Band muss sich nun mal weiter entwickeln, egal was die Fans nun haben wollen.
JethroTull schrieb:
Kenn zwar außer der Single nichts vom neuen Album, aber mir gefällt, dass sie anscheinend ihren Sound umgekrempelt und nicht wieder so gleich klingen wie auf den ersten beiden Alben.

Wie würde Reggie sagen: " Change is good"

Eine Band muss sich nun mal weiter entwickeln, egal was die Fans nun haben wollen.

Die guten haben ja schon vor ewigkeiten gesagt, dass sie ihren alten Sound shitty finden.
Irgendwie bekomm' ich die Lieder nicht mehr aus dem Kopf....aber alle Lieder. So langsam habe ich mich an das neue Album gewöhnt^^.
Mein Lieblingssong des Albums ist In Pieces :)

Echt geiler Song mit geilen Lyrics!
Mega Man X 10 schrieb:
Irgendwie bekomm' ich die Lieder nicht mehr aus dem Kopf....aber alle Lieder. So langsam habe ich mich an das neue Album gewöhnt^^.

Geht mir auch so habs glaub ich jetzt 20 mal gehört :D
Ich bin mal so frei und poste mal alle Lyrics des neuen Albums:
(kann lang werden :) )

Linkin Park - Given Up

Waking to sweat again
Another day's been laid to waste
In my disgrace
Stuck in my head again
Feels like I'll never leave this place
There's no escape

I'm my own worst enemy

I've given up...
I'm sick of feeling
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating!
Tell me what the fuck is
Wrong with me!

I don't know what to take
Thought I was focused but I'm scared
I'm not prepared
I hyperventalate.
Looking for hope somehow somewhere
And noone cares

I'm my own worst enemy

I've given up...
I'm sick of feeling
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating!
Tell me what the fuck is
Wrong with me!


Put me out of my misery
Put me out of my misery
Put me out of my...
Put me out of my fucking misery!

I've given up...
I'm sick of feeling
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating!
Tell me what the fuck is
Wrong with me!

Linkin Park - Bleed It Out

[Mike Shinoda]

Yea here we go for the hundredth time,
Hand grenade pins in every line,
Throw 'em up and let something shine.
Going out of my fucking mind.
Filthy mouth, no excuse.
Find a new place to hang this noose.
String me up from atop these roofs.
Knot it tight so I won't get loose.
Truth is you can stop and stare,
Run myself out and no one cares.
Dug a trench out, laid down there
With a shovel up out to reach somewhere.
Yea someone pour it in,
Make it a dirt dance floor again.
Say your prayers and stomp it out,
When they bring that chorus in.

[Chester Bennington]

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.

[Mike Shinoda]

I bleed it out.
Go, stop the show.
Chop your words in a sloppy flow.
Shotgun I pump, lock and load,
Cock it back and then watch it go.
Mama help me, I've been cursed,
Death is rolling in every verse.
Candypaint on his brand new hearse.
Can't contain him, he knows he works.
I hope this hurts, I won't mind.
Doesn't matter how hard I try.

Half the words don't mean a thing,
And I know that I won't be satisfied.
So why, try ignoring him.
Make your dirt dance floor again.
Say your prayers and stomp it out,
When they bring that chorus in.

[Chester Bennington]

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.

I bleed it out.
I've opened up these skies,
I'll make you face this.
I pulled myself so far,
I'll make you face this now.

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.

I bleed it out. [3X]

Linkin Park - Hands Held High

Turn my mic up louder,
I got to say somethin.
Light weight step it aside,
when we comin.
Feel it in your chest,
the syllables get pumpin.
People on the street,
they panic and start running.
Words on loose leaf,
sheet complete coming.
I jump on my mind,
I summon the rhyme of dumping.
Feeling the blind,
I promise to let the sun in.
Sick of the dark ways,
we march to the drumming.
Jump when they tell us
they want to see jumping.
Fuck that, I want to
see some fist pumping.
Risk something.
Take back what's yours
Say something that you know
they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated
like I have before.
Like a stupid standing for
what I'm standing for.
Like this war is really just
a different brand of war.
Like a dozen catered rich
and an abandoned poor.
Like they understand you
in the back of the jet,
When you can't put gas in your tank.
These fuckers are laughing their way
to the bank and cashing their check
asking you to have compassion and to have some respect.

For a leader so nervous
in unobvious ways
Stuttering and mumbling
for nightly news to replay
and the rest of the world
watching at the end of the day
in the living room laughing
like what did he say?

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen

In my living room watching,
But I am not laughing.
'Cause when it gets tense,
I know what might happen.
The world is cold,
The bold men take action.
Have to react,
To getting blown into fractions.

10 years old is something to see,
Another kid my age drugged under a G,
Taking about and found later under a tree,
I wonder if he thought the next one could be me.
Do you see?
The soldiers that are out today.
That brush the dust with bulletproof vests away.
It's ironic.
At times like this you pray,
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads,
inside your markets,your shops, your coves,
My dad, he's got a lot of fear I know
but enough pride inside to let that show.
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine.
In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,
when the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.

Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling
for nightly news to replay
and the rest of the world
watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry
like what did he say?

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

With Hands Held High
into a sky so blue
the ocean opens up
to swallow you.

With Hands Held High
into a sky so blue
the ocean opens up
to swallow you.

With Hands Held High
into a sky so blue
the ocean opens up
to swallow you.

With Hands Held High
into a sky so blue
the ocean opens up
to swallow you.

With Hands Held High
into a sky so blue
the ocean opens up
to swallow you.

With Hands Held High
into a sky so blue
the ocean opens up
to swallow you.

Linkin Park - In Between

Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed
But somehow I got caught up in between

Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to be someone else was harder than it seemed
But somehow I got caught up in between

Between my pride and my promise
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none

Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to regain your trust was harder than it seemed
But somehow I got caught up in between

Between my pride and my promise

Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none

And I cannot explain to you
In anything I say or do or plan
Fear is not afraid of you
Guilt's a language you can understand
I cannot explain to you in anything I say or do
I hope the actions speak the words they can

For my pride and my promise
For my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none

For my pride and my promise
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none

Linkin Park - In Pieces

[Chester Bennington]

Telling me to go,
But hands beg me to stay.
Your lips say that you love,
Your eyes say that you hate.

There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
What you build you lay to waste.
There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
All I've got's what you didn't take.

So I, I won't be the one,
Be the one to leave this,
In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
Alone with all your secrets,
And regrets.
Don't lie.

You promise me the sky,
Then toss me like a stone.

You wrap me in your arms,
And chill me to the bone.

There's truth in your lies,
Doubt in your faith.
All I've got's what you didn't take.

So I, I won't be the one,
Be the one to leave this,
In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
Alone with all your secrets,
And regrets.
Don't lie.

[Guitar solo]

So I, I won't be the one,
Be the one to leave this,
In pieces.
And you, you will be alone,
Alone with all your secrets,
And regrets.
Don't lie.

Linkin Park - No More Sorrow

Are you lost, In your lies?
Do you tell yourself, I don't realize?
Your crusades, A disguise.
You replaced freedom with fear,
You trade money for lives.

I'm aware of what you've done.

No, No More Sorrow.
I've paid for your mistakes.
Your time is borrowed.
Your time has come to be replaced.

I see pain, I see need.
I see liars and thieves,
Abuse power with greed.
I had hope for you, I believed.
Now I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived.

You will pay for what you've done.

No, No More Sorrow.
I've paid for your mistakes.
Your time is borrowed.
Your time has come to be replaced.

Face the hypocrite.
Face the hypocrite.
Face the hypocrite.

No, No More Sorrow.
I've paid for your mistakes.
Your time is borrowed.
Your time has come to be replaced.

No More Sorrow.
I've paid for your mistakes.
Your time is borrowed.
Your time has come to be replaced.

Your time has come to be replaced.
Your time has come to be erased

Linkin Park - Shadow Of The Day

[Chester Bennington]

I close both locks below the window.
I close both blinds and turn away.
Sometimes solutions aren't so simple.
Sometimes goodbye's the only way.

And the sun will set for you,
The sun will set for you.
And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.

Pink cards and flowers on your window,
Your friends all plead for you to stay.
Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple.
Sometimes goodbye's the only way.

And the sun will set for you,
The sun will set for you.
And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.

And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.

[Guitar solo]

And the shadow of the day,
Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you.

Linkin Park - The Little Things You Give Away

Water (?) through the windows
Up the stairs
Chilling rain
Like an ocean

Don't want to reach for me do you?
I mean nothing to you
The Little Things Give You Away
And now there will be no mistaking
The levees are breaking
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under water
I do

Hope decays
Generations disappear
Washed away

As a nation simply stares

Don't want to reach for me do you?
I mean nothing to you
The Little Things Give You Away
But now there will be no mistaking
The levees are breaking
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under water
I do
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under ground now I
Now I do

(The Little Things Give You Away)
(All you ever wanted was someone to truly look up to you

Will embrace the world in grey,
And the sun will set for you

Linkin Park - Valentine's Day

[Chester Bennington]

My insides all turn to ash,
So slow.
And blow away as I collapse,
So cold.

A black winter been away,
From sight.
Another darkness over day,
That night.
And the clouds above move closer,
Looking so dissatisfied.
But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing.
I used to be my own protection,
But not now.
'Cause my path has lost direction,

A black winter cue away,

From sight.
Another darkness over day,
That night.
And the clouds above move closer,
Looking so dissatisfied.
And the ground below grew colder,
As they put you down inside.
But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing.

So now you're gone,
And I was wrong.
I never knew what it was like,

To be alone on a Valentine's Day,
To be alone on a Valentine's Day.

I used to be my own protection,
But not now.
'Cause my path has lost direction,

Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
‘cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I’m done here?

So if you’re asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Don’t be afraid
Of taking my beating
I’ve shared that I’m me
I’m strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I’ve never been perfect
But neither have you

So if you’re asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside
You’ve learned to act so well
Someone else can come
And save me from myself
I can’t be who you are

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside
You’ve learned to act so well
Someone else can come
And save from myself
I can’t be who you are
I can’t be who you are
Das neue Album ist für die Tonne. Gut dass ich es mir vorab anhören konnte. Hätte mich sonst nach dem Kauf geärgert.
lol zum Glück sind Geschmäcker verschieden.^^

Ich wurde durch das Anhören nur darin bestärkt mir das Album zu kaufen.^^

Achja kennt vllt jemand nen billigen I-Shop für CDs außer
Möchte nämlich bald drei Alben von Tool und eben das neue LP-Album bestellen und suche noch nach den billigsten Angeboten.
Also beim 1 mal hören :-? :oops:
+ Beim 2 mal :suprised:
+ und beim 3 mal :goodwork:
= Gekauft :grin2:
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