Vorallem die PS Zocker
Die heißen doch Edelgamer!
Pika Pika!!!!!

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Vorallem die PS Zocker
Kann seinAlso ich trau es ihnen dennoch zu ^^
Und nicht CoD 50 oder watever
Auch auf der Ps3 gbts schön bunte Games, aber vom ersten Screen da oben sah es definitiv nach 3DS aus^^
Nen CoD im Toon Look wäre mal richtig innovativ!!!!![]()
Project Happiness, a new game from Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada, will bring players back to a small village this time as a shopkeeper. This game, like Harvest Moon before it, is inspired by Wada-san’s childhood days where he lived in a small, but charming town in Japan.
Wada-san moved to the big city, but missed the community and connection to a small town. The grass is always greener on the other side, I suppose. “I have been involved developing Harvest Moon for fifteen years, as the ‘father’ of the series and I consider it as if it was my own child,” Wada said speaking to Siliconera. “Now, that fifteen years have passed I consider Harvest Moon has grown up. Looking back fifteen years ago, I wanted to think about the ideas I had before I created Harvest Moon and incorporate them into a new game.”
Lange nichts gehört von Project Happiness (3DS). Ihr erinnert euch gar nicht mehr daran? Das Spiel von Harvest Moon Macher Yasuhiro Wada wurde das erste Mal bei der E3 2012 vorgestellt. Yasuhiro Wada hat mit Toybox inzwischen seine eigene Entwicklerfirma gegründet. Vertrieben wird Project Happiness von Natsume und Rising Star Games – und damit hat es auch schon einen Release in Nordamerika und Europa sicher.
Doch Project Happiness heißt nicht mehr Project Happiness, sondern HomeTown Story. Das erzählte Wada in einem neuen Interview der Famitsu. Im Spiel geht es darum, einen Shop zu betreiben. Doch sonst hat sich neben dem Namen auch optisch viel geändert. Man veröffentlichte einen neuen Trailer, den ihr unten seht. Zum Vergleich findet ihr hier den Trailer von 2012.
HomeTown Story ist aber mehr, als nur ein bisschen Shop-Betreiben. Laut Wada wird man auch neue Freunde kennenlernen und viele Geschichten von Kunden hören. Man kann Kundenwünsche erfüllen und Probleme von Kunden lösen, wenn man möchte. Dafür steht dem Hauptcharakter sein kleiner Freund Pochikal zur Seite.
HomeTown Story stammt nicht nur vom Harvest Moon Macher. Es bietet auch Charakter-Designs von Atsuko Nishida und Musik von Nobuo Uematsu. 50 – 60% des Spiels sollen fertig sein, sagt Wada. HomeTown Story soll (zumindest in Japan) noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen. Unten der neue Trailer!
Like a Lightning.
Titel geändert. :v:
Krass, wie schlecht das wirkt. Da sehen selbst iOS Spiele für 0,99€ von chinesischen Ripoff-Entwicklern besser als der Schund da oben. Unglaublich lol!
Natsume have released new screenshots of Hometown Story, the next game being developed by Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada. As detailed in past reports, Hometown Story involves you running a store in a small town and forming connections with its residents. Here’s a summary of the game from Amazon’s description:
A Tale of Life, Love, and Friendship! In a lush, green village tucked away in the countryside, you’ll reunite with old friends, meet new ones, and rediscover yourself. This is where you grew up, your hometown. You’ve been tasked with reviving your grandmother’s old shop, and have your work cut out for you. However, the more items you sell, the more customers will come to your shop. And as you manage your shop better, you can expand, and the village will prosper! As your shop begins to grow by selling more expensive and rare items, you’ll be able give these items to the different villagers that populate the town.
Therefore, not only will running a successful shop net you gold, but it will also help reveal the unique stories each villager has. Something insignificant to most people might be the most important thing in the world to someone else! In addition, all the villagers in your hometown have their own unique stories. Which villagers’ stories will move you the most? And what will you do to help them? At times, you will be faced with some very important decisions. You’ll be free to run your shop the way you want to. Your experiences will be completely different from anyone else’s. By the end, you’ll have experienced so many unforgettable memories.
In addition to the new screenshots, Natsume have also revealed the game’s box art, and the game is up for pre-order on both Amazon and GameStop now. Pre-ordering from GameStop will get you this limited edition plushie.