Gears of War 3's FPS-inspired game modes can lure Halo and Call of Duty players to the third-person shooter series, reckons Kevin Unangst, senior producer at Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business.
Speaking to CVG in a recent interview, Unangst said he thinks Gears 3 is going to be "huge" in 2011.
"It is the biggest and best Gears we've done, it is our blockbuster and a huge, huge release for us," he said.
The game's new Team Deathmatch mode is one FPS stalwart to make it over to Epic's series, having teams share a pool of lives before the inevitable 'last man standing' man hunt at the end.
"Personally I play Team Deathmatch a lot and they've got that so I'm personally quite excited," Unangst added. "I think it's going to be huge. Adding modes like that is important because there's a lot of Halo and Call of Duty players so it's another way we can bring [those] players to Gears of War."