Nintendo GDC: Shigeru Miyamoto Keynote

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Becks schrieb:
Ich freue mich darauf die gesamte Rede mal zu sehen. Wirkt jetzt schon irgendwie sympatisch. ich erwarte keine großen neuen Ankündigungen. Viel mehr interessieren mich seine Ansichten und Visionen.
dito,das ist schon super
Looks like he's showing the new thing on Wii where you can look at poll results - 60 percent of Wii owners like dogs, while 40 are cat people.

Aha, das Resultat des Meinungskanals?
Die ganze Gamewelt wartet AUF WAS geniales und er zeigt Photos von seinem Hund! Layed back, der Typ! :goodwork:
Photos of Miyamoto's dog. "He sleeps on a better mattress than I do." He's called Pick because his face looks like a guitar pick.

:D :D :D :D
He's called Pick because his face looks like a guitar pick. SÜÜÜÜÜÜÜSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :blushed: :blushed: :blushed:
Looks like he's showing the new thing on Wii where you can look at poll results - 60 percent of Wii owners like dogs, while 40 are cat people.
Der Kanal hat doch einen Sinn, auch wenn nur als Beiwerk zur Keynote von Shiggy.^^ Ich war übrigens unter den 40 % Katzenliebhabern. Österreich hatte da glaub ich sogar mehrheitlich für Katzen gestimmt. :)
wo andere teure präsentationsprogramme verwenden machts unser vorbild mit dem Wii ;)
Surprise! He's talking about Nintendogs. "When I showed this to my wife, she finally looked at games differently." But it was Brain Age that turned her into a true gamer - "She's finally begin to understand the unique interactive entertainment found in videogames."

Da muss doch jetzt irgenwas in der Richtung mit Wii kommen.
Surprise! He's talking about Nintendogs. "When I showed this to my wife, she finally looked at games differently." But it was Brain Age that turned her into a true gamer - "She's finally begin to understand the unique interactive entertainment found in videogames."
Harlock schrieb:
Langweilig -.-

Miamoto zeig uns neue Games -.-
Ich will ein neues MG Video -.-
Bannt ihn. :aargh:

Ne, ist nur Spaß. ;)

Ist doch schön, auch wenn er nix weltbewegendes ankündigt, die Keynote wirkt irgendwie soo.... privat. Das ist der Reiz im augenblick!
Surprise! He's talking about Nintendogs. "When I showed this to my wife, she finally looked at games differently." But it was Brain Age that turned her into a true gamer - "She's finally begin to understand the unique interactive entertainment found in videogames."
True Gamer :D :D
11:14 a.m.: Miyamoto talks about his family's reaction to his games. His wife didn't really like Ocarina of Time, until his daughter started getting into it. Suddenly, Mrs. Miyamoto was enthralled. The wife-o-meter registers a hit!
On Valentine's day, women in Japan give chocolates to men. Miyamoto was late from work, and found his wife still up playing the Wii. "She was casting her votes on the Everybody Votes channel."
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