NDS Flower, Sun and Rain

USK Einstufung:


Flower, Sun and Rain

Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung gemäß § 14 JuSchG
Prüfdatum: 14.05.2008 Publisher: Rising Star Games td.
USK Nr.: 21459/08
Sprache: englisch/japanisch
System: Nintendo DS
Ohne Altersbeschränkung? :eek3:
Na ja, wie ein Kindergame sieht das nicht unbedingt aus
Die sind wohl noch beledigt, dass sie No More Heroes keinen ab18-Sticker draufkleben konnten. Also bekommt der "brutaler als Manhunt 2"-Entwickler mal einen Tritt der wirklich weh tut ;-)
Zusammenfassung des Spielanfangs:


Sue: Maybe you can get some information on how to restore your hotel room using the guide book!
Sumio: Ah! The guidebook is inside Katherine!
Sue: Katherine? Who’s Katherine?
Sumio: Katherine is my partner.
Sue: That’s so perverted!
Sumio: Oh? OH! No, no. Katherine is a machine in a briefcase that I use in my job. The guidebook is inside.
Sue: Is that so…





Bilder in Englisch:


Europe - Classic Suda51 title heads west for first time ever, trailer coming tomorrow

Luton – July 30th 2008 – Rising Star Games will be keeping both Suda51 and mystery fans happy this autumn with the long-awaited release of Flower, Sun and Rain.
Written and directed by the infamous games creator, this Nintendo DS™ exclusive is the first chance western gamers have had to experience one of Suda51’s earliest creations and offers an insight into the evolution of his unique style following the huge successes of Killer7 and No More Heroes.
Flower, Sun and Rain is an intriguing mystery adventure very much in the vein of Groundhog Day. You play a detective charged with locating and defusing a bomb by solving thought-provoking puzzles with a wealth of bizarre outcomes. Solving the mystery of what is happening to him and his surroundings is necessary before he eventually goes insane.
Originally released on the Sony PlayStation®2, Flower, Sun and Rain was never available outside of Japan and has been high on wish lists of every Suda51 fan since Killer7 was unleashed on the western market in 2005. This updated Nintendo DS version features all the creative quirks that made the original a hit and uniquely utilises the touch screen to solve mysteries, offering players a more intimate experience.
Commenting on its imminent release, Goichi Suda, aka Suda51 commented, “It’s great news that European gamers are getting to play Flower, Sun and Rain. All of my creative work involves a touch of the bizarre and unexpected and this game is no different!”
In keeping with the mystery-solving style of the game, registered users of the Rising Star Games media bank will get an early opportunity to view the game trailer. This brand new trailer will be available on the media bank (www.risingstargamesmediabank.com) from 9am on Friday, August 1st 2008. It will then be made available to all from 9am the following Monday.
Flower, Sun and Rain will be released throughout Europe from mid-October 2008.

Quelle: Gonintendo
sehr nice, hab nicht wirklich geglaubt, dass es bei uns erscheint. das sieht sehr geil aus. fixkauf für mich.
Ja...könnte interessant werden...muss mir zuerst aber mal NMH zulegen. :neutral:
hm schade, für'n suda-game irgendwie recht unspektakulär imo :neutral:

wobei, contact sah jetzt auch nicht soooo über aus und war ganz ok :)
Das Spiel beginnt so langsam, mein Interesse zu wecken.
No More Heroes hat mir gefallen, Killer7 soll ja auch sehr gut gewesen sein.

Zwar haben wir es hier mit einem PS2-Port zu tun, aber das macht das Spiel ja nicht unbedingt schlechter... hoffe ich!
Der Stil kommt auf dem NDS irgendwie dennoch nicht so gut rüber. Zuwenig Farbübergänge, meiner Meinung nach!
erinnert mich irgendwie stark an hotel dusk. wird natürlch geholt als adv. fan. :-)
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