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Fallout 3 lead Emil Pagliarulo talks narrative, PC-to-console migration and bringing a hardcore PC franchise to the console masses in this new interview.

ImageThe folks at Bethesda Softworks already know that they can successfully bring huge, sprawling RPGs to the masses with games like 2006's The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, a title that sold millions of copies, many of which reached console gamers. Surprise, surprise, there appears to be a sizeable market on consoles for PC-derived RPGs that have a heavy emphasis on story, lots of text and plenty of menu navigation.

Bethesda is counting on that audience to pull through again for Fallout 3, another storied PC-derived RPG franchise that will be aimed at console gamers, PC gamers and just gamers in general.

Next-Gen editors recently had a chance to chat with Fallout 3 lead designer and lead writer Emil Pagliarulo about whether or not the Bethesda team felt like it had to "dumb down" its RPGs for the console market, the art of storytelling in games and other topics. Excerpts are below, while the entire discussion can be heard via podcast at GameTheoryShow.com.

Next-Gen: Because it's different for every game designer, give us your idea of what storytelling is in games.

Pagliarulo:"I look at Fallout 3 when I play it every day, and part of me thinks, 'God, is this too inaccessible for console players?'"
I think it changes all the time. I think even with the release of GTA IV it has even changed again. Who knew that GTA IV would progress narrative in videogames. I don't think anyone saw that coming. But for me story in videogames is about writing for the medium. It's getting people who understand videogames and how to craft a story for videogames, so that you have a mix of a solid narrative that the player can understand and be involved with, while using the medium of a videogame to let the player craft his own narrative. I think there's a mix of both, and you need to have people who understand the medium in order to do that, or to give the player what they want in that regard.

What do you think of games that don't necessarily have this clear-cut narrative, like all these more casual games for Wii, where the storytelling comes from somebody telling all their friends about their own experience with a casual game. What do you think of that type of story-telling style?

The technical design term for that is self-authorship. The player creates his own stories. So in a game like Super Mario Galaxy, you've got the wacky Mario story, but it's all about the things that you do. ... Yeah, [storytelling] is all about your actions, and that's important, but [what's also important is] people realizing that videogames can be taken seriously as a story-telling medium. Clearly, players enjoy that, or we wouldn't have such a strong reaction to games like BioShock or GTA IV.

Is there any truth to some peoples' opinion--and this is a lot of the hardcore Fallout fans that are saying this--that games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 that are targeted towards a very large console audience have been, put most cynically, "dumbed down," or more positively, "made more accessible"? Is there any truth to that? Have you made concessions for the mass market?

It's funny. I look at Fallout when I play it every day, and I sometimes think that there's a lot of old-school hardcore PC stuff in there too, and part of me thinks, "God, is this too inaccessible for console players?" There's a lot of dialogue to read, a lot of just hacking computers and looking through things like "VAT." I don't know. Sometimes I think it's just the opposite. So I don't feel like we're dumbing down the franchise.

...I think we're starting to find that there is a market for [hardcore "PC RPGs" on consoles]. People like myself and some people that work here actually grew up as hardcore PC guys, and now we're older, we have kids, we don't have that much time, so we've transitioned. We're console players now.

But we still have those PC game sensibilities. Those are the games we like. So I think BioShock has a little bit of that too. You can definitely feel the old System Shock roots in that game. So hopefully there's a trend there.

What do you think of the state of the relationship between PC gaming and console gaming? Is console gaming taking away the PC gamers? I hear a lot of developers say, like you just said, hey, we're console gamers now.

I think that may be true to a certain point. I split my time between playing PC games and console games. There is something to be said about having a console and having it being able to play anything, and not having to screw around with video settings and stuff. So there's definitely an ease-of-use [advantage] with consoles there. I think there's still a lot of innovation on the PC side. You're seeing a lot of the Eastern European developers with some really great games. Look at stuff like Stalker or The Witcher. There's innovation there. I would like to see those games get their fair shot. I think there's really great stuff there. So [PC gamers migrating to consoles] might be happening to a certain extent in this country, but certainly not in other countries.

Are we still on for a fall 2008 release for Fallout 3? Is that when the game is coming out?

Yeah, absolutely. We're pretty confident, unless the building burns down, I think we're good.
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Das Monsterdesign finde ich echt hamma.
Ein paar gute Ideen :)

Und der Typ unten links im 2. Bild sieht aus wie einer von den Ghostbusters :ugly:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
auf das zock bin ich ma gespannt , soll sich ja spielen wie oblivion ,und das hab ich geliebt , wie sind den die vorgänger ?
Dank den Artworks kann man sich wieder etwas mehr zu dem Spiel vorstellen. Die Supermutanten finde ich gut.

Ich freue mich schon drauf, da ich mal wieder richtig Bock habe auf ein RPG mit einen grossen freien Welt die mir nicht vorschriebt wo ich hingehen soll. Da gibt es ja leider keine Alternative zur Zeit für Konsolen.
Ich hoffe auch das der "Humor" von den alten Fallout teilen beibehalten wurde, der war herrlich schwarz, böse und hat perfekt zu dem verruchten endzeit setting gepasst.
auf das zock bin ich ma gespannt , soll sich ja spielen wie oblivion ,und das hab ich geliebt , wie sind den die vorgänger ?

Spielen soll es sich doch eigentlich überhaupt nich so, oder?
Is doch immer noch zumindest semi-rundenbasiert, und nicht vollkommen aktion-orientiert wie Oblivion
Die 3 neuen Screens gefallen mir net - muss es mal in Bewegung sehen um mir ein endgültiges Urteil erlauben zu können - was die Optik des Games angeht. Beim Gameplay mach ich mir noch mehr Sorgen..naja abwarten, auf der e3 wirds ja anspielbar sein :)
Also ich glaube ich kauf mir Fallout 3, den da es von den Oblivion Entwicklern ist muss es gut sein :D
Vorrallem weil es ein RPG wird aber diesmal mit Endzeit szenario :) Wann kommt es nochmal raus ?
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