PS4/PC Detroit: Become Human (Quantic Dream)

Habe ich gestern auch gesehen. Bisher hat mich das Spiel nicht so aus den Schuhe gehauen. Aber das fand ich dann doch sehr interessant. Könnte wieder so gut werden wie Heavy Rain.
das eurogamer interview mit cage macht mir mal wieder sorgen:

Domestic abuse and child abuse is quite extreme as these things go.

David Cage: Let me ask you this question. Would you ask this question to a film director, or to a writer? Would you?


David Cage: You would ask the same question?

Yes. I'd ask the same question. Why is it interesting to you? Why did you want to explore domestic abuse and child abuse?

David Cage: Why did I want to do this? For me it's a very strong and moving scene, and I was interested to put the player in the position of this woman. I chose her point of view. If I'd have chosen the point of view of the man it could have been a totally different story and with totally different emotions, but in this case I chose her point of view. There's a context in the story, there's a reason for that - where she comes from and where she's going to go. What's important to me, and what's important in Detroit is to say that a game is as legitimate as a film or a book or a play to explore any topic such as domestic abuse.

I'm not disputing that at all. The concern I have is that it's using something like domestic abuse and child abuse - which is a very real issue for unfortunately far too many people - and using it as window dressing rather than exploring the ramifications of those issues.

David Cage: There will always be people thinking that we've used this... But I don't think that's what we do. If you look really into the game and if you play it you'll understand that the game is not about domestic abuse. It's a part of Kara's story - she's not a victim and she has a beautiful story. Hopefully you will be moved by what happens.
Finde ich den Interviewer fragwürdiger als die Antworten von Cage. Und scheint ja auch noch nicht bei jedem angekommen zu sein, dass er das Game dieses Mal nicht alleine schreibt.
  • Lob
Reaktionen: Avi
Das Spiel hat eine bombastische Präsentation! Hut ab für die Thematik auch..., wird definitiv gespielt.
Wenn man sensibel mit solchen Themen umgeht sehe ich da kein Problem. Vielleicht ist diese Thematik dann auch Zusammenhang mit der Story des Spiels zu sehen: die Macht über andere Lebewesen haben und diese ausnutzen etc. .
Es hat etwas von Spielberg´s Artificial Intelligence irgendwie...!
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