L18: Pre Master

Orcs ask to stop comparing them to Russians in a video Lord of the Rings actor filmed for Ukraine
Sala Baker, the performer of the role of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, has starred in a new UAnimals organization video and addressed Ukrainians with words of support.

Die Orcs distanzieren sich nun offiziell von den Russen.

Orcs ask to stop comparing them to Russians in a video Lord of the Rings actor filmed for Ukraine
Sala Baker, the performer of the role of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, has starred in a new UAnimals organization video and addressed Ukrainians with words of support.

“Please don't call Russians orcs. It offends us! For many centuries we have not resorted to barbaric methods of struggle. Orcs will not aim at women and children, steal washing machines and shit on carpets. We are warriors, not some trash.”