Schau dir die Youtube Videos an und das sind nur 2 Beispiele.
Einer fasst es in den comments des 2. Videos gut zusammen, warum die PSVR2 auf dem PC gerade sehr gefragt ist:
it's simply a golden combination of :
- Excellent binocular overlap (makes it easy on the eyes, and the world looks as 3D as possible and very real/ life-like, compared to worse binocular overlap of most other hmds).
- OLED colours and black levels
- High enough resolution to hit the necessary threshold for a compelling experience (not the best, but still very good, and combined with everything else, is magnificent)
- Very high brightness (the brightest displays of any headset), which does not sacrifice contrast and black levels like it would on LCD, too.
- Wide FoV (both horizontal and vertical - only really surpassed by Pimax 8kx and earlier models).
- Lens glare is barely an issue - the best fresnel lenses ever.
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