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George "John Kronus" Caiazo verstorben

George "John Kronus" Caiazo ist tot. Das ehemalige Mitglied des nach eigenen Angaben "Besten Tag Teams der Welt", den Eliminators wurde heute in der Wohnung seiner Freundin in New Hampshire tot aufgefunden. Es gibt noch keine Angaben bezüglich der Todesursache.

George "John Kronus" Caiazo verstorben

George "John Kronus" Caiazo ist tot. Das ehemalige Mitglied des nach eigenen Angaben "Besten Tag Teams der Welt", den Eliminators wurde heute in der Wohnung seiner Freundin in New Hampshire tot aufgefunden. Es gibt noch keine Angaben bezüglich der Todesursache.


Ein verdammt guter Highflyer was man bei Wrestlern dieser größe selten sieht.
Ich hoffe bei ECW on Sci Fi zeigt die WWE einge Eliminators aktionen.
Mal als "kleines" Update zum Fall Benoit. Es ist zwar nicht mehr ganz aktuell (vom 17.07), aber da es noch nicht geposted wurde ist es auf jeden Fall eine Erwähnung wert. Der Text ist etwas länger, aber ich möchte niemandem zumuten auf die vor Werbe-PopUps starrenden Seite zu klicken.
Quelle: PW Insider

The Georgia Bureau of Investigations and the State's Chief Medical Examiner held a press conference this afternoon to disclose the results of the toxicology tests done on the bodies of Chris, Nancy and Daniel Benoit. Highlights from the conference:

-Fayetteville Georgia District Attorney Scott Ballard stated that the investigation into the Benoit tragedy is still ongoing and as they continued to investigate, all aspects still lead them to believe it was a murder-suicide. He said that one aspect of the investigation is the toxicology reports. He thanked the G.B.I and their crime lab for all the investigation assistance. Ballard said they wouldn't answer questions regarding the crime scene and aspects of the investigation until they could discuss the entire investigation accurately.

-Ballard turned it over to the GBI's Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Kris Sperry.

-Sperry said that with Nancy Benoit had three drugs in her system - Hydrocodone (a prescribed pain reliever - Vicodin is considered Hydrocodone), Hydromorphone (which the body creates when Hydrocodone is broken down in the body) and Xanax. All of the drugs were at a therapeutic level, not a toxic level. Sperry said that the levels they found could have been affected by the decomposition of her body and that they may have been higher levels before she died. She had a blood alcohol level of 0.184, which could be clearly due to the decomposing of her body.

-Daniel Benoit's blood was positive for Xanax. Sperry noted that Xanax was not a drug that would be given to a child under normal circumstances, so their belief is that Daniel was sedated at the time of his murder.

-Chris Benoit's blood was positive for Hydrocodone and Xanax, both at levels within therapeutic range for normal usage of the drugs, not toxic or elevated usage.

-Chris Benoit's urine was tested for the presence of steroids and the "only steroid drug that we found was testosterone, which was measured at the level of 207 micrograms per liter." He said that the level of led them to ascertain that Benoit had been using testosterone "at least in some reasonable period before the time that he died."

-There were no other "steroids or artificial steroid-like drugs that were found in his urine."

-There was no evidence of GHB in Nancy, Chris or Daniel Benoit.

-When asked about the testosterone level, Sperry said that they test urine to see what the levels were. They said the ratio of Testosterone to Epitestosterone was an indicator that he had been using it, "but how much, how often and for how long is something that cannot be answered through this."

-When asked if the drug tests would shed any light on what happened that night in the Benoit home, Sperry said, "No, I would not say that they do. These results give answers as far as drug and medication usage. They do show that Daniel Benoit was sedated at the time he was murdered. beyond that, I don't think they reveal anything at all, other than the fact that Chris Benoit had been using at least testosterone for some period of time."

-Daniel Benoit did not die of a drug overdose of Xanax based on the autopsy findings, which they did not discuss due to the ongoing investigation. There was never any indication that it was an overdose death.

-When asked about how the combination of drugs in Benoit's system may have affected his behavior, Sperry said there was no way to tell that at all. He said that the level of drugs in Chris Benoit's system were at therapeutic level for someone with pain and being prescribed them. Sperry said there are thousands of people walking around with the same levels in their system. Benoit wasn't at a toxic or overdose level.

-In regard to whether testosterone creates mental disorders and outbursts of range, there are "conflicting data" as to whether that can be the case and "I think that's an unanswerable question." He said he was relying on the scientific date, which states that no one really knows.

-Chris Benoit's abnormal range of ratio of Testosterone to Epitestosterone (10 times the normal range) shows Chris Benoit was injecting it but couldn't prove that led to changes in his behavior. When asked why, Sperry said the scientific data when individuals are given these drugs under monitored conditions, the ratio does not translate to something abnormal in that person's thought process or behavior.

-When asked about needle marks found on Daniel Benoit's body and what the needle marks were from, Sperry said that they were not able to find what they were from. He said that they appeared to be needle marks, but they did not have enough urine specimen from Daniel to analyze for HGH or other growth hormones.

-Sperry said there was nothing on Daniel Benoit's body that led Sperry to believe Benoit had been using needles for long periods of time. "I would say at this point and time that will never be known."

-The levels of the drugs in Nancy Benoit's body were therapeutic, not at an extremely elevated or toxic range. Sperry did note that the decomposition of the body could lead to the levels being lower than they were at the time of death. He said that he knew that she had orthopedic surgeries in the past and wouldn't be shocked to see she was taking the drugs for pain and muscle spasms.

-When asked if anything stands out as significant. Sperry said the Xanax in Daniel Benoit's blood was surprising. He said that beyond the testosterone, there was no finding of any other illegal type or anabolic steroids that are out there to be used. He said that the presence of the Testosterone could be an indication Benoit was being treated for testicular insufficiency [Note from Mike: Dr. Phil Astin had claimed shortly after the Benoit family was found that he was treating Benoit with Testosterone replacement therapy].

-When asked about the Fragile X rumors of Daniel Benoit, Sperry said that it was impossible to perform that type of chromosome analysis post-mortem.

-When asked if he was given results of WWE's drug testing of Chris Benoit, Sperry said he hasn't seen the results and only knows about that from what he's seen on the news. He said he has no knowledge of what WWE tested for or what they look for.

-Ballard was asked how the results help the investigation. Ballard said they are trying to decipher what happened in the home and this part of the investigation will help them put a complete picture in focus with other aspects of their investigation.

-When asked about Daniel Benoit being sedated, Ballard said, "I could speculate but I'm not going to."

-Ballard said that the level of cooperation in the investigation (including from WWE) has been good, but noted there has been "help" (obviously said in a sarcastic way) from some with theories and emails that they have gotten that they do look into, but find it hasn't helped the investigation.

-Ballard declined to comment on what direction the investigation would take at this point. He said you want to try and re-create the who, what, why but he suspects many of the answers they may never learn.

-Sperry said that the testing only gives the examiners a "snapshot" of what was in Benoit's body in the period before he died. He said that they found no evidence of any other drugs that would be used for bodybuilding purposes. He said that neither he nor anyone else can tell what Benoit used in the past.

-Sperry said the most common usage of Testosterone injections would be to treat testicular inefficiency and there are thousands of men who use injections for the same reasons.

-When asked about the effect of the drugs on Benoit's mental state, Sperry again pointed out that there is no scientific data that supports those theories.

-Nancy Benoit's blood alcohol level would be legally drunk, although there's no way of saying how that factored into the deaths. It was also noted the alcohol level could have changed with the decomposition of the body.

-Nancy Benoit's body had decomposed much more than Daniel or Chris, so she was murdered first.
Da die Tat noch immer recht unerklärlich scheint, weil man es mit einer anabolikabedingten Stimmungsschwankung nur schwer erklären kann, scheinen bei manchen seltsamen Gestalten die Vermutungen immer absurder zu werden.
Did Kevin Sullivan Murder Chris Benoit and His Family?

By Johnny Angel
(Former Pro Wrestling Champion)
Now known as Rev. Johnny Lee Clary
World-Wide Evangelist

Kevin Sullivan
(Is he the real killer of Benoit and his family?)

The late Chris Benoit and his wife Nancy

The tragic deaths of Chris Benoit and his wife Nancy and son Daniel have shocked the wrestling world. The police are calling it a double-murder-suicide, but is it really? Let’s look at some facts. It has been 10 years exactly since Nancy divorced Kevin Sullivan to marry Chris Benoit. In the 1980’s Sullivan, along with his then-wife Nancy, were running a gimmick in wrestling of how they were Satanists, and Nancy was known as “The Fallen Angel.” She later became known as “Woman.” The trouble with the Satanists gimmick was it was for real, and was not a work, or fake. In the 1990’s Kevin Sullivan was the booker for WCW, and he scripted his wife Nancy into having an affair with Chris Benoit who was a member of the Four Horsemen. This made for a good angle, except, the acting became reality as Chris and Nancy actually fell in love and Nancy divorced Sullivan to marry Benoit.

Benoit left the WCW to go to work for the WWE which was then known as the WWF. It is a fact that Sullivan threatened Benoit and told him he would kill him. Yes, that was 10 years ago, but Kevin Sullivan is no dummy. He is known for being a calculating, cold-hearted individual. Today, according to a source close to me, Kevin Sullivan is a high ranking member of the Satanic Church. The police need to consider the possibility that Sullivan carried out these gruesome murders in order to have his revenge, which is what Satanists live for. He could have entered the home, with an accomplice or accomplices and held the Benoit’s at gunpoint, Sullivan could have then bound up Nancy, and made Benoit and his son watch as he strangled the life out of her. Then the next day after making Benoit and his son spend the day in agony, murdered Benoit’s little boy because of his hatred for the offspring of Benoit and Nancy. Then he could have made Benoit wait an entire day before killing him to by hanging him in the basement.

By doing this, not only would Kevin Sullivan have lived out his Satanic Church creed with his lust for revenge, but he would have destroyed Chris Benoit’s reputation which is what has happened now as the wrestling world is attacking the memory of Chris Benoit remembering him as an insane baby killer and wife killer instead of the great World Champion wrestler and friend that he was.

Satanists hate the Bible and the police have stated that a Bible was found next to the bodies of Benoit’s wife and son. This would serve as a bizarre calling card as if to either say “What good did your Bible do you?” or to throw off investigators to keep them from suspecting Sullivan and his Satanists would have been involved.

Another thing to note is the fact that Kevin Sullivan was also associated with Sherri Martel, who died just a few days before the bodies of Chris Benoit, and his family was found, and the full details of Martell’s death have not been made known as of the time of this writing.

I wonder why the police have not even considered investigating the possibility the Kevin Sullivan killed Benoit, Nancy, and their child. It is certainly a possibility worth looking in to.

Also, Benoit was going to be crowned ECW World Champion on Sunday night. Why would he murder his family and kill himself when he was going to be on top again and make lots more money?

Why would he tie his wife up before killing her? He would have no reason to, but Kevin Sullivan sure would!

Sure he had some problems with Nancy, but that was 4 years ago and what married couple doesn’t have problems? Remember also that they reconciled and as far as everyone knows there has been no other incidents reported.

One also needs to consider the fact that Benoit loved his kids and was so proud of his son that was killed. His kids wore suits and ties to his wrestling events and was proud of their dad. He was loved and respected by all those who knew him.

In my opinion, there is no way he would have murdered his family. This whole murder case has Satanists written all over it and Sullivan is a Satanist and has the motive to murder them.

I am encouraging anyone who reads this to send this to police authorities and circulate it on the internet, so these facts can be investigated, before the case is closed and Benoit is written off in history a murderer. If Sullivan is the real killer, justice should be served!

As a former Pro Wrestler myself, now a born again Christian and world wide evangelist, I am hoping and praying for justice no matter who is responsible.

Rev. Johnny Lee Clary

Der Herr scheint auch eine recht verschrobene Einstellung zum Satanismus zu haben - als ob es beim Satanismus hauptsächlich um so etwas sinnloses wie Rache gehen würde:
... The police need to consider the possibility that Sullivan carried out these gruesome murders in order to have his revenge, which is what Satanists live for. ...
Wenn ich Leute wie King Diamond oder Ihsahn richtig verstanden habe, zeichnet sich Satanismus eben nicht dadurch aus, anderen Leuten Schaden zuzufügen. Leider wird das viel zu oft so ausgelegt. Aber darum soll es nicht gehen, denn die Theorie klingt mir zu sehr nach einem beinharten Benoit Fan, der dessen Ruf retten will.

Ansonsten: R.I.P., Kronus. Die "Eliminators" waren schon klasse.
Wenn ich Leute wie King Diamond oder Ihsahn richtig verstanden habe, zeichnet sich Satanismus eben nicht dadurch aus, anderen Leuten Schaden zuzufügen.

Wenn ich zumindest den LaVeyschen Satanismus richtig verstanden habe, dann liegt dem Satanismus eher der Respekt vor Menschen oder der Natur im allgemeinen zugrunde. Seine Energie mit Rache zu verschwenden, ist da eher kontraproduktiv.

Aber bevor wir zu weit abdriften - ich möchte sowieso stark anzweifeln, das Kevin Sullivan (außer rein gimmickmäßig) tatsächlich etwas mit Satanismus (oder erst recht mit Benoits Ende) am Hut hat. Er hatte zwar durchaus in der WCW private Konflikte mit Benoit, nur halte ich die Vermutung, daß er etwas mit Benoits Tod zu tun hat für absoluten Nonsense.
Oh man, Leute....hab durch Zufall auf einem kleinen Flohmarkt das Spiel "WCW Mayham" gesehen und gleich zugeschlagen. Ist noch für die PS1.

Ich muss sagen....sehr geil ! Nachdem ich mal WCW Nitro auf dem PC gesehen und für Müll empfunden habe, ich das Teil der Kracher. Wer halbwegs WCW Fan alter Schule ist MUSS zuschlagen. Gibt es keine andere Chance.

Die Grafik kann wohl nicht ganz mit Smackdown 2 mithalten, aber der Sound, egal ob Kommentatoren, echte Wrestlerintros oder die Fanmenge, die voll abgeht, das passt. Auch die Action rockt, mit den ganzen Originalgriffe und -würfe incl. den jeweiligen Finisher.
Dann noch alle bekannten Leute dabei. Chris Benoit (in besseren Tagen), Hollywood Hogan, Nash, Goldberg, Nature Boy und und und..... so wie man es von damals kennt. WCW, nWo Black, nWo Hollywood, Four Horseman, Hardcore League, Cruiser Weights usw. Genial ! Allein wenn ich das Wolfpac Theme höre...*seufz*

Kennt das Game jemand ? Mir hat gleich das Herz gebluten sowas schönes gefunden zu haben. Als WCW Fan (habs immer Nachts auf DSF gesehen) ist das für mich der Kauf des Jahres und das für gerade mal 4 Euro in einer Erstauflage.
Ich fand die WCW auch immer cooler als die WWF^^
Mein absolutes lieblings Wrestling Game is bis heute WCW vs. NWO Revenge (N64). :lol:
Ich werd mir den nächsten Teil auch nur holen, wenn ich ihn günstig kriege. Es ist echt unglaublich, wie da recyclet wird. Kane hat beim Chokeslam z.B. immer noch die Animation, dass er seine Haare zurückwirft. Die hat er zwar schon seit 2003 ab, aber dann müssten man ja etwas neu animieren.

Übrigens: Keine Diskussionen mehr hier?! Das aktuelle Produkt so langweillig....ja, das ist es. ;)
Was soll man auch dagegen sagen ? Ich schaue die WWE gar nicht mehr, weil mich überhaupt rein gar nix davon interessiert.
Und wenn Hunter nicht dieses Jahr WWE Champ wird, wird sich daran auch nix ändern.

Da spar ich mir lieber die Zeit und zieh mir ein paar alte ECW-Matches rein.
Das kann ich absolut verstehen, meine Begeisterung ist auch stark zurückgegangen. Es gibt immer mal wieder einzelne Kämpfe, die ich mir ansehe, weil sie zumindest theoretisch etwas versprechen, aber das wars dann auch.
Eigentlich gucke ich momentan nur Impact! regelmäßig. Die letzte Ausgabe mit dem Angle, der seine Sachen sucht, war richtig gut.
Bei Impact ist seit Bound for Glory auch die Luft raus.
Jetzt gehen bald auch noch Samoa Joe und Sting die dann durch WWE Versager wie Matt Morgan und Test ersetzt werden.
Also die letzten Impact Ausgaben fand ich ziemlich stark.
Allerdings versteh ich auch nicht warum man sich immer noch neue holt, die sollen lieber mal wieder die X-Division pushen.

Trotzdem, auf *Spoiler* vs Abyss freu ich mich. Da sind sicherlich n paar ganz dicke Matches drin.
Also die letzten Impact Ausgaben fand ich ziemlich stark.
Allerdings versteh ich auch nicht warum man sich immer noch neue holt, die sollen lieber mal wieder die X-Division pushen.

Trotzdem, auf *Spoiler* vs Abyss freu ich mich. Da sind sicherlich n paar ganz dicke Matches drin.

Laut den neusten Gerüchten soll
der X Division titel mit dem TNA World HW Titel beim Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle Match vereinigt werden.
Hab ich auch schon gehört, aber das glaub ich nicht. Sonst wär der neue Belt ja für n Hintern gewesen und vor allem im Hinblick auf den 2 Stunden Slot wäre dass das dämlichste was se machen könnten.
Und damit würde ein riesiger Reiz an TNA für mich verloren gehen.
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