Anime Der AnimeNews- und Diskussionsthread

Immer positiv denken - solange sie's noch nicht eindeutig verkackt haben, bin ich guten Mutes. :>
Man stelle sich mal vor, wie der CB Film mit der Scanner Darkly / Waking Life Technick wäre :o



Ok, nicht so unglaublich abgedreht wie bei Waking life, sondern mehr wie scanner darkly
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Lucy Liu, Mark Hamill Join Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Samuel L. Jackson, Yuri Lowenthal also in Spike TV's January 2009 sequel

The American network Spike TV has announced that Lucy Liu (Charlie's Angels, Kill Bill) and Mark Hamill (Star Wars) have joined the cast of Afro Samurai: Resurrection, the Afro Samurai animated television movie sequel that will run in January 2009. Spike TV premiered Gonzo's first television anime adaptation of Takashi Okazaki's original manga in January of 2007. Both the original anime and the Resurrection sequel stars executive producer Samuel L. Jackson as the title character, and RZA will return to provide the soundtrack. Funimation is collaborating on the production with Gonzo and Gonzo's parent company GDH K.K.

Liu will play Sio, Afro's seductive nemesis in the new movie, while Hamill will play Bin, Sio's manservent and protector. Yuri Lowenthal (Naruto) will reprise his role as Kuma, the teddy bear-headed warrior.

Resurrection's trailer will premiere at Comic-Con International's Afro Samurai panel today at 4:15 p.m. PT in San Diego, California. and will then run the trailer at 8:15 p.m. ET (5:15 p.m. PT). Namco Bandai Games America is also letting Comic-Con International attendees play the demo of the Afro Samurai game for the Microsoft Xbox 360 game, which is planned for a 2009 release.

kann mich garnicht mehr daran erinnern, dass es ein sequel geben sollte >.<

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea Kinostarttrailer

(Fujimoto:Ponyo's father)
With my power,I can hold Ponyo only a while.After all, we need her.

(Risa:Sosuke's mother)
Sosuke,don't come back late!

(Koichi:Sosuke's father)
That's Sosuke! My boy is genious! He is only 5 ysears old!

Hey,Risa! Koichi says he loves you and he loves you very very much.

I'm Ponyo! I love Sosuke! and I want to be a human!

(Gran manmare:Ponyo's mother)
Oh,She's got a good name.

Now,Ponyo can use any magic she wants and she is making a big trouble to this world.

I love you,Sosuke!

(Toki:Old lady)
Bring her back to the sea now! She will cause Tsunami!

Risa! Risa!

That's a girl! That's a girl about Sosuke's age!

She's fell down!

I made a promise that I will protect Ponyo.

I'm Ponyo! I love Sosuke!

"It's nice to be born in this world."

I love you too!

angeblich übertrifft Ponyo My Neighbor Totoro in sachen niedlichkeit ^^
Anime DVD Sale bei

Der britische Amazonableger hat offenbar ein kleines Platzproblem und verscherbelt daher aktuell über 230 Anime DVDs zu recht angenehmen Preisen. So kriegt man zu Preisen zwischen ~5,10€ und 7,70€ Titel Tokyo Godfathers, Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, Millennium Actress, Ghost in the Shell: Innocence, The Place Promised in Our Early Days, Ninja Scroll, Memories, Appleseed oder das Karas Double Feature.
Wer eher auf Serien steht, kann für Preise zwischen 7,70€ und 10.30€ einzelne Volumes der ADV Films Serien Noir, Guyver - The Bioboosted Armour, Mazinkaiser, 009-1, Gilgamesh, Mezzo, Pretear, Samurai Gun, Cromartie High School, Otogi Zoshi, Divergence Eve, Paniponi Dash, Coyote Ragtime Show, Kino’s Journey, Area 88, Yugo The Negotiator, Zone Of The Enders: Delores, Le Chevalier D’Eon, Get Backers, Gad Guard, Peacemaker, Jinki: Extended, She, The Ultimate Weapon, Utawarerumono, Najica Blitz Tactics, Aquarian Age, Gravion, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, Kurau - Phantom Memory sowie der beiden Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Staffeln erstehen.
Da dürfte also eigentlich für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei sein. Da direkt aus Großbritannien liefert, fallen auch bei größeren Bestellungen keine Zollgebühren an.

da sind einige echte leckerbissen dabei

p.s. kauft euch Kurau !!!
Mal ne Frage. Machen die auch per Lastschrift? Wäre an The Place promised in our early days interessiert. Und wie siehts mit Versandkosten aus?

keine ahnung, habe noch nie was bei Amazon bestellt

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Film angekündigt

Moonphase Diary berichtet, dass ein Film zu Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha produziert wird.

Veröffentlichungstermin soll der Winter diesen Jahres sein. Der Film wird neue Designs beinhalten und eine Alternativerzählung des ersten Treffens von Nanoha und Fate darstellen.

Ebenfalls angekündigt wurde eine neue zweistündige Drama-CD, die drei Jahre nach Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS spielt.

und noch eine metal version vom Ponyo Titellied ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kewl. Nanoha As wollte ich mir demnächst mal anschauen.

Und flummi muss mal ein ganz dickes Lob bekommen. Wär das hier n'Animeforum würden sich die Admins um dich reißen^^

Kewl. Nanoha As wollte ich mir demnächst mal anschauen.

Und flummi muss mal ein ganz dickes Lob bekommen. Wär das hier n'Animeforum würden sich die Admins um dich reißen^^


danke für die netten worte <(^_^)>

ich gucke halt immer was es neues gibt und wenn ich etwas sehe, was ich interessant finde oder wo ich weiß, dass das einen von euch interessiert, poste ich es hier. ich habe ja auch nicht gerade viele quellen, wobei ANN wohl die beste in dem bereich ist (in einer mir verständlichen sprache), also reicht das

edit: habe auch direkt wieder was nettes

Interview: Gainax on Gurren Lagann

A smash hit in Japan, Gainax's latest giant robot series Gurren Lagann is finally making its way to American shores this month; the first subtitled DVD is in stores now, and the dub premieres tonight at 11:00 p.m. ET/PT on the Sci Fi Channel's Ani-Monday programming block. To mark the occasion, we spoke with producer Yasuhiro Takeda, project planner (and Gainax co-founder) Hiroyuki Yamaga, mechanical designer and animation director Yoh Yoshinari, and assistant director Masahiko Otsuka.

Anime News Network: Like a see-saw, Gurren Lagann tilts back-and-forth in tone from serious to comedic — often several times within the same episode. How did you manage to balance the serious and tongue-in-cheek themes that you wanted to depict?

Takeda: Overall, we decided what we were going to do in each episode, and then the rest is up to the screenwriter (Kazuki Nakashima) to come up with a balance of what works and what doesn't work.

Yamaga: We've worked together so long that we don't have to have a discussion on where to have comedy and where we're going to be serious. We just understand each other so much that it progresses naturally and works smoothly.

ANN: Were there any story ideas or designs that were suggested, but didn't make it into the final animation because they were too serious or too silly?

Takeda: I mean, not in terms of being too serious or comedic or anything like that, but there was more we wanted to depict within the series, such as wanting to spend more episodes on what it was like to live underground — two episodes at least. Another example was when the story moved into the jail. We wanted to spend more time with that, but we weren't able to.

ANN: Much of the art style, especially in the early episodes, was reminiscent of [director Hiroyuki] Imaishi's other directorial work, Dead Leaves, and I see that Mr. Yoshinari also worked on both of those projects. What was it like to maintain that unique, fast-paced yet tongue-in-cheek style on a more rigorous television schedule, as opposed to a film?

Yoshinari: Artistically speaking, [the animation] looks very complex, but the truth is that during the design phase, it's actually very easy to animate. When the whole design was being created, we had motion in mind. So, despite the fact that it looked difficult, it wasn't that difficult to animate.

ANN: Were there any episodes or themes that stood out in each of your minds as the most challenging as an animator or creator?

Yamaga: Episode 15 (laughter).

Yoshinari: Episode 15 was the most difficult because there were so many shots (cuts) when compared to a typical episode. It was at least one and a half episodes worth of shots because there was so much we needed to cover.

Yamaga: When we get the scripts, we need to figure out how many shots it will take to do the story. When it comes down to it, you only have the same amount of time to do that episode [as in any other episode].

Takeda: When [acclaimed animator] Sushio introduced himself at the FanimeCon meet-and-greet, he called himself the “super animator” [because of the extensive work he did on episode 15].

ANN: On the same note, which episode was the most satisfying at the end of the day?

Takeda: It would have to be the last episode. That means it's done, finally. If you don't finish it then none of it would have mattered, so the last episode was definitely the most satisfying.

ANN: Mr. Yoshinari, which of the mecha did you enjoy designing the most among the many unique designs you brought to the series?

Yoshinari: None of it was fun, it was hard (laughter).

ANN: Then which one was the most challenging?

Yoshinari: Deciding on the finalized design for Gurren Lagann [robot], since it was the basis for everything else in that world.

ANN: What about the original design of the Gurren Lagann was hard?

Yoshinari: Basically, in deciding what Gurren Lagann's finalized design was going to be, it chooses the level of reality that you're going to be allowing for the series. Once you decide that, you'll be subject to that design, and so finalizing Gurren Lagann's design was the hardest thing to do.

ANN: Gainax has had to deal with concerns from television stations regarding mature images and themes in previous series. For Gurren Lagann, airing at a child-friendly time slot last year, did any television stations raise similar concerns about the series?

Takeda: Well, it's not Gainax's problem — it's the television stations' problem (laughter). We had a number of problems though — in particular, episode 6, the bathhouse episode. If only the television stations would just look through the original scripts when we submitted them instead of waiting until the animation footage was made. When we actually first suggested [the episode], they said, “Oh, it shouldn't be a problem.” Yet when we completed the animation footage and showed it to them, they said, “There's no way we can show this.” The biggest issue was that peeking into the women's bath — that act alone — is illegal. Therefore, we can't show that during a child-friendly timeslot. Why couldn't they have told us that when we gave them the script before? So we had to do what we could to get it on the air. I mean, we took the script to them, we took the storyboards to them, and eventually, when we finally took the animation footage to them — only then, did they finally say that they had a problem with it.

ANN: The two-part storyline, with the multi-year gap in between, is a very special feature of the story. How early in the process did you decide to develop the story in two parts?

Takeda: It was decided from the beginning.

ANN: Gurren Lagann indirectly reminded me of another Gainax series, Otaku no Video, in that both had a two-part structure with the multi-year gap, and they both deal with themes of revolution and what to do after that revolution ends. Changing the world is easy; running the world and dealing with the consequences is hard. Was that similarity intentional, unintentional, or just a result of the similar experiences that Gainax has dealt with over the years?

Yamaga: Doing such a thing wasn't intentional in the beginning, but one of our jobs is to create a character in a world setting, and it's very difficult to depict such a thing realistically. Now to take that person, have him grow up, it creates a little reality…[pause] It's depicting human nature in that when you're a child, you want to be a grownup. Then when you're grown up, the question is: are you living in an idealized grownup world? No, there's a reality to everything, and that's part of the story that we wanted to show in the two-part series.

ANN: I understand that you're doing two movies. Is that going to reflect the same story structure?

Yamaga: The first movie will depict the first part of the story.

ANN: In a previous convention panel, it was mentioned that the first episode's introductory scene tells a slightly different story than the ending because the story changed during production. What were some of the reasons as to why the story changed from the introductory scene to the way we know it now?

Ohtsuka: That's where we thought we were going to go when we first depicted it. However, by the time we got there it had grown so much beyond the scale of what we had originally imagined it was going to be, therefore slight differences would be noticed.

ANN: I'd like to clarify a few things that were mentioned at previous convention panels: there's talk of three different projects [at Gainax] at the moment: one television project, one movie project, and one where the release hasn't been decided upon. Can you expand on these at all?

Takeda: We'd really like to, but we've given away more than we should. We've got all those things in mind and planned and then some. [Note: ANN confirmed in May that Gainax was adapting Yoshiichi Akahito's Shikabane Hime manga as a television anime series.]

Yamaga: We hope to be working on Gurren Lagann for the next decade. This work we know as Gurren Lagann will continue.

Special thanks to Toshifumi Yoshida for interpreting the interview and to Jeremy Snow for transcribing.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Film angekündigt

Moonphase Diary berichtet, dass ein Film zu Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha produziert wird.

Veröffentlichungstermin soll der Winter diesen Jahres sein. Der Film wird neue Designs beinhalten und eine Alternativerzählung des ersten Treffens von Nanoha und Fate darstellen.

Ebenfalls angekündigt wurde eine neue zweistündige Drama-CD, die drei Jahre nach Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS spielt.


Nanoha-Film: Och nööö... Ein Sequel wäre endlos geiler gewesen...

CB-Live Action: Auch Bullshit... Wieso kann man nicht einfach einen Anime nehmen, der etwas leichter zu realisieren wäre? Mit 20th Century Boys läuft das ja, You're Under Arrest auch, aber bei so überdrehten, phantastischen Sachen krieg ich die Krätze... Sailor Moon Live Action sage ich nur, wer es kennt... So irssinnig dämlich. :shakehead:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nanoha-Film: Och nööö... Ein Sequel wäre endlos geiler gewesen...

I beg to differ, good sir.

Ich will ja nicht, dass Nanoha genauso endet wie Sailor Moon. Mit den Sailorkriegern/Hauptcharakteren am Ende konnte man ja schon zwei komplette Fußballmannschaften aufstellen.

Und egal, was jetzt in der nächsten Nanoha-Season passieren würde, es würde nur noch unglaubwürdig wirken, in Anbetracht der zahlreichen mega-starken Hauptcharaktere, die wir nun haben.
Gab eine Zeit, wo ich mir ein Vivio-Sequel gewünscht hätte, aber mittlerweile bin ich anderer Meinung.
Eine Alternativ-/ oder Sidestory ist das sinnvollste, was sie animieren können.

Dein Sequel kommt ja in Form der Hörspiele.
sehe ich genauso - zumal die ersten beiden Staffeln um Welten besser waren, als die dritte Staffel (imho natürlich) ^^

Gut, das ist wieder Geschmackssache - die dritte Staffel war imo auch gut. Nur habe ich halt Befürchtungen wegen einer vierten Season.

Passend dazu:

Und Fotos der Ankündigung:




Nanohas Frisur ist... irgendwie anders, kürzer. Naja, nicht weiter schlimm, im ersten Bild sehen die Haare wie immer aus.

Nanoha vs Fate extented in Kino-Qualität? Das wird pure Ownage, kanns kaum abwarten.
Gut, das ist wieder Geschmackssache - die dritte Staffel war imo auch gut. Nur habe ich halt Befürchtungen wegen einer vierten Season.

sage ja nicht, dass die dritte Staffel schlecht war - die ersten beiden Staffeln waren imho ebend nur besser (auch von den Animationen her - aber das passiert halt, wenn man aus einer 13 Episoden Serie eine 26 Episoden Serie macht) ^^

aber mal schauen wie die Alternativgeschichte wird - hoffentlich kürzen sie die erste Staffel nicht auf Movie länge runter, ersetzen 1-2 Szenen und sagen, dass es eine "Alternativgeschichte" wäre
sage ja nicht, dass die dritte Staffel schlecht war - die ersten beiden Staffeln waren imho ebend nur besser (auch von den Animationen her - aber das passiert halt, wenn man aus einer 13 Episoden Serie eine 26 Episoden Serie macht) ^^

aber mal schauen wie die Alternativgeschichte wird - hoffentlich kürzen sie die erste Staffel nicht auf Movie länge runter, ersetzen 1-2 Szenen und sagen, dass es eine "Alternativgeschichte" wäre

Woran erinnert mich das bloß? Kann es etwas Shana sein?
falls es irgendjemanden interessiert:

japanische DVD Charts:
The sales of the top four anime DVDs were high enough to rank them in the overall DVD charts. Among all DVDs sold during the week, Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners Tsūkaku Zanryū was #1, Mobile Suit Gundam 00 volume 7 was #4, Macross Frontier volume 1 was #7, and Gintama season 2's volume 13 was #10. Macross Frontier volume 1 was also the #1 selling Blu-ray Disc release as it set a record for one-week sales. Macross Frontier volume 1 actually sold more copies on Blu-ray Disc (22,000 copies) than it did on DVD (18,000) copies — the first release to achieve that feat.

1 Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners Tsūkaku Zanryū
2 Mobile Suit Gundam 00 #7
3 Macross Frontier #1
4 Gintama Season 2 #13
5 Aria the Origination Navigation. 4
4 One Piece: Episode of Chopper + Fuyu ni Saku, Kiseki no Sakura
7 Junjou Romantica 1 Limited Edition
8 Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners Tsūkaku Zanryū (Standard Edition)
9 To Love-Ru Doki x 2 Edition Vol. 1
10 One Piece: Episode of Chopper + Fuyu ni Saku, Kiseki no Sakura Special Limited Edition
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