Aniplex began streaming the third TV spot for the Persona 4 the Golden Animation television anime on Wednesday. The commercial features narration by characters Ryōtarō Dōjima (voiced by Unshou Ishizuka) and Tōru Adachi (Mitsuaki Madono).
Adachi: I heard, Dojima! You're going to be taking care of your nephew, right?
Text: Finally, they're coming back!
Dojima: Yeah. Get along with them, OK?
Adachi: What~? Oh, but they're high school students. what kind of high school life did you have, Dojima?
Dojima: If I had to describe it in one word... It was golden.
Aniplex USA will stream the series on Aniplex Channel, Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Daisuki as it airs in Japan and describes the story:
Spring. Far from the city, time flows peacefully in this rural town.
As the cherry blossoms scatter in the wind, a young man named Yu Narukami steps off the train at Yasoinaba Station. Yu has come to this town, where his uncle lives, for family reasons; he will be transferring into the local high school, Yasogami High.
And so begins his school life...
The shopping mall after school. A series of murders taking place in town. The Midnight Channel, airing late at night...
What lies in store for Yu and his friends "this time around?"
The cast will star Daisuke Namikawa as Yū Narukami, Showtaro Morikubo as Yōsuke Hanamura, Yui Horie as Chie Satonaka, Ami Koshimizu as Yukiko Amagi, Kappei Yamaguchi as Kuma (Teddie), and Kana Hanazawa as Marie.
Before directing this new anime series, Tomohisa Taguchi worked on the opening and the important parts of specific episodes in the first Persona 4 The Animation series. The first anime's Seiji Kishi will serve as chief director of the new anime.
Shoji Meguro is returning from the game series and the first anime to compose the music of the new series alongside Tetsuya Kobayashi, a collaborator of his since Persona 3 the Movie #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream. Series script supervisor Jun Kumagai worked on the scenario of every episode of the first series. Character designer Yuu Shindou worked as a key animator on episodes of the first series.
The anime will premiere in Japan on July 10.