L11: Insane
oh ne ... sponk... du zerstörst meine träume
hab mich schon drauf gefreut...
hab mich schon drauf gefreut...
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Ich habs auf dem DS gespielt.
Es gibt meines Wissens auch keine andere Version?
Nur mal so aus Neugier, wo konntest du das Spiel schon anspielen?
Renegade Kid working on another DS title
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - Oct 31, 2007 Video game publisher Mastiff announced today that they have signed a deal with developer Renegade Kid to publish their next title for the Nintendo DS(tm). Utilizing Renegade Kids sophisticated 3D engine, the title (working title, Project M) will deliver high-quality 3D visuals, intuitive controls, real-time lighting, and dynamic audio.
Renegade Kid has proven that the DS is not just a platform for kiddie games, said Bill Swartz, Head Woof of Mastiff. With skillful use of audio and controls, the developer created a truly creepy experience in Dementium: The Ward. Weve seen enough of their latest project to know that they have much more in store.
Were thrilled to be working with Mastiff, said Jools Watsham, Owner and Creative of Renegade Kid. The company hand-picks great gaming experiences and knows how to work with developers so everyone wins.
Closing Comments
It's pretty amazing that, for a system that's been out for three years now, there have been very few first-person shooters made for it. The Nintendo DS is a prime (no pun intended) system for the genre, what with its touch screen that can easily mimic the precise movement of mouse controls. Dementium: The Ward fills that void nicely - it's appropriately gory (it is a shooter, after all) but also adds an element of mystery to the whole thing. Some design issues do get in the way a tiny bit, but not so much that you'll hate on the game and unless you've got the expectations of a PC shooter fan, it's hard to not be impressed with what Renegade Kid managed to pull off on the Nintendo DS hardware.
IGN Ratings for Dementium: The Ward (DS)
Rating out of 10
8.0 Presentation
Console-level first person shooter design that as impressive as it is fun. Addressing little design issues could have cleaned up the product, but expect to be wowed.
8.5 Graphics
Super fast, super smooth engine with some really great lighting effects. The enemy designs and their animations are a little silly, but overall this is visually "wow."
8.5 Sound
Amazing audio all the way through, but we're knocking a half-point off simply for the choice of sound effect for the bone cutter saw...I think I'm deaf.
8.0 Gameplay
The save, enemy spawning and mapping systems combine to bring down an excellent FPS shooter down a notch. Otherwise, great stuff.
6.5 Lasting Appeal
Not much in the way of replay value once you're done, but it's a solid length from start to finish.
Impressive OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
Ich weiss immer noch nicht woher ich das Spiel importieren soll, so n' Mist...![]()
Ich weiss immer noch nicht woher ich das Spiel importieren soll, so n' Mist...![]()
Grosses Dankeschön (jetzt muss ich nur noch meinen Ebay-Account wiederfinden...); apropos Pay Pal, wie wird eigentlich die Kohle dann von der Kreditkarte aberechnet? Direkt oder bekommt man dann von Pay Pal eine Rechnung?
Sorry bin da ein ziemlicher Noob...![]()
Sorry, hab's jetzt erst gesehen. Keine Ahnung. Sie entwickeln aktuell ein Wii- und noch ein DS-Spiel. Geht aus Stellenangeboten auf der Homepage hervor.Was denn :eek3:![]()
Sorry, hab's jetzt erst gesehen. Keine Ahnung. Sie entwickeln aktuell ein Wii- und noch ein DS-Spiel. Geht aus Stellenangeboten auf der Homepage hervor.