DayZ - Open World Zombie Survival Mod für Arma 2

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Im Interview hat der Big Boss nun gesagt, dass er Konsolen eigentlich hasst und nach ihm definitiv keine Konsolenversion kommen muss und wenn sie kommt, will er nicht da involviert sein^^

"Ich persönlich interessiere mich null für Konsolen. Ich habe eine Xbox 360, die ich kostenlos zu meinem TV dazu bekommen habe, und ich habe ein paar Stunden damit gespielt - aber das war einach nichts für mich. [...] Ich mag weder Konsolenspiele an sich, noch ihre Entwicklung", so Hall.

Arrival of Ivan and Martin -- Questions and answers translation
Editing regularly according to my progress
video here
Please bear in mind that my translation is very brief. Just to show you the atmosphere of their arrival.
0:25 What are your feelings right now?
Martin: Uhm, I am amazed. I haven't believed it until now. Because until now, when I'd been in Greece,.. just.... I was saying: "Anything can happen"... but, that I'm here with you now, I'm free after 4 months...
0:40 Have you ever been through something even worse?
Martin: Uhm, not at all. And I hope I won't.
0:47 What are you going to do now?
Martin: Now I really want to just acclimate and rest in particular because we haven't been sleeping much and... spend time with family...
1:00 How is it? Seeing your family after 4 months.
Martin: Incredible. You saw yourself...
1:04 What was the worst in the prison in Greece? Any worst memory?
Martin: Uhm, well the whole state of mind, right? That's the worst. You somehow have to keep your mind, common sense. So, this is it.
1:20 And how did they behave towards you?
Martin: No problems...
1:24 Will you ever take a picture of something again?
Martin: Well... If I'll do, it won't be in Greece.
1:30 And can you describe what were you shooting there? What was the problem?
Martin: Well... We... were just... taking normal pictures
1:43 Have you seen your girlfriend already?
Martin: She's standing right there :).
1:48 "I didn't understand the whole question (mumbling), but according to the answer it was something like this:" And what helped you the most to keep your spirit? It was relatively long.
Martin: Well. Of course we were heavily supported by our families and even community (that should be us guys). Huge energy came through letters and phone calls so people outside were really important for us.
2:10 And are you able to tell now already, that it gave you something good? Some experience? If it's even possible.
Martin: Of course, you have to take only the good from it and now I'll value my freedom even more because of it and the small things that .... mumble mumble mumble :(....
2:27 What is your today's evening going to be like?
Martin: Probably very peaceful. We had to go to sleep around 22:00 you know so I'm used to that biorhytm so... it'll probably go like this today.
2:40 When would you like to return to work?
Martin: ... I don't know... In a week, in a month... It's hard to say. I'm really exhausted at the moment, so...
2:56 What do you know about the progress of the investigation? What's next?
Martin: I currently have no overview. At the moment... I don't kn...
camera switches to Ivan
lots of mumbling
3:24 Ivan: ..... of course the family was really sensitive about it...
another mumbling
3:35 What are your next steps? What will you do right now and where are you going to go after the greetings with your family?
Ivan: Well, now I'll go to Moravia (-best place in the world-) to see my wife, my daughter and....
fuck those people talking again
I can't rebuild his sentences. Ivan is talking about meeting family/friends and about returning to the normal life.
4:08 You are expecting a baby on the 14th. Did you believe that you'll return back in time?
Ivan: In the end, we accepted that it doesn't have to end up well... We were trying to not fall into false hopes because it is, of course, much easier then... I'm really happy I made it in time....
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Entwickler Dean Hall hat den Namen anfangs gehasst

Wäre es in der Vergangenheit etwas anders gelaufen, hätte der Zombie-Survival-Shooter DayZ jetzt wohl einen anderen Namen gehabt. Das geht zumindest aus den Aussagen des Entwickler Dean »Rocket« Hall bei hervor.

Er habe dem Namen DayZ zunächst eine große Abneigung gegenüber habt, ihn sogar regelrecht gehasst. Allerdings nannte er keine konkrete Gründe, warum dem so war. Letztendlich hätten sein Team und er sich dann aber doch umstimmen lassen. Das habe vor allem daran gelegen, dass sie das Logo ziemlich cool fanden.

Des Weiteren erklärte Hall, dass er selbst keinerlei Markenrechte an DayZ besitzen würde. Diese lägen in den Händen des Entwicklerstudios Bohemia Interactive. Allerdings habe er einen sehr detaillierten und umfangreichen Vertrag mit Bohemia abgeschlossen, um sich und seine Arbeit möglichst gut abzusichern. So habe er unter anderem die Entscheidungsgewalt hinsichtlich der Entwicklung des Spiels, den Umgang mit den Mitarbeitern sowie die Interaktion mit der Community.

Schlussendlich sei er sehr zufrieden mit der aktuellen vertraglichen Situation. Während er sich um die reine Entwicklung und die Inhalte von DayZ kümmern könne, beschäftige sich Bohemia Interactive mit den geschäftlichen und rechtlichen Aspekten.

Einen konkreten Release-Termin für die Standalone-Version von DayZ ließ sich Hall allerdings noch immer nicht entlocken.











This is the first update when I have sat down and thought “where do I start?” There has been so much going on with the development this month that it is hard to fit it all in a post here. Through the month we have steadily moved from working on our architectural changes, through to preparing for our first public test. The risks and gambles we took last year, are now beginning to pay serious dividends for us.

I’ll be covering the following in this update:

  • Lighting and material improvements
  • Volumetric Cloud system
  • New Server Architecture
  • Clothing/Inventory status
  • Closed Test Status
  • Art/World updates
  • Customizing your character
  • Customizing your weapon

Lighting and material improvements

One of our Lead Artists, Mario Kurty, has been working with some of the ArmA3 artists to ensure that DayZ Standalone has the best visuals possible. The result is pretty striking when combined with some of the other improvements we have made in the engine. These improvements make the world really come to life, improving the visuals overall. A comparison screenshot is included and demonstrates the effect of this.

Volumetric Cloud system

This has now been fully configured for use within DayZ, used to great effect in Bohemia’s previous product Take on Helicopters (and coming in ArmA3 also). There are several pictures of this included in the screenshots for this blog update. Running around the world taking pictures, it was hard to resist really. It adds a real sense of realism when compared with the previous result.

New Server Architecture

Our lead programmer, Ondřej Španěl, continues his work on redeveloping our server architecture. Contrary to some who say DayZ will be releasing with no anti-hack mechanisms, one of the key things we are doing with development is entirely redeveloping how the engine works. I can’t stress enough just how fundamental this change is. DayZ’s game servers will function like servers in other MMO style games, that is the server will control the behavior and the sending of updates. No longer will your machine receive all the updates allowing their analysis by various cheats.

We are exploring spawning all zombies and loot at the start of server initialization, again a huge departure from the previous mechanism. This solves many design and technical issues with the spawning and respawning of equipment, such as being able to metagame by telling whether players are in a village by seeing zombie’s have spawned.

Clothing/Inventory status

This has now been completed to a basic level, you can put on and drop various items of clothing. These items can have diseases on them, and they have durability and other attributes. We need to make some models that represent the clothes when they are on the ground (currently they look as they are when on the ground!) Once this is done, we will be releasing some video outlining what it looks like to change your clothes.

Closed Test Status

We have begun our internal closed testing (yes!) and have been working with Valve to ensure our new server browser system is working (we utilize Steam for this purpose rather than Gamespy as for ArmA2). The Server/Client architecture needs to be fully implemented before we will begin our public testing.

We have not initiated our closed test that includes external people yet (such as streamers).

Art/World updates

A huge quantity of changes are flowing into the world. New areas, a mass of new objects (such as wrecked vehicles, buses, etc…) that are all designed with DayZ in mind - such as having good areas for loot to spawn. It is really impossible to list all the changes here, from bug fixing to redesigning of buildings such as the general store, and onto entirely new buildings and areas. One of our texture artists has been going through existing work and making them look more damaged and used.

Customizing your Character

The design has now really ramped up. This is really the entire focus of our efforts for the next few months, prior to starting on vehicle customization and finally on base building at the end of the year. The obvious starting point for us is to allow players to select the gender and race of their character. Beyond this, allowing ways for your character to become your own are key for us; from getting tattoo’s to finding unique clothing items, trying to deal with your own health aliments, etc…

This is an area of very active development, we’re exploring all sorts of ways to make your character change in the world as you play. When you first create your character, the options will be simple. As you go along in the world, your character will change as a result of their interactions with the environment and the decisions you make, through items such as clothing choices.

Social aspects are extremely important to us, and we’ve taken a number of idea’s and participated in the discussions on reddit and the forums about what we can do in this area. Expect more on these area’s in the next tumblr update. We want to support the organic development and operation of groups within the game, through the development of their own symbology in game (tattoo’s, markings on the world, on weapons, etc…). We feel that these redeveloped social experiences told through the game will be a compelling part of the standalone.

Customizing your weapon

Weapon attachments are a great bi-product of our entire redesign of every aspect of the inventory system. Nothing is available to show on this yet, currently the only attachment we have fully configured in the game is the magazine. You must load the magazine with ammunition and then it is considered an attachment to the weapon. The quantity and condition of your magazines will be particularly important in the standalone. Look after them!

When is it releasing?

We don’t know. We’re going to take our time. I feel fantastic about the situation, more than ever I feel like we’re doing something really interesting with this development. Now is not the time to rush things, but we do need to ensure our pace is kept up. Our development blog and getting players in and testing as soon as possible will be key in ensuring we succeed in making this a great game.

Concluding words

At no point in development, have I been as excited as I am right now. The risks we took with the direction have paid off. The engine and approach of the game is now entirely DayZ’s own, it is striking out into it’s own territory as a project. This is very exciting for all the team.

I do need to caution though, it is a bad idea to overhype the project. We know that there are many challenges that we will face from deciding to effectively write a new engine tailored to DayZ. But we are now entirely confident, that this decision will prove to have been the best decision we could make. Now we will be able to make the game that we’ve all always wanted.
Einzelspieler-Modus ist wahrscheinlich

Es ist durchaus wahrscheinlich, dass die Standalone-Version von DayZ einen Einzelspieler-Modus bekommen wird, dies erzählte Dean Hall im Reddit-Forum. Er selbst wird zwar nicht an der Entwicklung beteiligt sein, geht aber fest davon aus, dass ein Singleplayer-Modus kommen wird.

Dean Hall: "Ich denke schon, dass es so etwas geben wird, aber ich werde es wahrscheinlich nicht selbst machen bzw. nicht ausschlaggebend daran beteiligt sein. Ich finde es nicht herausfordernd an Einzelspieler-Titeln zu arbeiten. Multiplayer-Spiele sind der heilige Gral und sie haben bislang nicht annähernd so viel Aufmerksamkeit von den großen Publishern erhalten, wie sie es sollten, weil sie ein Risiko darstellen und schwierig 'richtig' zu machen sind. Abgesehen davon gibt es schon ziemlich viele gute (kooperative) Einzelspieler-Zombie-Spiele. Aber ja, ich denke, dass DayZ eine Einzelspieler-Variante bekommen wird, womöglich als Update oder DLC."

Richtig guter After DayZ Film^^

Wie gut das ich Russisch spreche und die Dialoge verstehe :yeah2:
War ansonsten ganz gut aber die hätten es mehr wie das spiel machen sollen, z.b. schleppt der nicht einen kanister sondern 2 reifen und nen motorblock :v:
oder das die sich anschleichen und er ausversehen "V" drückt, wer das spiel gespielt hat weiß was ich meine :v:

ach und Dat Christmas Beaner :rofl3:

Erstes Video aus der Standalone:


edit: Hab Take on Helicopters nicht gezockt, aber ich hoffe wirklich, dass die Engine stark optimiert wurde und es kein Trashtalk war.
Das Movement ist in Ordnung, ich will nur gerne mal wissen, wie sich die Zombies verhalten. Macht aber jetzt schon ein recht guten Eindruck.
Ich hoffe nur, dass sie auf Dauer mehr Karten bringen, als nur Chernarus^^
Ich hoffe eher das alle Areale so schön designed aussehen wie die eine.

Mehr Karten.. weiß nich, ist die Karte nicht sooo riesig das man eh kaum alles sehen kann?
Mit der Zeit.. vielleicht alle paar Jahre mal ne neue Karte oder einmal im Jahr, aber am Anfang würde ich das nicht erwarten.
Ist wohl enormer Aufwand und eher sollten sie sich bemühen die erste Karte so detailliert wie möglich zu gestalten.

Das eine Areal was sie gezeigt haben mit dem Steg und den Teichen/Sümpfen sah echt super aus.. wenn die wirklich schaffen die ganze Karte mit so einzigartigen Orten zu versehen würd ichs mir wohl doch kaufen.

Vorausgesetzt das Interface und die Steuerung ist wirklich gut. Nochmal hab ich kein Bock auf so nen krampf wie beim Mod.

Außerdem hoffe ich inständig das sie die Negative Mausbeschleunigung rausnehmen.. :shakehead:
Ich hoffe eher das alle Areale so schön designed aussehen wie die eine.

Mehr Karten.. weiß nich, ist die Karte nicht sooo riesig das man eh kaum alles sehen kann?
Mit der Zeit.. vielleicht alle paar Jahre mal ne neue Karte oder einmal im Jahr, aber am Anfang würde ich das nicht erwarten.
Ist wohl enormer Aufwand und eher sollten sie sich bemühen die erste Karte so detailliert wie möglich zu gestalten.

Das eine Areal was sie gezeigt haben mit dem Steg und den Teichen/Sümpfen sah echt super aus.. wenn die wirklich schaffen die ganze Karte mit so einzigartigen Orten zu versehen würd ichs mir wohl doch kaufen.

Vorausgesetzt das Interface und die Steuerung ist wirklich gut. Nochmal hab ich kein Bock auf so nen krampf wie beim Mod.

Außerdem hoffe ich inständig das sie die Negative Mausbeschleunigung rausnehmen.. :shakehead:

Es ist dieselbe Map wie bei Arma 2, also Chernarus nur ein wenig überarbeitet :-)
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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